07-20-23:  I'll add to this over time, i've read a bunch of things from different sources recently, and need to pull them together, but something that i read recently did a good job explaining the philosophy of destroying something, or allowing something to be destroyed, as an excuse to re-build, lot's of opportunists find ways to make money during periods of building/construction... i think the way it works is that wars benefit the military industrial complex, they use-up old weapons/tools, destroy a pre-defined geography so it can be re-built, and the military contractors make money when they create new weapons/tools (more building), so modern wars just need a trigger/incitement/disaster/dictator to start a money-making/laundering cycle where folks from every tax-bracket you could imagine (except poor folks) profit from that cycle... this happens at a global level... and poor folks are generally the disposable victims, they are in the war-zones, they are the one's who actually pull loved-ones from the rubble... anyhow, i need to read a few more things so i can give certain sources their due credit, and i haven't researched enough to cover any of this in adequate detail/depth...
 ... but this is essentially the business model of networked psychotic business folks, some are at the top of the pyramid, but the network has many levels of folks doing different things, they get different positions in different parts of the organization, and they have infiltrators/agents/assets in many different competitor's organizations (i think i read a combination of C. Langan, R. Malone, J. Leake and some other sources), Langan is in process of releasing his latest book, and i want to be sensitive to what i write and when i write it, but i think he's covered most of what i wrote above on social media over the last few years, and the other folks mentioned above have also written about the cycle mentioned above...
 ... i was enlisted military shortly after high school, and i didn't think they could ever possibly do anything wrong, and i also know some folks that are currently in the military, if any of you folks read this i don't know what to tell you, i appreciate your efforts and serving a bigger cause, but your chain of command probably won't appreciate the following comments/opinion, some of your decent and intelligent brothers and sisters in arms probably understand this though... but i really don't like the deep-state opportunistic war-machine as a business or ethics model... the nasty bio-weapons, herbicides, and other things that ruin the soil for generations of targets for various degrees of genocide, i really don't like some of the weapons, and i don't like opportunists ready to create new wars to start the financial boom for the top families/cults/investors, and the trickle-down effect of other opportunists... i don't like those things at all... i use the terms 'the network' interchangeably with 'deep state', or 'political whores', they are vague terms for shameless opportunists that contribute to the tax-payer laundering machine, many of them are hiding in plain sight, networked influencers that pretend they are doing the world a ton of good, when they are simple whores/cult-members/useful-idiots... most of these networked opportunists showed their connections and roles during the covid-era, many folks have known what i've written above for decades, but covid-era was like lights shining on the roaches, they showed their hands post-2016 election, and were emboldened after the bio-weapon was released upon the world, they exploited the shit out of a man-made and premeditated attack against humanity, dr. faucci did his best to try to cover their tracks, but he's well past his prime, and doesn't act as well as he thinks he does, creepy little shit-head...
 ... i had a hard time making the 'reconstruction/rebuilding' dots for a couple of years, it was recently articulated in a way that i understand it better, but when folks (like me) speak critical of government's words/actions/policy it doesn't mean that they/we hate their government or state/country or are some anti-government, or anti-America -- fvck the folks who spew such things as a projection of their own deviancy and lust for power and control -- rather, it means that they/we discern that some very bad-actors/whores/cultists/networked evil-doers have compromised various departments/levels of government to the degree that they are causing more harm to our country than good... B. Malone is working on a series he calls green-colonialism, part-one was good... current colonialism has taken on many forms, so i'm looking forward to reading Dr Bob's full series, and really looking forward to C. Langan's full book, you'll find some bread-crumbs of it here... his current books/papers aren't super-heady in regards to technical vocabulary, so i'll probably be able to write a review of it in the future... and then H. Koehli does a good job detailing his opinions and interpretation of A. Lobaczewski, which delve into the reality of dark-triads running society, some of the psychology behind the actions/behaviors of control-a-holics (sorry, my made-up word)... and J. Leake wrote a couple of good posts on the substack that he shares with P. McCullough...so i've been pondering a mush of their writings along with some other things/sources that i'm forgetting at the moment...
... this post i did on the ninth must have been when i started to understand some of this:

 07-09-23: here's a thought that bounced around my noggin while i should have been sleeping last night... did Trump actually disrupt a planned war that globalists were hedging on between Russia and Ukraine between 2016 - 2020... i don't doubt that Trump might some how be connected to one or both of those nations (seems like all insiders/investors are/were), but it also seemed like he interfered/disrupted some of the Washington industrial complex's plans, and i think that's what a bunch of his supporters/voters expected from him, to put America and it's Citizens first over the ambitions of career politicians who are heavily invested in 'business as usual'... but, after resident brandon made that weird statement about it's OK for Russia to smack Ukraine around a little bit, but not to give them a complete nature-wedgey/beat-down, that contributed to my bull-shit antenna pinging many of brandon's WTF statements... so... that sort of brings me back to my question of another USG conspiracy (motivation for despicable actions)... did Trump fvck-up plans that NATO and it's financial beneficiaries were counting on? But, unlike JFK's bay-of-pigs situation, the intelligence community didn't eliminate their perceived threat/obstacle, they just mounted a huuuge intelligence/psychological war against president-45 and his supporters? Are they sore over Trump because he called them out on some silly plans... if you want to actually research the matter you have to start by looking at the folks who would 'benefit' from another foreign war, as well as how the Clintons would have benefited from it (remember, Hillary was supposed to be the easy win at the time, the enabler-in-cheif)... besides their full-on support for the WEF and YGL agendas how would the Clintons have benefited from a Russia/Ukraine war... i know, i know, don't go poking the Clinton hornet's nest otherwise you disappear or are found hanging from a sour-apple tree (those things don't actually scare/bother me so much)... anyways, did Trump present a set-back for certain world-manipulators like G. Soros, and the defense contractors (or investors like black-rock) who stood to benefit from such a war, is that why they mounted their own war against Trump? who knows... i'll tell you this much, Trump doesn't get my primary vote until he explains how he thinks he got played by the deep-state, and needs to explain his current position on the bio-warfare plandemic, the experimental vaccines, and any mandates whatsoever, those are some of the issues i expect DJT to explain/communicate before he gets any support from me, there are other candidates who already know that those questions effect a bunch of voters, but Trump has yet to do so... those are my requirements for support, not suggestions... candidates that skirt around the reality of the covid 'great-reset' are too compromised or stupid for my support... but,  did DJT fvck-up the plans of war-hawks that had put their investments and expectations into things that only wars require, and did he screw-up their expected ROI target-date?  maybe, time will tell. -- ct

07-21-23:  decent post from A. McCarthy, it's on fox news web, here's a couple of key sentences:

" Contrary to what the attorney general would have the country to believe, it was not Weiss’s job to ask for special counsel authority. It was Garland’s duty to appoint a special counsel the moment he realized there was a conflict of interest that prevented DOJ from investigating in the normal course. "

... and, later:

" There could be no more profound conflict than the Biden Justice Department’s being in the position of investigating the President Biden’s son and other family members in an international corruption probe in which the president himself is deeply implicated. "

 ... if McCarthy is correct in his assertion about whether it's Weiss, or the AG's fault remains speculation as far as i'm concerned... so how about we get records of all communication between Weiss, and whomever he spoke or written with at the AG's D.C. headquarters, this is DOJ communication, not Intelligence, so don't give me that bull-shit that those communications need to be protected for security purposes... and, executive-privilege ought to be between the actual executive, and who they directly communicate with, not extended to the heads of any executive branch/agency/department and who they communicate with... so let's get those records now, records to and from Weiss, and any of his 'bosses'... then we can determine the deviant critters involved, and what roles they played... but, regardless, recent history seems to indicate that garland is a complete sell-out/Judas/whore/puppet, who is incapable of thinking independently with any shred of integrity/dignity...

 ... and, if McCarthy is accurate in the article, it would mean that the democrat-administration is doing exactly what Trump regularly complains about, in regards to former AG Barr, that Barr wasn't loyal/protective enough to his executive...

 ... it seems that different folks regularly exploit rules/policies/laws, or their positions in government, and positional freedom or limitations... it seems that every Washington insider is well aware of such common perversions of justice, the folks who keep doing the same thing habitually eventually get caught--whereas intelligent/creative folks, or parasitic lazy yet well-networked folks find better ways to distract, and blur boundaries, and what types of low-life scum (usually psychopaths, or former brittish intelligence officers, etc.) they hire to commit crimes, and do the dirty work that they are too stupid or weak to do themselves, they get 'the network' to commit crimes, and cover all tracks/traces (which isn't even possible, but it's a lofty goal that Dunning-Kruger types always strive for), then the network get's their distractors (news media, columnists, celebrities, influencers, and useful-idiots) to follow a narrative that defies reality, and points fingers at investigators, opposition, or whomever is the scape-goat of the day, and when folks really start closing in on them they get instigators and bullies and folks that are willing to do other horrific acts to intimidate and distract--sometimes by means of new disasters causing injuries and fatalities to shift attention and resources away from investigating and prosecuting, maybe to stall for time until the next administration and committee changes, or statute of limitations expires, but who knows... these networks have access to plenty of evil/deviant resources/assets...

 ... the network's players/cultists/whores/idiots practice the same responses that individuals practice when covering up for their poor or felonious actions/deeds, it's the same human nature and reactions that sinners/humans have practiced for millennia, it's just different people doing it in different ways... filthy swine, it's far past time that you have awakened, and choose the path that leads to honest and truthful love... deviants seem to have trouble with what normal folks perceive as self-evident reality, and maybe that's some proof that psychopaths and sociopaths (maybe the whole dark-triad) have successfully networked, and us regular normal folks are victims, targets, or some type of minimized/marginalized 'collateral-damage'...

 ... the uber rich (pharma/vaxx beneficiaries/investors as well) are parasites to working class, and poor folks are considered parasites to the uber rich... i'm not sure where it balances out, is there a bell-curve to normal input versus output members of society, smart and lazy versus dumb but productive... i dunno, i don't know where any balance might be, i like the concept of 'not taking more than you need' as a conservation approach, some uber rich folks can't even fathom that, i'm not against having wants, and being comfortable, uber rich are like vacuum cleaners sucking up everything they can, and poor folks are on the receiving end of the rich and honest tax-payer... i don't know what's right or wrong, but, actually, it seems obvious to most people, when people hoard resources they are preventing other people from acquiring those limited resources that don't magically multiply because someone could really use them... but, when you are more 'successful' and have a good heart you can see things more clearly because you aren't struggling to acquire physiological needs, you feel like certain weights/obstacles/chains have been removed, and you are more free to pursue more interesting and creative and entertaining things, that's how it seems to me, but i'm too much at the beginning of this topic to be trying to rationalize why folks do what they do... OK, i'm tired, just wanted to add to this topic/theme before the head hits the pillow.  --  ct

07-24-23:  i've sort of mapped-out/diagrammed some of these exploits in the past, the most recent was basically the covid implementation/disaster... when i began writing about what i had 'mapped' it cam out like a screen-play/novel, some day i'll get back to that project, sometimes i can tell a good story... with the covid-implementation facts are more bold/calculated and stranger than fiction, i'm sure you already know as much, most folks of reasonable intelligence have figured out as much, that we were played like fiddles by sinister control/ego-junkies... question for the reader, how would your screen-play go, if you were to write the covid-chronicals, you have more insight than i do, your book would probably be awesome... maybe you ought to start penning it, or are you just waiting for everyone else to do so?  --  ct
email me at p9789442531@gmail.com if you have any suggestions or contributions to this post/article/rant.  --   ct  (chris)