Look, this is just a blog.  I write with little regard for proper technique, or rules of grammar... i'm basically an untrained novice writer who started blogging as a form of therapy once the covid-era began, and my livelihood changed forever... i split up this web-site to have a section geared toward my political opinions and complaints, and another one for my philosophical and religious opinions, but this page is just the blog part... with that said--I write for my own mental-health, as history for my family, and for anyone else that cares to read... i like to consume information, process it for a bit, and regurgitate while connecting some useful patterns... and, i complain a lot, too... the Reader should understand that i'm a world-class complainer... respectfully yours, chris.

 April 2024
04-28-24:  yesterday was pretty full, but not very stressful, saw lot's of old friends/faces, and didn't get home until almost bed-time without melting down like an exhausted child... nice day.  We gathered to remember the life of Kenny, and celebrate his graduation to whatever waits us next, there were a few tears and brief moments of emotional-grieving, but most folks there knew that Ken is in good hands, and that his widow is too... lot's of old faces and friends.  The keynote speakers did good jobs reading their eulogies/memories... one son, and one grand-son... good job fellas, Pops is so proud of you both for a million other reasons, but you gave him two more yesterday... good on you guys, good on you.  Maryann seemed well too, she wasn't over-come by her loss, but pretty sober and present... i'm assuming that she's got to be thankful that Ken's suffering is over... Jerry seems good despite his neural challenges, he seems at peace, getting the results back from a zillion tests to explain some symptoms has to be relieving to the soul... it's far easier to come to grips with reality when you understand how things work, and why they don't sometimes... understanding reality is balm for the mind and soul, but the unknown leaves many unsettling unanswered questions... sometimes bliss is nice, other times it's a bit hellish... enjoy your sabbath, seems like mine was yesterday... cheers  --  ct
04-23-24:  this part sucks, but it's also a great opportunity... the part where i need to finish my draft enough to hand it over to the editors and the review team... i didn't do but 2/3 of a semester in college, but i think it's like the day before you turn in your final... you're confident in the content, and factual-basis for your essay, and pretty sure that you presented your points clearly and concisely, and that it's sooo good that the grading professor will be left speechless for hours, and their lives changed for the better from that moment on... that's the part where Dunning and Kruger are kicking the sh1t out of me... they be like 'sure there lil' fella, you just submit that prolific-paper of yours, and maybe we take a nice deep fresh breath of clean air -- in through the nose, and out from the mouth -- that way we know you won't be holding your breath very long expecting an A-fvcking-plus', as one of them takes me under his wing, and gives me a lemonade to slurp on... but, that's not really me... I know there are a few parts that i really need to re-work, and that's the order of the day... my confidence is pretty shaky with some of it, i'm not an academic sort of guy, so the inner-narrative is much like 'why write stuff that other folks have already written better, more concisely, more thoroughly, and with far greater insight???' Probably because i can, and i have to get pressing issues out of my head or they bother me too long... part of me thinks everyone has the capacity to teach something to other folks, I am a father that actively engaged in my children's upbringing and mentorship, so the teaching isn't a formally-taught skill, it's something that i had to learn after being thrown in the fire -- so to speak -- with family, and doing some training as part of a couple of my jobs... i mostly hated school, so it's quite odd that i'd be trying to teach at all, maybe it's some form of meta-physical punishment and humor, for all the hard times i gave my educators, and their bosses... an then there is also this sort of Jonah-complex which is simply a form of denial and avoidance... i'm a guy that many former mentors notice some of my potential, and did things like assume, expect, prophecy that i'd me a church leader/minister/pastor, one even said 'an apostle of Love', that was pretty groovy proclamation... and recently, when God seemed to be 'activating me' (sorry for crude words/description), part of me felt much like a fool running from God, but maybe screaming something far less biblical, probably something like 'fvck that, people are fvcking crazy... how is it that the most unconventional guy that i know (me) would be able to teach anyone anything about things which are 'unseen'!!! that country song that goes 'God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy' has been my motto for years... my Jonah-complex is probably something like that... believe it or not, Joe Rogan has been helping me through his ministry (his podcast is literally a modern-day ministry whether anyone recognizes that or not)... Joe encourages people to do difficult things (exercise), to do things that are uncomfortable... there is a confidence that comes with being sensitive to God's spirit, but what to do with the knowledge is the scary-part, especially coming from a weird guy like me... sometimes i can articulate myself really well, other times i get anxious and over-whelmed... i feel something between the running prophet, and the crying prophet, mixed in with a 'swearing prophet', that doesn't seem to fly with the Christian-church, so i might seek credentials else-where, and might even take-up comedy to be able to explain reality to different folks who aren't really interested in church... the first church that i attended as a brand-new Christian was a bit over-the-top on the spiritual stuff, but not so great in training up new leaders... that's one of the problems of today's church as well... noticing someone's potential, but not doing sh1t about it... i couldn't be anymore clear example of a future church-leader that's not being encouraged or mentored by current leadership, they are too busy doing their own 'ministry' that future leaders have to go elsewhere to learn/train, or earn any labels/credentials... the problem with the current church is that they are too short-sighted, and assuming/delegating/forfeiting the training and mentoring of their new peers, or for their replacements... church leaders aren't thinking with sustainability in mind, they forget that it's their job to train-up their replacements (sustainability), but instead are desperately trying to motivate the 80-percent of the congregation that desires to be spoon-fed each sunday, which has presented the leaders with every opportunity to inherit the frustration that comes from putting too much eggs in one aspect of ministry... they don't know what they don't know, and their blind-spots are coming to light... Joe Rogan is helping me more with leadership preparation than any church-leader to date, and Rogan isn't speaking to me at all, he just preaches truth from his pod-casting pulpit... churchy-folks seem to be capable of understanding reality through a narrow-vale/filter, through the vocabulary endorsed by old king james himself... i think i just have to keep doing ministry as it presents in small little ways, and assume that this current church is nice and all, but probably not for me for the long-term, they don't know how to help me grow into a church-leader, they are more interested in me cleaning-up and helping organize some things, and doing chores that leaders won't do themselves, while asking and expecting me to support their unsustainable cycle of trying to meet their own needs and satisfy their own expectations... i think that's part of the problem with the church as a whole... their creativity is trapped/limited behind a filter of old king james dogma, routines, vocabulary... the new church in Newton is pretty good, they mostly preach the right messages, but they don't know what they don't know either... they aren't prepared for revival because they aren't actively training new leaders to help with more people, and are stuck in the mindset that they have to spoon-feed people who aren't being active-participants in spiritual growth and service, they are supposed to be training everyone to be leaders and ministers themselves, but aren't doing leadership and ministry preparation... there isn't enough education being presented other than sunday-lectures, no lab work, besides the exhortations to read through the bible in a year, and read the newsletters, and to support things other people are doing or are the church's current priorities... the new church is pretty good, they preach mostly the right messages, but their current priorities have become blind-spots, and many of the leaders are too spent to really sow into people's future, they are more concentrated on the production quality of their priorities, and pre-cognative participants of reality... the church is a fine example of the manic life-style that people are used to operating in, too busy to do anything really well, which is what happens when your leaders are busy with other other priorities and goals and desires... i like the new church, but i don't know close i'm willing to get to them, they don't seem like they have a sustainable model, and i hate seeing churches implode, but that might be what happens until they calibrate priorities, and are determined to do things well, not just keep doing the same things over expecting different results... i don't want to be part of another church implosion, hopefully i'll have moved on by the time that happens, because i really want to see them succeed instead of implode, but churches fail, it's just how it is... they forfeited so many responsibilities that they aren't capable of seeing their blind-spot, and will keep getting over-whelmed due to narrow-perspectives which don't offer full-spectrum sustainability... their revival is going to come with heart-break too, because they aren't ready for it... it's kind of a bummer
04-17-24:  this web-site editor thingy still sucks, it's like trying to boot up windows95 -- every time you launch/save/edit a page -- grrr... it's supposed to be night-time, but i'm awake instead... grrr... in bed by nine:something, and awake by two:something... the owner's manual doesn't say anything about this oddity, but i'm pretty sure it's not good/healthy... i had one good night without the ambien, the next night wasn't quite as good, and then a few so-so night's with the ambien, and then this rather shitty-night without the Rx... 3:am isn't a good time to take an ambien, but maybe the CBD-chews will be helpful, time will tell...
 ... had a decent call with the publishing lady yesterday, i've got some work to do over the next couple-a-few days, she'll get the manuscript for friday, after i make some more changes and stuff... can't wait to see what the pros can do with my novice-work, a few decent editors ought to be able to make it speak to more people, and bring clarity to some of my blind-spots...
 ... Dawn's feedback for the manuscript was good, she brought something up that's symptomatic of a huge lack of confidence on my part, she didn't present it that way, but she was observant/spot-on, so i'll clean a few more parts up... i wouldn't know about the DBT-therapy, so i appreciate the nudge to research that a bit more, and possibly incorporate it somehow which seems appropriate, given the quick 101-primer nature of the essay/book...
 ... i didn't really look at it this way--probably because i'm still thinking 'small'--but, having a few books published is probably a good resume... one of them is actually going to be my resume, but with a comedic spin... but with the T&P disability, i've been limiting myself as someone who is incapable of future success (however 'success' may be defined), so maybe i start looking at writing-projects as potential opportunities, and maybe that's a bit more healthy out-look... but the odd-thing is that i do it to get stuff off my chest, and to help teach, profit would be some happen-stance by-product something-or-other...
 ... i did a bit of physical work the last couple of days, nothing that my forty-something year old body would have disapproved of, but enough to kick my ass at fifty-something... i'm still capable of doing some pretty physical things, but i don't get more than two days of physical-work in a week... if the two days weren't too far past my current limits then maybe a third day mixed in the week... yeah... writing is my best chance at really contributing to society, the church seems weird about it's requirements for 'pastorship', so that's probably a dead-end, and my gimpy body can only give so much these days... so writing it is, writing and trying to serve in other capacities... i think i can be effective to help a much greater population without some of the pastoral-expectations, yet the pastoral-credential seems almost necessary if i'm going to exercise some of my gifts... i'll let God sort that stuff out in time, but i'm now that i have more insight and motivation i'm not going to let the church slow me down from ministering... that may sound a bit arrogant, but God did something special in me about a couple of months ago, the best term i can use to describe it is 'i was activated' in some sense, hence the new motivation... and since then i've been some new crazy-level of observation/computation/analytical mind-set, but also motivated to do something about the needs that i see, not overwhelmed by them... not just a receiver of God, but a regurgitater/giver--again... so might as well use it while i have it...
 ... i'm considering an accelerated doctorate-program just to earn some credentials, i have some intellectual gifts, maybe they need to be exercised... i dunno... but i'm still not sure if that's me still looking for validation, or me still thinking that's what i have to do to be some form of minister, or me still forgetting that God can still use me in whatever capacity that He so chooses no matter what credentials i have or don't have, and me forgetting that everyone has different paths on our way to self-actualizing, and that 'the church' may not be my ministry or mission... i'm more comfortable with transparent people that swear, crack off-color jokes, and are plenty rough around the edges... most churchy-folks only like to be around nice and kind and pleasant people, i like those types of folks too, but i didn't grow-up in an insulated commune, i was brought-up in a part of reality where i was surrounded by tons of ass-holes, low-IQ, and crazy people... like i said, i'd rather spend time with folks that are rough around the edges, rather than inauthentic people who take themselves and their image too seriously, and forget that they are rough around the edges themselves, even though they may act more civilized do to competitive-nature and the company they choose to keep... in many respects the church seems far too inauthentic for me to pursue as a some formal minister, if you aren't assimilated as a near-perfect person or family within society you don't get the time of day, and aren't trusted/welcomed/embraced... i hate to say it, but comedy might be a better pursuit for me, rather than Dunning-Kruger inflicted stuffed-shirts that fill most churches... and the folks who feel as though the churches feel inauthentic, it's because most churches subscribe to formulas/routines/systems that they don't know how to free themselves from, so they have to perform acts to keep themselves within their formula... i'm way too hippie for modern church, and i'll even let an f-bomb fly here and there, so i don't know why i even consider 'pastoral' formality to minister, it seems quite silly actually, maybe too formal to really be authentic...
 ... the 'spiritual-gifts' sort of personality-test that i've taken (a few different times over the decades actually) says that i'm a leader, prophet, and apostle... but i'm the guy pushing brooms, greeting people, pulling security and helping folks that seem like they need help... i dunno if i have to be an official 'anything' to just be authentic, and 'minister' to whatever 'mission-field' that i'm exposed to... if you look at my Myers-Briggs dictated 'personality type' INTJ then you see the overlap with the spiritual-gift labels... observant, smart, big-picture and judgey sort of person/personality/giftings etc... i like to be light-hearted/funny, so maybe comedy is actually a better platform for credentials, i was challenged more than once to try comedy, and i'm getting bold and healthy enough that i may finally pursue it a bit...
 ... wow, this was a good productive 'middle of the night' therapy session here, some insecurities surfaced, some things to pray about surfaced, some action items surfaced... yeah man, good stuff... i'm going back to bed... i used to try to go to work after nights like this, i'd have two to three nights like this per week, and still try to perform the next day for some psycho-driven employer... this is sort of a glimpse at what chronic insomnia is like, you either can't fall asleep, or restless and wake up often, or wake up and can't fall back asleep until just before the alarm sounds-off... and it really effects mood, punctuality, cognition, performance, and probably over-all health too... i don't do well with other people's schedules/demands on a regular basis, but the pace of my life is going about perfect, the few things/challenges/demands that i take on i can do pretty well, and at my timing and within my capabilities given my frustrating physical and cognitive limitations... yeah man... writing-therapy/journaling 101 right here in this post... cheers. -- ct
04-15-24:  yesterday's date was cool, today's is boring (unless it's ur birthday or sumthin)... 
 ... trying to figure out how to fit in a bunch of weird tasks that i'm not used to doing... time-management seems like a fool's errand when you are doing something completely new/foreign, so there's half the battle... 
 ... last week was somewhat disappointing, mostly due to unresponsive people/communication -- i know, everyone is busy... fools are mostly busy, keeping their body's as active as their manic ADD minds dictate... and 'new people' aren't given attention or priority, and so we stay stuck in our routines... as discouraging as that may sound/seem, i'm used to it... it's easier to be more chill, and have time to analyze/compute/process/think-through issues when we aren't manically-stressed/overworked, when we operate at a manageable pace/rate, when we don't have too many open/unanswered questions, and try to stay healthy in H3-pillars... this week i have no one that i'm dependent on to satisfy my schedule/time/priorities... this week will be full of learning new things, understanding new concepts, and becoming a bit more self-sufficient; and less concerned with manic folks who are lost in their hamster-wheel routines and self-importance... yee-fvcking-hah.  --  ct
 04-12-24: so the theory is that i don't process fear very well, so the fear turns to anger... something like that... so what am i fearful of... probably something like: failing my own expectations under the false-pretense of perfection... not just letting others down, but letting myself down... sometimes i bring a helluv an A-game, but i don't operate at my potential but maybe 20-25 percent of the time (and i'm probably offering myself too much liberty)... so maybe she's right... fear of missing/improperly discerning a threat from a missed opportunity to be a blessing--potential lost... maybe some fear that my kids won't mature to a level of self-sufficiency which doesn't require dependence on us, or specialists, or helpful mates, or the same God that's beginning to get through to me... so maybe a fear that i'll die before i pass on all of the knowledge and wisdom that i've acquired--much of it earned/learned 'the hard way'... or forgetting that i'm not God, and can't be the true-master of my environment... what else... what other fears do guys like me struggle with, probably much more...

 ... wait, so then maybe it goes something like this... things which trigger fight/freeze/flight responses aren't always perceived/interpreted/discerned correctly... maybe it's like low-level operating/functioning to where we are under the delusion of our own Dunning-Kruger paradox... so maybe it's like I freeze too long to comprehend whether i need to really fight, or whether an issue is that of an ant vs. mole-hill magnitude...

 ... so maybe i just should have asked her to expand a bit more on that theory when she brought it up, instead of thinking more about it now... but such us life, when we don't operate at the pace of reality, when we don't function--or, can't concentrate long enough to fully engage in important conversation... so... this post is just a reminder for me to ask Kathleen a bit more on her statement/theory... or... this post will trigger me to research the theory instead of pondering/speculating and rubbing the remaining brain cells together with enough friction to warrant an emergency evacuation for the northeast... i got a bunch out of the conversation with the CBTI psychologist addressing the chronic insomnia, yet this foreign-theory leaves it feeling like some missed opportunity... or, maybe something like God's revealing truth to me at the unfortunately slow-rate that i'm capable of processing/understanding... probably something like that... such is life...

 ... anyways... i did a take-home sleep-apnea do-hicky thing last-night (results in a couple of weeks), and then had the video-call with the insomnia-specialist today (sorry, but i'm going to call her Kathy), and then triggered another call from another VA-provided psych/therapist type of guy (Adam) that's got me enrolled in a 6 - 8 week video-course-thinga ma-hoosie (sleep-EZ)... how can i be fifty-something years old, and not know how to sleep yet... seems like me learning something at an unfortunately slow and painful pace... sometimes i'm the smartest guy in the room, and most times i'm the village-idiot... such is life, and that's what resolving our own Dunning-Kruger paradox is all about, understanding what we really know from what we assume... something like that. -- ct
04-09-24:  lot's of last-minute plan-changing lately, i don't love that, but learning to deal with faulty expectations -- again... the back is sore, the hips are sore, the shoulder is sore; those things on top of the sloppy-assumptions can make for a miserable scenario, so far i'm winning that mini-battle, but tomorrow is another day... this web-site hosting thingy is really shitty lately, enough so that i'm not writing much -- plenty f thinking, not too much writing.  --  ct
04-07-24:  this summer is starting to get full of plans and things, probably another surgery to boot... looks like more changes are a coming.  formatting a manuscript is a pain in me arse, but it's a good exercise... the only aspects of publishing that i've been involved with is re-stocking the 'picking shelves' from CBD when normal people were sleeping (stupid-fvcking third-shift), and then de-constructing already published works, stripping out the text for old EBSCO, and their full-text dept, while learning a bunch of pre-press stuff from a cool guy named Andrew Lindsey... most of which i seemed to have long forgotten... until i started reading the steps and processes and terminology yesterday.  Salem Press wants the authors to do as much of our own work in the full process as possible, so i'm learning all over again, and it's a great exercise for future endeavors... the only shitty thing is that i can't pick my own font and size, and a bunch of the formatting things that i'm accustomed to.  My buddy/brother Steve once told me that i'd do well to take a class on composition to catch up on some of my weaknesses... well, i'm fixin to learn it the hard-way (as usual), without formal hand-holding/mentoring/teaching 'learning as i go' is usually how i grow... got to read a few very-incomplete manuals, and see what the pro-editors can do with my project.  Looking the manuscript over again, i can see a bunch of things that i can probably do better, some narrative that i can probably scrub, etc.
 04-04-24:  made a commitment to a publisher today... it's a pretty weird experience, certainly not one that i ever considered for the first 50-something years of my life... a new 'chapter' has begun... sorry, i had to sneak a pun in there.  Prayers are always appreciated :-)   --  ct
04-02-24:  maaan, this web-hosting service i use really sucks lately... maybe the developer who runs it from his mother's basement finally met a girl, maybe something like that... no matter, i'll find a new provider if it gets much worse, that's why i write on multiple platforms, as a back-up... --  ct

04-02-24 later:  looks like the pimply-faced person in charge of kicking the server every hour or two (the service that this website is hosted on) is still out to lunch, chasing a skirt, or busy stuffing their face with corn-chips and shitty beer... or maybe the solar-eclipse EMT'd a critical piece of infrastructure... or, maybe more interference of censors... who knows, time will tell... get your act together peoples... daddy's about ready to move.  --  ct
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