12-29-22: i'm not a big 'stats' guy (web-traffic), frankly i could give a crap about it, but it says that i've got 4024 views in the last twelve months, which is very low for folks who want to be big-time/famous 'influencers'... but, i think that's about the perfect number for me considering the harshness in some of my content, i hit my sweet-spot... it's low enough to stay under the radar of professional scumbags (i hear that ten-thousand is about the threshold when you get steady harassment), and high enough to spread truth for the few folks that can handle it... i'd like to get away from some of the political writing, but it one of my biggest frustrations, and it seems to be the lure for folks to check-out the rest of this crappy blog... so, as long as i can keep my blood-pressure close enough to the safe zone it's here to stay... i didn't pay extra to get detailed stats, those sorts of numbers are for insecure folks, or folks who want to make a living doing this sort of thing, i'm neither of those, i like the sub-contract work, and hope to sell a few books here and there, i'll get another website going when the books are released, which will be under my pen-name...
... this crummy blog is mostly a 'writing therapy' project... writing therapy is a good tool for those with anxiety/depression... consider giving it a try when life/events don't make sense and caught you off-guard, when life pulls the rug out from under your feet and you feel a bit disoriented, or disconnected... and don't let the fancy writing that the pros do discourage you from finding your own voice and writing style, comparing yourself to others doesn't matter when it's therapy, there are no rights or wrongs--well, don't go making direct threats, that's wrong in most circles :-) ...
... writing therapy is also a way to sort of pray, so long as it's authentic... i went entirely too long without meaningful prayer, but writing helps you slow-down, observe your life and surroundings, and communicate to God when you don't really know how to in a more formalized type of prayer,,, God may already know my every thought (because we are sensors for God, and constantly 'talk' to him whether we are deliberate about it or not), but it doesn't mean that i can't vent to him/her/it... sometimes praying is a bit like that country song 'better boat', the part that goes 'got friends to call who let me talk about, what ain't working, and what's still hurting, and all the things i feel like cussing-out'... that shouldn't be the extent of prayer, but keeping frustrations inside and not addressing them isn't healthy or sustainable, it will drive a decent guy to drink, drug, or make other bad decisions (high blood-pressure too, as i'm coming to find out)...
... writing is also good to pass along some history for your kids, for future generations, they will know the things that 'make you tick' as the term goes...
... writing can also benefit others when they are going through similar struggles that you've walked through and written about, or when you open their eyes to concepts that they have yet to consider, it can be useful education sometimes, and a waste of the reader's time maybe on other occasions, but it's never a waste of time if it benefits the writer themselves, that's still good therapy...
... these are many of the reasons why i write, i clearly don't write like a pro (only for certain circumstances), but it's still been some good healthy therapy after covid, and government's over-reactions to it were forced upon the world, i knew that it was time to get my head straight, and learn how to communicate better, rather than doing the same things expecting different results, and bottling-up my frustrations, that's sort of how it works, you get that sh1t out of your head and onto a medium... talk therapy is good too, if you can find a decent therapist (Jesse proved to be worth TONS more than his weight in gold as far as i'm concerned)... and meaningful meditating/praying is brilliant therapy as well, and so is dumping bad habits, but dumping bad habits probably requires the other therapies that i mentioned when you don't have the understanding, strength, or will-power to do it...
... anyways, it's 04:21 EDS, i should have been asleep for the last three hours, but i couldn't, and so i write during insomnia sessions too, try to pass the time in a somewhat healthy manor... OK, i'm gonna try to get a bit more sleep before the family stirs and wakens, i've got a alarm set for 07:00... God bless. -- ct