07-28-21: the entire contents of this website is really my own sort of covid story, really... the motivation and construction of this website is in direct response to the ways that the outbreak and lock-downs and demands and the types of isolation that ensued... i don't have just one covid story to share, but i understand many of the facets and ways that it has touched my life on a personal level... i'm sure that covid has somehow knocked you over the head one way or another, do you know how and why yet... and if so, do you REALLY know how and why... well i challenge you to explore that on your own... so there are no stories right here to read, maybe someday there will be, but the intent is to challenge the reader to see and understand everything that you may have lost (relatives-jobs-freedoms, etc.)... but really this whole crummy and tiny little section is just a challenge to the reader to understand and appreciate how a global epidemic and it's ensuing consequences affected your life, it's effected your life in more ways that you might care to contemplate, but ends results justify your time and energy and consideration ... now go tell your frickin story... it's more important than you might think... and one more thing, when you try to write your own story don't use the fictitious piece of propaganda model that andrew cuomo used to tell his story, just really try to be yourself honest self when you tell yours, and that will be 'your real' story.  --  christopher