Valentine's Day Considerations, 2022

02-14-22: introduction, not that one is really needed, but i typically just write my version of a paragraph or two to make a point or two under this crummy political section of this simple/ugly website blog thing, but so far today is a bit different... i think i've been challenged maybe, to expand a bit more on some observations and some of my criticisms to the brandon administration's political strategies and policies... with that said, i didn't have any intention on writing much today, i wanted to read during my free time, but today is different, today i had to dump-out some of the thoughts bouncing around the old noggin, so anyways, the singing below is what i started writing this morning, i'll expand on some other topics/points for the next few days probably, but remember that you are not reading the words of a professional smart person with any credentials, i'm just a simple independent-conservative (if there is such a thing) sort of middle-aged american born and raised guy, so your just hearing opinions from 'one of those people', i was born and raised in some of the surrounding cities and a suburb of boston a bunch of years back, you are just reading the pulse and perspectives of that type of guy, if your curious how some of those sorts of people think then take it for what it's worth...

 'WAR, hoah..., good god ya'll... what is it goo-ooo-ood for... absolutely nothing', goes the tune... i'm not in that same camp myself though, because sometimes a rogue dictator that's become too big for their britches needs a good ass-whoopin to knock-off their overaggressive dehumanizing predatory actions/behaviors, and try expanding their borders, sometimes more forceful and mercilessly than other times... and so then the military goes and does their thing, and i appreciate that, i participated in such endeavors in my youth, and still care quite a bit the men and women that make-up the US military, i'd still fight alongside most of them if they required a fifty-something to do so... but, anyways, sometimes an overgrown child/dictator needs a good ass-whoopin to snap them back into reality and to see the world a bit more clearly, sometimes an extreme deviant needs to be dispatched, especially when they have a huge military of faithful followers, and too much resources for their own good... in some respects our military is similar to police... law enforcement officers, aka 'police', they also have to deal with some folks that haven't understood, or don't have a healthy self-contained eco-system, impairing or preventing them in how to understand how to play well with others and choose a path of destruction and dehumanizing others and victimizing others, the frenzied one's who literally can't stop themselves are appropriately dispatched when the choice is between their lives or the life of another that they are about to take or attack, or simply refuse to understand the gravity of non-compliance, 'just stop and be truthful, and comply' might be a lesson taught... anyhow, most folks that are processed through the judicial system receive a good hard time-out for required rehabilitation, maybe get the brain and comprehension of reality a bit more calibrated maybe... i'm not suggesting that the judicial system is actually good at rehabilitation, but i've met, and conversed with some ex-cons that realize that their previous thought-process, words, actions/behaviors were sub-par, and chose to live a different lifestyle when they were released and now appreciate how beautiful freedom really is... sometimes folks that have taken the gift and responsibility of free-will, and the freedom that the constitution and bill of rights offers, for granted, and misuse/use their free-will and personal freedoms for exploitation and victimization and let primitive instincts and motives dictate their course of actions with complete absence of self-control... sometimes folks act-out in rage and loose their good-sense during crimes of passion too, and are punished for those sorts of things as well as lot's of other situations and events and actions... and sometimes the judicial system just plain fvcks-up, and innocent folks end-up serving other people's due punishment, it's rare, but it happens... anyways, enough about the judicial system, because i'm writing about WAR in this post, yes, war... some wars are more obvious, like a bunch of planes dropping bombs on a fleet of military ships, and other wars are more passively fought, some are fought with strategies and activists, there are tons of various types of wars being staged around the world every day, take for example of the curious case of Donald the Trumpster (he gives funny nicknames to people, so i get to pick one for him too, it's a term of endearment sort of thing), yes, him... trump is a bit of a warrior, he declared war on the networked corrupt DC-scum when running for office, and the networked scum 'returned the favor' so to speak, they incited/triggered their base without shame... if you are too blind to acknowledge that then perhaps you might contemplate that fact for a bit longer, and maybe come back and read this post from the beginning once you have decided to acknowledge that aspect of reality... good?... good... Since we understand that trump declared war on networked corrupt scumbags, and idiotic policies instituted by suck folks, it's wise for us to consider what types of wars corrupt scumbags and terribly misguided folks have declared on our own country, the good 'ole U S of A, and many of it's current citizens... call it what you want, but we must consider the fact that there are certain societal attacks going on within the country as we 'speak'? anyhow, i call them mini-wars... oh, mini-wars, how do i express thee, let me count thy ways, on this day... this day of whatever-the-hell valentine's day is, but let me count thy ways:

  1. WAR on Fossil Fuel... go ahead and attempt to tell me that there isn't one, delusional child... hard-core environmentalists are doing anything and everything to state their case... i happen to appreciate a good deal of their motivation, but instead of trying to replace every vestige of earth's naturally produced materials with battery, sun, wind, and water powered devices, they have abandoned logic and prefer activism with 'religious-zeal' and deviant behaviors to enforce over-ambitious deadlines of investors which destabilizes our economy and hurts the bottom two-thirds (conservative number) of the population... i greatly appreciate the earth which we all share, i try to do my part to keep it healthy as we learn more about the dangers of not doing things like responsibly cleaning-up after ourselves, recycling some things that ought to be recycled, making sure that we don't pollute or poison the ground and water with toxins, i try not to over-consume things which put's stress back on industries that produce their own types of pollution, and maybe even some day own some green energy powered machines into my own life, etc... i try to do my part and act responsibly, and not selfishly, it's easy when i slow down my thoughts and actions to not act out of impulse and think of other people and the environment instead of doing whatever i feel like doing, it's called becoming more responsible, it's what people do when they grow and mature and evolve... fortunately many other folks are some type of environmentalists to to some extent or another... but to dictate that the green energy sources, which many globalists and environmentalists have greatly invested in, are the only responsible sources of energy that people should be allowed to use is simply moronic but it's some folk's agenda, and that's what some folks are battling each other for day in and day out, energy, where it's located, how to get it, and how much to sell it for and whom to sell it to, etc... the folks who are rich enough to be able to invest assets typically apply a strategy of 'diversifying' their investments to handle an ever changing world, mosr smart rich folks don't put all of their eggs in one basket so-to-speak, and not putting all of their money behind one source of energy, but various types of energy producing methods and materials... to use an example that i'm a bit familiar with, folks in IT-dependent industries know to implore redundancy-strategies to maintain continuity, you don't put all of your faith in a local internet service provider, you use multiple one's imploring various technologies to keep your internet running when the sh1t hits the fan and 'life happens' to the preferred one... you don't just use a local back-up system to store your critical data, you use off-site contingencies and methods as well, it was brilliant to virtualize hardware on remote and cloud-based networks for continuity and efficiency sake... anyhow, i'm sure you get the picture... if you have multiple types of energy sources and machinery you are better off than using electric only, fossil fuel powers far too many machines to simply quit on it and demonizing it, you simply DON'T stymie fossil fuel powered machines and replace them with all new and very expensive battery powered machines, or solar, wind, and water powered sources, you supplement them into a fossil-fueled economy in order to diversify your sources of power and capabilities, fosil and green alike, have their benefits and their weaknesses, so both should remain relevant in a realistic world, but many folks that are pouring their assets and attention into 'green energy' have simply declared war on the fossil fuel, and anything and everything that utilizes it... fvcking moronic strategy to force the issue, but some investors must demanding a return on their investments, and so puppets are following the directives of some very influential benefactors and networked associates, and their words/claims are to represent the disenfranchised yet their actions/policies on international sourced energy producers (well, except for the green energy components, many of which are sourced from deserts, seas, and mountains which also 'strip-mine the earth' and cause more pollution, and are assembled and shipped from the communist country of china which also causes a lot of pollution and VERY CHEAP labor costs), but not just global energy policies which were changed right after trump's departure, policy changes at state and more localized communities too, they claim to represent the disenfranchised yet the disenfranchised cannot afford battery operated cars and green energy products, we still rely on fossil-powered personal transportation, when/if we can even afford that, and by the way, how much has home heating fuels and gasoline prices SOARED since the Brandon in Chief took office and started enacting policies to assist the DNCs war on fossil fuels, even though real everyday americans and not just wealthier ones, must still rely on old energy and machines... environmentalists want to save the world from self-destruction, and so i admire some of their goals and zeal, and having a faithfulness and passion in a some sensible causes and policies, even when imperfect and controlled data and inadequate predictive-modeling is used to incite many environmental activists... i think most of the environmental issues are based on certain population's over-consumption, but marketers can get folks to buy a shit-sandwich if they tried hard enough, so the point is that folks will keep buying lot's of things whether they are necessary and worth a crap, or if they just appeal to certain egos, and so opportunists will keep producing such shit-sandwiches to the masses, they know which geographies and demographics to focus their marketing efforts, and so you have entirely too much fossil energy and effort focused on the wishes of the investors and producers of shit sandwiches because many folk's interpretation and lack of discernment of what logical sensible lifestyles should be... some folks need to focus their efforts on basic physiological necessities because of their predicaments and available resources... and others are more what is loosely termed as 'the middle class' typically wanted and achieved a somewhat comfortable level of what some folks call the american dream... and then you have the investors, and production/facilitator level of the world's population, the motivated people that are the most responsible for the over-consumption of fossil fuels through their mass production of shit-sandwiches, yet they effect policies which force the little guy to pay for the 'big boy's' decisions, when it's the big-boy/girl investors that are forcing the over-consumption of energy in the first-place... the 'little guy' that the smart marketer's were able to influence, many of which own fossil-fueled vehicles, are getting screwed around with more than anyone, typical environmental-heavy policies which devastate much of the fossil-fuel industries enacted since brandon moved to the big fancy nursing home at 1600 Penn Ave, it's his network's policies have declared war on fossil fuels and those who rely on them, the war on fossil-fuel is one of the pillars in the DNC, it's like abortion as far as they are concerned, they are a MUST if you are a DNCer, you must expect to influence all policy that severely slows or even stops fossil-fuel, and you have to be totally OK with abortions as convenience at any stage of the baby's life, otherwise you have to go find another political association, because those are DNC fundamentals... so besides the war on fossil fuels, what else has the DNC network of associations declared war on?
  2. WAR on American Sovereignty: Come now, what do you think open-immigration policy does, besides increase crime and destabilize the economy... open-border policies are the biggest gamble in the history of mankind, you hope that everyone who goes through porous borders are well-intentioned, but people that don't take the time to immigrate legally already exhibit the inability to assimilate into a constitutional republic, many of the folks that are migrating without waiting in line and being vetted to make sure that they aren't arriving with nefarious intent or viruses, and they aren't repeat deviants escaping from other places where they are wanted, and whether or not they are part of organized crime/gangs, and they aren't smuggling things like toxins/poisons/addictive-substances/ordnance/weapons, and trafficked slaves of various types... there are reasons that we have borders in the first place, immigration and the resources necessary to sustain population with unpredictable levels of housing/consumption/care at various geographies and other defined spaces, a liberal and activist-level (hard left) immigration strategy destabilizes the economy that becomes all the more burden to the ever deteriorating class of folks know as the american tax-payer... after they start granting citizenship to 'non-citizens' who were never vetted to begin with, then i suppose is when they expect to make a return on their investment, maybe the strategy is that by granting immunity/citizenship to so many new tax-payers it will increase government income, but don't forget about how many folks are here for organized and criminal intent and have no thought of paying taxes, and whose lifestyles and business model jeopardizes the safety of the regular population that just wants to live decent normal lives... if liberal cities and states are willing to assume the full financial and criminal and consumption and waste and water and nutritional and housing burdens of the folks that are showing-up and knocking at america's doors, or easily/simply just sneaking in, then you would see if they really equate to the actions = words required math to reach a sustainable sum... they prove over and over again how unsustainable it is to over-populate/import and enact country-wide policy on unsustainable and unpredictable expectations of required resources to offer humane conditions for everyone that just arrives whenever they feel like it, and are willing to get here by any means necessary, but borders aren't just to keep-out invading nations, the safety aspect goes far beyond tanks and vehicles and trojan-horses and ground troops and ships, they keep resources versus consumption, and the intents/motives a bit more predictable too... but populated areas attract more 'population' right, and greater populations require greater resources in labor as well as resource consumption, so cities that are already over-population require a larger labor-class as the financial lives of their population improves and overall consumption rises, that's why those liberal-run cities and states always require tax-bailouts and try to get the federal government/US-taxpayer to foot the bill for things that only benefit specific constituents, their budgets and priorities equate to unsustainable policies, proven time-and-time again, over-populated geographies are unsustainable resource-consumption versus available resources, so they must import more than they can consume and dispose of, but the more liberal your immigration policy then the more you end-up in a hampster-wheel, or should we liken it to the movie 'the groundhog day', you have to slow the faucet at some point lest the streams dry-up and the well goes dry... most folks in over populated areas don't understand the importance or meaning of the word 'well' when used in relation to water, because they think it all just comes from a faucet, they have no idea of their consumption levels and the strain on society and natural resources... most liberal democrats know damn-well that they over-consume, but they self-project, and they assume that every american does too, and so they think/want an ever-growing government to do all of the equating and balancing necessary to maintain an over-consuming lifestyle... remember, i call myself a conservative, and learning self-control and a reasonable life-style is something that i'm also trying to practice too, i'm an environmentalist too, just a reasonable one and not a zealot... but are many reasons why borders should be recognized, honored, and enforced, look for yourself on the old internet thing for yourself to see what percentage of folks passing the borders without even getting stopped/caught and processed, it's far greater than the number that reports to immigration once they get over the line... you can call me a nationalist or whatever the new label is used for folks that think similarly to me, i'm far more liberal than you might think, however, my head/logic needs to be as big as my heart/compassion... some of my favorite people in the world came from other nations on various visa's and policy's, i don't judge folks on their skin-tones and accents and language, behavior and character tell me who to be wary of, and who maybe should have been vetted at a border, you put fences up to keep predators out, in return you have better safety for your regular normal citizens that just want to live their lives... there is diplomacy with other countries that needs to be considered with regards to immigration, which the VP is trying to call 'getting to the root cause', fine, but lifting restrictions and embargoes on nations that don't play very nicely with their own population or other nations is a pipe-dream policy, you can try to teach those nice dictators and regimes all you want, but hold them one-hundred percent accountable before we 'trade' with them... anyways, there is clearly a war on american sovereignty, call it what you want, but make sure you consider other sources of information and not the entertainers that many folks consume 'news' from... OK, what other wars are being staged...
  3. War on Information: information is what humans rely on to evolve, it's passed onto us through the wisdom of smart and hopefully caring people, we flooooood ourselves with information over the course of our lives, some information is gained from our senses, we touch something that's hot and we start to learn the implications/reality of heat, our sense of touch combined with intelligence/reasoning teaches us that some things can be dangerous and really fvcking hurt when applied to direct skin, that learning process can be considered a part of personal evolution includes adapting to changing physiological considerations as well... but information that we process in our brains to exercise learning capabilities is used all of the time, much of it we consider 'instinctual', but much of it is learned/stored information that we processed and probably at very young ages, and so it seems as if 'we just know it'... anyways... there is much that we 'learn' as we experience various emotions as well, some emotional responses are based on previous experience/education, but some seems instinctual too, some emotions help us discern danger from beneficial resources, critters, people, molten lava, steaming bubbling water, etc... some extreme feelings/emotions can also be triggered by false discernment, illusions, distortions, misconceptions... some of us learn that being struck by a speedy fist full of knuckles can really fvcking hurt, and that it's detrimental to short-term and long-term wellness, so that reality get's exploited by the crafty buddy that walks up to you and appears-to/about-to cold-cock you between the eyes, and then breaks at the last second with the fist an inch from your noggin, has anyone pretended to smack you to trigger a seemingly 'instinctual' response, and then hopefully you both laughed about it after, unless it becomes habitual and you realize that person demonstrates deviant manipulative behavior... anyhow... back to 'war on information', releasing or restricting information can enlighten others, or keep them subdued, or primitive in some respects, sharing truthful information is great if we all have long-term survival and sustainability in mind, but restricting truthful information hinders and hurts folks from growing and learning, and releasing false information also hinders and hurts folks from learning and growing... the release and sharing of truthful and helpful information is beneficial to humanity, the controlling of truthful information is not beneficial unless the actions/words/motives of the inquisitor presents warning... making-up information is not beneficial, distorting truth/reality is not beneficial to humanity and it's every bit as a lie as the words urinate from the person who invents a false-reality/story, it wastes time and energy and life for all participants... but what happens when you use distort reality with false stories and twisting some facts, and then you combine that with the prevention of sharing useful information at the same time... you end-up with the perfect storm for mass-hypnosis and herd-control... it's quite easy to make someone think that right is wrong, and wrong is right, and up is down, and down is up, and the world is flat because the map is presented that way, and that a few hungry and ambitious leeches will cure you of many ailments, those sorts of things can be presented by the persuasive efforts of people that are too smart for their own good, reality is manipulated by information, which is why strategists apply information sharing and manipulation in efforts to reach their desired outcome/goals...