August 2021
08-31-21:  this last day of august is pretty outside, the weather is nice today... i'm enjoying the one-day break from writing political crap because my well-being requires it... i miss having responsible adults in care of the executive branch and with majorities in the legislative branch... people got what the distracted had voted for-- a cognitive eroding puppet of the highest bidders... folks that are otherwise perceptive and rational were brain-flooded with the sheer volume of audio and video experiences that defamed republicans, conservatives, and anyone else that voted for previous executive, the personal attacks against him were expected, the personal attacks against those who voted for him were a declaration of war, and i accept the challenge, i am a warrior at heart even though my actions are typically loving in nature... DNC-network were brilliant in their use of advertising dollars and social unrest and technological cersorship, the brain-flood was successful enough to only require a little bit of cheating to 'win' this time... i will be useful the next election cycle, i will not allow brain-flood to ruin our country in sequential elections, i will do my part this time to point out the cheesy manipulation that DNC utilizes to have their way... it's too irresponsible to sit idle and simply watch again, i will do my part the next election cycle... i hope you will too, this current administration's actions and behaviors require as much... be strong and courageous and don't allow compromised rich folks to manipulate the system and our country again, it's too damn important.  --  ct
08-30-21:  its a sad combination of being compromised by campaign donors and the DNC network while loosing cognitive function, he is almost the perfect storm to the executive branch and to america in general, and capped-off with a majority of socialist heavy folks in the legislative branch... you know, the one's who make the rules and authorize the budget too... but the assisted-living facility that he resides in is taking good care of him while his campaign donors call the shots, read the article in the link for further explanation... its almost the perfect fvcking storm... brilliant, just fvcking brilliant.  --  ct

08-30-21 later:  i've been pushing some hot topics and hot buttons on a web-based professionally networked platform, and i'm getting reactions from folks in other countries now, i have been pushing hard and even extra-hard within the past two months with unpopular observations and electronic publications and so push-back was always to be expected, and now initial contact has already happened with a stranger in a strange land... but part of me is curious if it's the same folks that had paid hunter biden's group of business associates for their contribution's to society, or is it someone else that is interested in more fruitful dialog, time will tell, and since hackers from their part of the world are awesome i am treading lightly at the moment, but communication has been initiated and time will tell if it yields good fruit or foolish running down the rabbit hole, either way some sort of dialog is always good, but that was an interesting initial contact, someone wants to either talk or just crush me, i've had plenty of bumps and bruises and still a bit capable to be overly concerned with every possible threat, but the lure was financially 'motivational', it literally used 'making money' in the stranger than normal contact, motivations are always tested by smart people, when they understand motivators they know how to manipulate and exploit, and the fact is that i am a bit broke so i am an easy target to some degree... i don't need to be rich so good luck with that, i just don't want to waste time running down rabbit holes, it's too frickin distracting you know... my ego does not require fame or popularity or validation or fortunes, right now i have realistic budgetary concerns but i don't need to be rich, i think once upon a time it was a motivator and something that i desired, but it's not the point of life you know, many folks have been compromised by ignorance of wealth and the allure of chasing it, i have realistic concerns but trying to exploit me in that way will only get you so far, you have to start giving it away after you've accumulated so much you know, otherwise it's vanity or folly, or both.  --  ct

08-30-21 a bit more later:  covid testing and other virus related frustrations today, they make you run around and find out the hard way where to get your test even after being fully vaccinated, they make you try four places because no one in network is aware of what the other facilities offer and what is required, the left hand doesn't know what the right one is doing even thought they are networked and part of the same team, are medical administrator's really that burnt out that they are incapable of simple communication, how to make a difficult situation even worse and inefficient... then the first rapid negative isn't good enough, they also have to do the 24-48 hour one too before they are satisfied with results... more inconveniences, germs and precautions and fears and tests are the order of the day, so frustrating yet it's our reality, hopefully not much longer, but fear is inefficient and precautions and policies based on worse-case scenario are folly, they are for the insurance salesman and those who prosper from them, but not so much for real patients that are just trying to get along with life... i've had the nasty bug and i'm still complaining about the precautions and inconveniences, some folks got whooped and died from complications related to the bug, and they should proceed with caution, some of us got whooped in not so nasty ways from the germ and have recovered to the degree that we wish to live life again, not be contained and controlled with constant restrictions and reactions... there has to be a point where people choose to live there lives without fear, caution is always wise for self-preservation, respect for folks that are suffering is required, but living in constant fear must end, otherwise we quit living and are just surviving, if i get whooped by another 'variant' then i might be in big trouble and require the help of therapeutics, but don't expect me to live in constant fear, other people's fear, collective fear isn't any better than personal fear, in many respects it's the nature of the herd, of the mob, emotional reactions and responses to unexpected stimuli and germs can be a nasty thing to recover from... what a frustrating day full of hoop-jumping.  --  ct

08-30-21 more later than before:  i've hated writing most of my life, i've always HAD to write, and never because i wanted to write, it was always a requirement for something and never something to embrace... i have been learning to write as i think, simple and usually quick, but because i want to, not because it's a requirement but because it's enjoyable to some degree, but other times when i write it's not because i enjoy it, it's because i observe something that isn't quite right, i see something that it off a bit and then curiosity and research and experience kicks in and then the writing seems like a requirement again... i wish that i only had good and pleasant observations, but other times i can't help but to notice things that are off a bit, when folks aren't transparent and trying to fool others it bothers me enough to write, and not because i want to but because i have to... sometimes i write with enjoyment and other times i still write because i feel required to again.  watching the USA changing just like that based on knuckleheads in charge is tough to watch and requires writing, it's painful many times to consider the works of compromised leaders, but they are too dangerous to let them do their thing, compromised leaders are the wolves that claim to protect the sheep, sometimes they are even aware of it... in many ways i hurt right now... i cried a few days ago when considering the actions of our executive, and then i got sober past emotions, and then i got angry, and then today i cried a few more tears when i consider a mission gone wrong and those that it effected, stupid decisions made by oversimplifying important matters is best left to the growing adolescent, not for baby-boomers... i am a survivor that will adapt and overcome, but the challenge of watching socialist marxists have their way in our government is painful, and i already shed too many tears for things that i have no control over and there will be more tears to come when i see the sheep being lead by wolves... what a painful state of affairs.  --  ct
08-29-21:  i just lost a huge post, again, it's gone, so what though, maybe it wasn't worth sharing... enjoy your sunday if it's still sunday where you are... peace.  --  ct

08-29-21 later: i appreciate various forms of communication, communication through entertainment and media industries is robust and utilizes emotionally triggering stories and images which help sell the project... sometimes there is a quality underlying story that is communicated through audio-visual forms of communication... i haven't spent adequate time looking into smart people that have escaped that sort of industry and have exposed the disgusting practices that some folks exploit to emotionally trigger self-serving and other despicable actions and behaviors, i would prefer to read that sort of information and just link to it when writing a future article... but then the un-lazy part of me says why don't you just research all of the more common and less common methods used to trigger emotions and egos, and egos and emotional responses, so more or less used for instructional and other educational-misdeeds and selling methods, using emotional triggers for those sorts of nasty things... advertisers use very attractive people in photos and videos because there is a sexual response in images and film that some folks will respond to when possibly purchasing some perfume, or jeans, or viagra and other erectile-dysfunction sort of products, or fulfilling their own self-sexual requirements, or going to watch a movie or watching a tv series or nextflix series or other web-based platforms (a self-serving attribute 'from media' 'to media' from 'entertainment to media'), that's done all of time while desensitizing the questionable morality in using advertisements and media to have their way with the folks that we are subjecting harmful products or services to, and at all sorts of ages, even unfortunately young ones, it's not uncommon to see big old billboards that exploit the constitutional right to free speech and further protected by laws helping industries that just sell unhealthy products and other products and images reserved to adults only... have there been folks that 'escaped' the profession that is exploited every second by immoral folks, and then have written about that subject, are there folks that work along side the general media industry but had been able to co-exist within it and have written about the exploits that they have witnessed or taken part in, redemption comes to those who request and that should always be understood, but am i going to have to go back to high school civics and humanities and communication and psychology and law and religion sorts of educational materials, or can i get over on the easy now that i'm an adult and just read something more direct without mushing all of those things mentioned above into a more direct article... emotional manipulation is relevant today as it was when advertisers began advertising on radio and tv, commercialization and the advertising methods to sell products, and television shows and movies and the messages behind them and the means of advertising for their own industries are as relevant today as they were when commercials were invented and movies were advertised and the entertainment industry was born... those sorts of things are relevant and used for politics as well as messaging children and adolescents and extended/prolonged adolescents and otherwise adults today, they still do that like nobody's business, messaging through media is strong today and even stronger in political seasons... i will pay more attention and report to readers as political cycles come to a close, and as i've been able to witness, but don't think for a minute that socialist and marxist folks aren't effectively utilizing media and every possible platform today, and more so as election cycles come to a close, it's easy to pick out their candidates when they subject themselves to public scrutiny, that's one of the reasons folks kept biden from too much media exposure prior to and during  the election, that plus to hide his cognitive decline... i don't need to write what's already been written, i'm sure that everything that i've written has already been written before by someone else and in some other way and much smarter, but i must learn more and write about it myself to be sure that i understand what i observe... hmm, it's one thing to point out the excuses that folks make to cover dysfunction or ignorance or hypocrisy or desires, many tv shows and movies do that jokingly and opening through their messaging and quite humorously (i'm watching 'pitch perfect 2' with my daughter right now), but then i really want to hear from folks that have taken that to another another level, and openly tell you what messages and which products or their client list or other sorts of relevant info involved while working on projects, i want to read or watch from the follks that were selling products or ideas from some of their previous media projects and exactly how they were successful in triggering their desired results, many writers that teach such things scrape the surface of why they do what they do, some are partially conscious of their motivating factors when they explain such things... i'm too old and lazy to do this research on my own at this moment, but i will probably research this on my own a bit later on... so this post is a request for help in this matter if any reader has suggested reading materials, as much as it is a reminder for myself on a future article or book, it's too relevant to ignore and not give more consideration to. -- ct

08-29-21 laterer:  i got a bit snappy yesterday regarding folks viewing my profile on a web-based professionally networked platform, i have been expecting more opposition than like-minded folks so i have had reservations about hearing from folks that are employed in academia, i have not been a part of academic institutions except for a few short months, i tried but reality was that i needed more financial help and better direction at the time to have been successful with secondary education, working and real life was more of a priority despite GI bill and college fund,  and so my personal exposure to academic institutions is quite limited... law schools, hmm, could be friend or foe or just the curious i suppose, either way i am happy for dialog if dialog is required, that's kind of the point for this website, but for dialog to begin you must already know how to get a hold of me or use the terrible contact form that says 'Comments and Criticisms', spam filters already have a hard time keeping up by just giving an email address, and once you have the email hacking is easy so dialog is very controlled right now, but i do appreciate dialog, it's been minimal except for support, and a couple of haters, and/but nothing in between... my apologies for initial negative suspicions to folks employed at universities, i've only hung around those types outside of their institutions and so i forgot that they were even employed by some of them, equality usually ignores revered achievements, and so i forget these details about some folks that i have met and hung with... sorry for snappy response to inquiry, i ought to get a better handle on who i may reach and with what info and platform i reach them with, but mostly i don't care who and how, i just write.  --  ct

08-29-21 much later:  i've added two more platforms to write on and communicate with other folks this past week, i may add more, but one has already yielded porn from a 'subscriber', c'mon man, must every platform be exploited by filth... where there is open communication there is the need for evil to permeate, infiltrate, like that of a parasitic critter, the double-edged sword of open and free communication versus the parasitic attack... anyways, i prefer this particular platform the most for writing, that's why it got it's start, that's why there is no advertising, and that's why i don't allow readers to hijack posts and articles with their own platform to comment on this platform, maybe someday i will change those permissions, but not right now, no comments because many times folks hijack those and distract from the point, open comments become distractions similar to advertisements, and neither are allowed on this platform... comments are a consideration for future, paid advertisements and sponsorships are beyond distracting, that's why they do not appear on this website, if you see any here then there is a good chance that you have some sort of virus or parasitic compromise on your device, i've seen such viruses in action... anyways, two new platforms this past week, and one throws out porn to you within a week of signing up on a new platform, good grief, and c'mon man.  --  ct

08-29-21 much laterer: the resounding themes that i hear expressed by veterans and family members of of veterans and active military are something like this 'there were obvious failures by senior leadership' ... 'drawing-down or complete withdrawal did not have to go like this' ... 'military and other important assets deserved better' ... 'what are you going to do to make things better' ... and those are just the nice things, not even the most popular things, the most popular things being said fall under most of the things listed above, but much harsher... the normal and uncompromised veterans in the legislative branch are brilliant right now, and they are right in demanding for congress and senate to return immediately to deal with the situation of the transferring of peace to the nice taliban folks... the veterans that i've seen on fox news over the past week and last few days have been equally brilliant, and then there are many media buffoons still making excuses for biden administrations actions and still blaming this moronic administrations failures on the previous administration, and they are deflecting quite well... the words and actions of the morally-compromised are evident and behaviors are that of a spoiled child that hasn't had to grow up yet, the same manipulative and deflecting behaviors of a child or adolescent... those same actions and behaviors never change in the compromised ego... but the resounding words that i hear from veterans is that 'there was a complete failure of senior leadership', and 'that it didn't have to go this way'... and they are both very sincerely and factually spoken and written by the veterans who spoke and wrote them... veterans are also expecting accountability... they will know if the admin's after-action report is full of propaganda bullshit and who really failed, they will blame it on someone, or a couple of low-ranking expendable folks, but the folks that really fvcked up will only be exposed after they have moved on to other opportunities... and even with that said, that sort of outcome is only typical, veterans and other citizens could actually hold public figures accountable immediately, veterans and other normal people could actually begin demanding that their senators and congress-peoples demand that important military reviews happen now, asap... there are too many incompetent and otherwise compromised people in government positions that need push-back and told loudly and clearly that they are fvcking wrong and need to find other jobs... socialist preferring and other marxist and dictatorship preferring folks have only deeply exploited the DNC because so many of them are morally-compromised career 'politicians', and many senior military folks are nothing more than politicians waiting to retire, and they are also subjected to outside compromise... smart people that have had their egos inflated by one too many validating and inflating experiences are always open to outside compromises when absence of morals are evident, when you don't stand for what you know is right, or no longer do so, you are in a dangerous position... the compromised leader subjects others to illogical actions and behaviors, and subjecting others to your compromised folly and ego is more than dangerous because it teaches other compromised people how to do the same... that's why socialist marxists have been so successful using the DNC, morally compromised career politicians are too easy... leaders that make such gross decisions and pushing their own agendas are morally corrupt because their sneakiness exposes their folly, there is no need to deceive and bait and switch and distract and make excuses and cram through exploitable legislation if your ideas are smart and worthy, otherwise they are all folly and counter-productive to america... i fvcking hate watching the money that supports marxism succeed right now, very rich people appreciate the efficiency of marxism and some have been very successful in their progress in united states as of late, now their puppets are working like mad to get as much bullshit legislation and further destabilization done before the next election cycle, their time is short so they are acting out of survival mode to pass as much crap and change as much crap as possible, they know they won't be able to win future election cycles because too many smart people are figuring out the consequences of their actions already, DNC and other socialists know that they cannot win legally in the near future because their puppets went overboard in dethroning trump... the push-back from normal folks, or should i just say 'opposition', the push-back from opposition has been great enough that they already know that they cannot win again anytime soon so they are working frantically to cram through more destabilizing and exploitable legislation as fast as possible... anyone in the legislative branch that signs on to any of these controversial and other huge budgetary endeavors are fvcking compromised, they ought to know what's going on if they are in those positions and are still just voting for them because they think it sort of makes sense is fooling themselves and showing their hands... and then anything that passes on things called 'party-line' votes in legislature... some of the biggest failures of the federal government were done on party-line votes by the majority, it's the beauty and exploit of a two-party dominant system of government... any legislation with numbers in the trillions ought to be more concerning to constituents, it's your fvcking hard earned tax money being spent man, pushing back on folks that do sneaky crap to pass shitty legislation ought to be a voters responsibility, there are already plenty on folks that could care less about it as long as they are left alone and can get by financially, or with government assistance... folks that pay taxes need to understand the correlation between their hard earned money and the folks that they vote into office that spend their money... the uber rich already get their input in important matters but the apathetic and disengaged regular taxpayer we simply submit by staying quiet and letting noisy people get their say in matter because you want to be lazy and act nice... being lazy and acting nice helps no one ever, and they are exceedingly inefficient if you haven't noticed... have you noticed how well organized the dnc machine is, they didn't get that way by being lazy and nice now did they... no, they most certainly did not... well good talk, and good night, i'm hoping to spend a bit more time on a special book tomorrow and probably won't write much on this lousy website until tuesday... g'night. -- ct

08-28-21:  finally some career focused individuals who have had enough of my harsh words of reality have begun to 'un-follow' me from a professional networking platform, it's about time, plus i detest the idea of having 'followers' or a following, there was only one sort of human who was worthy of any type of following and he lived over two-thousand years ago... i don't have a whole lot of patience to write with words that sound nice and special and inclusive, those sorts of words and language are incredibly inefficient and no longer necessary at certain stages of life, truth hurts and articulating truth with harsh reality is the capsicum in the eye of the wounded... i don't care to see how many and which former professionally networked individuals have had enough of me, but it's about time that some of them did... i don't know that any of them even tried to take a parting shot, that was respectful if anything, but dialog is always appreciated too... that particular platform itself will eventually have enough of me and in some respects i had written enough that 'moderators' will have an easy job booting me, web-based networked platforms are adequate for niceties and information stealing and social/educational manipulation, and in my case they are adequate for my use as well, we are mutually beneficial until they have had enough of me, even if you appreciate my words and writing 'style' i must tell you that i will offend you to the point where you might have had enough of me too, you must understand that if you are to read anything here and appreciate it, i am not perfect and neither are you, so our collective imperfectness will yield friction at times, we could learn from one another or you could just say enough and carry on, if you choose to read more on this platform and others which i publish to feel free to do so, but i am imperfect and my ego does not require any sort of following, followings are gross and dangerous... web-based networked platforms are close to be irrelevant for this crummy website and it's author, they used to be important but now not so much, i don't have adequate time to just be nice, being nice is inefficient for those who require truth.... so this post is my way of saying good-bye to possibly old friends or business acquaintances, my apologies if i rubbed you the wrong way, but the words of truth that i wrote are still with you for consideration, now go follow some nice people, they might require that sort of thing... i don't get into that whole hash-tag/pound thingy form of current communication trends, but i suppose that i'm one of those 'pound-beingpoliticallycorrectisfutileandinefficientandallowsdysfunctionalactionsandbehaviorsinthenameofbeingnice'... that's the sort of hashtag thingy that most closest resembles my writing style... good talk.  --  ct

08-28-21 later:  so a big bank sends me and my tiny small business an 'opportunity' for 850 dollars if i open a couple of business accounts with them, do i chase after the money and further complicate banking by opening a second account, or do i keep it small and simple with the local bank... i'm opting for small and simple, that's more or less indicative of who i am, small and simple, and i don't know that i require multiple bank accounts and over-complicating financial reporting, i'm far too simple for that sort of thing... the more you chase after using someone else's money to make your own business work the more susceptible you are to over complicate everything regarding taxes and tax laws and wealth protection and wealth management, etc... i don't 'get' wealth and i don't care to chase after it, i did that for awhile and it seemed to take my eyes off of priorities and allowed my ego to waste the tiny bit of a poor man's wealth as i had experienced, i was born into difficult financial environment and i don't know that i need to experience much more than what i have experienced... i think in my case small and simple is adequate, but thank you for your banking opportunity, i am far too simple for such complicated matters.  --  ct
08-27-21:  i don't have much to offer in writing in this section of this website, all i can do is write in the political section because that is what's required at the moment... today's state of affairs for the executive branch and it's pentagon leadership requires prayer and a reality check that many folks are in need of.  --  ct

08-27-21 later:  i think most new readers are going to the 'politics' section of this website but i don't need to know that by paying for the next package up that offers more in-depth analytics... no matter who you are or why you ended up on this website you are encouraged to look at more than one section of this website, i may not write as often about it, but 'religion' section is even more important to me than politics, it just so happens that political strategists on the DNC side triggered me into starting this website and exploring writing as a future, so politics gets lots of attention right now ... time will tell if politics remains high priority for me, if america wasn't in such jeopardy to marxism--which is what i took an oath to defend (enemies foreign and domestic)-- then maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal to a peaceful fun-loving guy like me, but the warrior in me has awokened once again, and an old guy like me chooses then pen instead of a gun right now, i am still quite proficient with firearms and defense/offense measures, but writing is better suited for someone of my old age and experience, maybe one day the warrior is calmed but now is not the time for that, the current times that we live in require reality, not nicety, so please bare with me as i exercise my american right of free speech.  --  ct

08-27-21 laterer: the use of deploy-able military assets should never ever ever be taken lightly and using unchallenged reasoning is very important regarding the matter... when military assets are deployed and utilized as necessary the results can clean up messes that other people were not capable of cleaning up themselves... the united states military and related assets are about as fine as a military can be... senior leadership at essentially political positions and other advisors best be wise as to when and how to utilize the most envied fighting force in the world, the most powerful military force in the world is subjected to senior leadership that are essentially political advisors of sorts that ought to know how to properly 'disengage' with unchallenged and sound reasoning and as safely and responsibly as possible... sometimes folks in those positions even know how to do so... praying for responsible military leaders to now focus on welfare of deployed and non-deployed assets for sound after-action reporting on recent mission failure conducted at the highest levels, it's their responsibility to do so and not just make other important people appear to sound smart and responsible for complete lack of reasoning regarding recent important decisions... BTW, do you have any idea how much marxists are openly inserted in various forms of our government, well i don't either but it's more than apparent that socialist preferring 'public servants' are knowingly voted into office and appointed to important positions all of the time nowadays, marxism is something that america used to have to pick up the pieces after known dictators utilized that philosophy some decades ago, but it seems that nowadays we simply vote folks that like that sort of thing into office and then wonder why our government seems to be struggling with reality as of late... we are a brilliant bunch in the USA, just ask bernie sanders and his associates and buddies with socialist 'values', they will tell you how brilliant and smart and vulnerable the USA actually is against the spread of marxism and the tactics that it use..., marxism is a very efficient philosophy for powerful folks to increase their wealth while using 'uprising movements' to 'keep the peace of the poor' in the name of civility, but the actions used to justify the means of adopting atheistic marxism is proof of it's nonsense, who needs things like sound reasoning in ten-commandments when atheism is in charge and religion is marginalized... i have nothing against democrats and those who vote for them, but sound reasoning requires responsible people to look at the big picture and not get caught-up in distractions and strategic messaging through media outlets and DNC leadership... some folks were desperate to oust former president trump and now everyone has to pick up the pieces of some folks' desperation and of the helpful campaign contributors of the last election cycle... happy friday folks... and please remember to pray for the folks in the most talented military force in the world and the folks that many of them have been helping to protect over the last twenty years... it seems that they all require it about now. -- ct

08-27-21 a bit more laterer:  it's interesting to see the places of employment that some folks who 'view your profile' on a professional networking platform actually work, i don't know anyone that work's for law schools, i understand that some folks that view my profile are friends are some are no longer, some are actually just gathering intelligence on me already, and i understand that much, it's just how that sort of thing works... opposition engages in intel gathering for future exploitation, fine understood, public shaming works on some folks but i tell you in advance that i have fvcked up many opportunities that can be fvcked up, and i have broken every commandment, and i'll probably still do something stupid tomorrow, and it might even be possible to compromise me in some fashion or another, so have at it, i'm no angel nor do i profess to be one, nor do i ever claim to be one, so gather your intel and try your exploitation's, physical threats will be met with a severity that only capable people might contemplate, i'm a nasty little bugger still when necessary, verbal threats are also expected and welcomed, and social shaming is also expected, but that's just too easy because i have a long history of questionable decisions and personal compromises, that's just too easy and already expected, intelligence gathering already... who would have expected as much, me, that's who.  --  ct
08-26-21: i actually have nothing to say on the matter of commander in chief and poor strategy and decision making and lack of proper anything regarding the country of afghanistan and the 'peaceful transfer of their country's security' to folks that do not have the same 'civilized' ways of handling 'peace' as most 'western civilizations' do... i have nothing but puke in my mouth as far as politics go right now, but right now all i can offer anyone is prayer concerning the matter of irresponsible executive branches of government, i offer no logical anything to offer, yet i offer prayer, i'm not connected to anyone to offer any real logic, but i have nothing but puke in my mouth and so all i can offer is prayer tonight, it shouldn't have ended anything like this but 'smart people' supposedly made smart decisions, and what's done is done, but it should not have closed this way, the 'power vacuum under the guise of peace' is proof that logic was completely absent in very important decisions... it's impossible for these clowns to remain in government power after this big dose of reality as far as whom the 'majority of americans' in blue states chose to vote for, but really, well many folks essentially voted against trump's ego, which was too easy for dnc strategists to shred through their proxies and mocking birds in the communication and entertainment industry... but i'm sure that part of biden really thinks that he had no idea of the outcome of his irresponsible handling of important matters would be, but he is really just a simple puppet of 'campaign contributors' and strategists and fellow party members, so i'm sure that some folks may have left out some important details when the gave him their professional opinions on how to withdraw and 'handing over peace' to factions and thugs and make shift government leaders, don't think for a minute that rich and powerful elitists aren't compensating factions and thugs and make shift governments by enabling them to do what they want, and that's both domestically and abroad... factions and their leaders are being compensated to 'maintain the peace' using selfish violent actions as an efficient way of executing separation, marxism is very efficient in using inhumane methods to achieve class separation... i want to get all kinds of crazy political right now but all i can reasonable offer is prayer, all i have is puke in my mouth and the requirement to pray. -- ct
08-25-21:  i just posted this to a social platform, it's far from a comprehensive list, but it's still truth at a simplified level, here's the post: i'm reading a few things right now and wanted to pass along some simple steps to actually being smarter, they are easy and simple steps that will improve your IQ in a reasonable period of time... grab yourself a pen and notepad and get ready for all of this important information... take very good and detailed notes please, OK, here you go... eat with actual nutritional requirements in mind and not based on convenience/ease... stay hydrated with liquids that actually hydrate and not DEhydrate... sleep enough every night that you can function with ease without the use of stimulating and dehydrating substances... pay attention to and participate in formal and informal educational experiences alike... quit being so busy that you have no time to think, most folks that i know live busy lives which require convenience and ease, busy lives/lifestyles do not allow enough time to exercise smarts and intelligence and produce growth and touch on potential... i dare you to challenge yourself to be/get smarter, it doesn't appear to be overly complicated... or does it? ... OK, that was the end of the post, overall decent health begins with nutrition and the ability to function before getting to the exhausted states that we subject ourselves to in order to stay busy and functional... being smart and disciplined in simple truths leads to better health and better health leads to better cognitive functioning... reading helps too you know, not just reading entertaining and ego satisfying normality, but exposing yourself to challenging thoughts and ideas using 'discernment' to separate truth from trash... religion in it's most purest form facilitates discernment... truth is always worth pursuing, trash may warrant further conversation to persuade one away from folly... having a crazy high IQ is not important for overall health and reasoning and a fulfilling life, but a fulfilling and overall healthy life is required to subdue the folly of the compromised IQ... The Lord knows the vanity of high IQs and the folly of low IQs, and IQs have nothing to do with living a meaningful and fulfilling life, you can make smart choices to be both healthier and increase your awareness and therefore your IQ, God can help with all of the above... g'night.  --  ct
08-24-21:  i'm pretty sure that i am probably off target here, but i'm wondering about the subject between a correlation of the high percentage of neurons, or parts of the brain that we do not utilize for reasoning and cognitive functioning as it may relate to the variable known as free-will... if we as a species are blessed with the gift of free will, and we exercise such free will without a break, yet we only exercise/utilize a rather small percentage of our wooden-noggins, well how much of the parts of our noggins that aren't really utilized, well how much of our greater capacity are reserved for the one who allowed such free will, is there really a god part of our noggins that is utilized by such divinity and a connection to it, or maybe our noggins just don't use/require much of the wasted space within our wee-little scalps, are there parts of the brain that are stimulated yet otherwise wasted when there is no room for a giver of life... do smart folks that have no room for god in their lives whom like to believe that religious folks are just simpletons with low iq who grasp for straws, well how much of their wee-little noggins remain stagnant with no connection to a greater 'being' and wasted space within the confines of the skull... i'm probably over thinking this redonkulous theory, but my wee little brain is prone to over-thinking sometimes, many times... why so much wasted space in our noggins when we have plenty to work with, it seems that i'm too simple for such over-thinking types of thoughts... who knows, i'm not a scientist.  --  ct

08-24-21 later: every now and then i check a vague but perfectly... vague set of statistics that come with this crummy website platform thingy, they just call them 'analytics', and just checking analytics today shows greater activity that typical... so hello, and greetings new viewers/readers, i don't have a ton to offer you but thanks for stopping by and exploring the contents of this crappy website, glad if anything written here is helpful to you, and use the miserable contact form called 'comments criticism' if you think i can help in anyway, otherwise i just write a bunch of stuff and publish it out to this less than decent website, that's about it, i do publish some things on other platforms, but you will have to find those for yourself if you really want to... otherwise, thanks for stopping by and don't be afraid to click around and see if anything here is useful for cerebral consumption... cheers.  --  ct
08-23-21:  I posted out a few political observer type of blog posts to a couple of platforms today, one platform is new to me and so i am testing the waters, if email becomes saturated i will react accordingly, but so far so good... it's a big boy and big girl platform where adults can speak as adults, but time will tell if it is prudent or another fool's errand and a data collection tool... despite my harsh writings and truthful perspectives employment opportunities abound, but which are realistic, which want to exploit, and which are straight out self-serving scams all remain to be seen, time will tell... maybe i'm just supposed to be a good little stay at home dad and husband, time will tell... today is a bit dryer than yesterday, what they are now calling a 'depression' will effect Mass. more than N.H., but at least it's better than yesterday, yesterday was indoor productive and new exhaust fan/light combo is installed in bathroom now and ought to direct humidity outside and more efficiently than the old one, today i patch the ceiling and take a long hot shower to test... i'm thankful for hot running water, especially after a hurricane did it's thing and knocked out power and even killed people coming up the eastern USA coast... the new exhaust fan is logical and even necessary, but another folly of follies, you can only put so much lipstick on an old pig, but leaving things better than the way that we found them is prudent and respectful, i'm thankful for hot running water and a new fan to remove excess moisture, and for residency at it's core... i might mention that this morning's breakfast of chili leftovers are sitting well and quietly, i think i got the spice and pH right this batch, and now the fuel that it's providing requires a prudent expenditure of calories... meaning that it's time to get to work... good day.  --  ct

08-23-21 later:  received a decent phone call from a respectable young man whose parts and services were requested... a decent young man calls up and informs of a regular type of life accident, part of me says that the exceptional parts that i researched and saved and eventually was able to pay for are the exact one's that i wish to receive, BUT reality is that i just want an adequate straight-shooting product that is legal to own to give to a loved-one for a big achievement, so no biggie young man, i appreciate the call, i have learned many difficult lessons the hard way, and also had to make 'sorry but' phone calls and emails and stuff like that as well in previous employment situations... sometimes i had reasonable people at the other end of the phone call and other times not so much... reality is that i'm sure my son will appreciate whatever parts and work that you put into making a legal length barrel which is more like what an m-four offers, i don't require the fancy barrel that i sent, i just want a realistic representation of an m-four for his realistic exposure and as a job well done to someone special, he and i will appreciate the end result.  --  ct

08-23-21 laterer:  crap, A Conversation is challenging again, it seems that every time i open to write again it changes more than i wanted and now i have to challenge myself with the message that i was trying to communicate versus a waiting game to see if time tells a different story, so far time is telling a different story and patience is actually the challenge... intentions are to not even want or expect much of an income from it but logic dictates that some income is required... writing a decent story worthy of dissemination, well that shouldn't be incredibly difficult, but for a newbie author it's challenging, and impatience is the challenge... i think that tonight i pray on it a bit, and tomorrow i focus time and energy on it and see if we get things going again, time will tell, and sometimes patience is the test of time.  --  ct
08-22-21:  realistically speaking i require employment asap, in some respects a 'work from home' scenario makes the most sense depending on the employer and the services that i would be helping with in some way shape or form, i don't want to work for scum that alleges to do good, in many respects george soros was an employer of mine for a bit... in many respects many of us have made a deal with a devil, or perhaps a better description is 'their evil compromise in exchange for our hard-earned income'... so realistically speaking, i require the right employment opportunity to facilitate realistic employment needs, right now all i can seem to do is write on a crummy website '', and be the best stay at home dad and husband that i know how to be while sustaining an unrealistic lifestyle that our family thought was required to 'be regular'... a re-location and lifestyle change is more realistic in the big picture and that's based on a zillion-point-two-five variables which are difficult to articulate, but realistically speaking i require the right employment opportunity asap, but expecting me to make moral compromises to entertain the follies and egos of rich and super-rich should be considered off the table, but realistically speaking i require employment asap.  --  ct

08-22-21 later: i'm starting to work on this article again, hopefully i can finish soon, it covers an important topic that is worthy of sharing with my kids when they are old enough to appreciate, i think they sort of are now, but they just haven't witnessed it to the degree that i have, and that's why i write.  --  ct
08-20-21:  i'm going to try awfully hard to play well with others and be a nice little boy today, my criticism for the incompetent executive in office must be subdued, for a bit, i've got plenty of deficiencies of my own to work on, biden's are a bit more obvious than my own, but i must exercise a bit of self-control in the matter of criticizing cognitive declining elderly with compromised egos in positions of power and have crazy security clearances and are allowed to exercise great responsibilities with compromised actions... current reality for the USA and our world partners is bleak (unless you are from a socialist preferring nation), but the next election cycle is coming up faster than we think and responsible adults will be tasked with cleaning up the pieces of the broken dishes left behind in the path of mr. biden and ms. harris... hopefully responsible adults will exercise sound minds and not emotional social feelings the next elections, and some will even do that more than once... so i need to chill more today and concern myself less with incompetent leaders and more about personal responsibilities, that's what i ought to do today.  --  ct

08-20-21 later: the rain has subsided and it's nice but humid outside, i can even see some brightness in the sky, i'm going to combine a couple of posts that i published some days and weeks ago and finish an article in the near future, as usual i probably won't publish it anywhere but on this crummy website somewhere, so somewhere i'll post a more complete article that i began called 'compromise', and i want to finish it because it's my crude simple language used to describe certain deviant behaviors, and excuses that people use to explain chronic deviancy and hypocritical words and deeds, some folks have certain levels of conscious flaws and excuses for them exhibited when pushed past healthy levels of stress and routines, but others make a livelihood of literal acting as ways to excuse irrational or hypocritical words actions and behaviors, in the case of the competitive athlete the deviancy is exposed by cheating oneself and or competitors, when a competitor knowingly cheats they have made conscious decision between right and wrong, good and bad, love and evil... the compromise of the cheater is obvious when educated and observed, compromised individuals utilize classic and documented methods of manipulation to make excuses for their words and deeds and behavior, some folks call it human nature, some folks call it sin nature, others call it very specific scientifical names, but i am simple, and simple is as simple does and writes, and so my simple vocabulary calls these certain manipulative cheating and lying behaviors and actions and lump them together to simply state as, well, 'compromise'... i'll try to wrap that up soon, maybe it will make for a nice distraction from politics, except that current administration and political party in charge makes a living from actors and actresses that use each other for personal gain instead of representing real people, democrats and the manipulation that the entertainment industry utilizes to make themselves look and sound better and create a pre-scripted (or manuscript) to perform their way through shitty legislation and bills and powers and newly crafted laws at various government levels and offices, it's just what they do, the use of smoke and mirrors and other distracting germs and borders and riots and the methods that the entertainment industry has been utilizing since creative and suggestive messaging and illusions were first thunk of... that fact that this type of politicking is utilized by marxist-preferred countries and their USA proxies bothers me so much is probably because i grew up as a captive audience of television and movies and music, and so the entertainment industry and the egos and actions and behaviors of those whom they popularized taught me more about the meaning of life than parents and better education may have provided, but marxist and socialist and communist and dictatorship regimes have certainly paired up well with the DNC leadership and other DNC pawns, and to a level that makes me want to vomit, they love their relationship with hollywood and broadway and vegas, and they all love the DNC right back, they feed each other's egos such as the bride feeds the groom and the groom feeds the bride, but to an unhealthy and disgusting way... anyway, i'll try to get that article on 'compromise' done in the near future, the reader understands it all anyway, i'm just pointing out the obvious. -- ct
08-19-21: it's rainy today... rainy days here are like a mini vacation in some respects, rainy days here keep the knuckleheads that make their motorcycles as loud as possible to satisfy their ego and deficiencies and then race them up and down the main street that i live on, i love rainy days, it keeps some of the knuckleheads away, they are mini vacations when they aren't hurricane strength monsters, today the loudest noises going on main street was the driving rain that keeps knuckleheads and their noisy-ass motorcycles from robbing the peace of everyone else around them... today i love me some rain, i almost want to go out and roll around in it with my appreciation for water and the knuckleheads that it keeps to quieter methods of transportation, N.H. USA still allows for cars and trucks to be as noisy as knuckleheads choose to make them, but at least the motorcycles are off the road for a bit... it's like a mini vacation today on main street... and it looks like the appropriate water-shedding angles have been achieved on the patio that we are working on in the backyard, it's still a folly of follies, but so far so good. -- ct

08-19-21 later:  statistically speaking analytics suggest that more than the folks that i know about have been helped in one shape or another by healthy dialog and other things written about, so good, glad i can be of help, and to offer some perspectives that some folks have limited experience or exposure to, glad i can be the transparent and non-politically correct adult to share some insight... i'm trying to go a bit easy on the harshness and brutal honesty of some posts but the reader must understand that democrat leadership and strategists and their socialist and marxist preferring partners helped me to learn how to write recently, they taught me the tools of the trade you see, so i am trying to be a bit more reasonable in extending grace to ignorant fools but sometimes it's rather difficult, you see... but maybe tomorrow i can return to the good-hearted and chill person that folks expect me to be, yes... tomorrow offers hope of all kinds to those who wish to make the most of their time, tomorrow offers hope to the strong and weak alike, tomorrow offers hope to those who persevere, and every second offers hope and opportunity to the survivalist, never give up hope, and never loose the will to survive, survival mode is temporary, tomorrow may yield the change of a lifetime because hope does not cheat anyone of equal opportunity, time and hope are equal-opportunistic in nature... the hope of a better tomorrow yields much fruit to those who will embrace current suffering for the education that it provides and the education that's yet to come... never stop learning and never stop loosing hope, time is a gift to those who embrace it and make the most of it... tomorrow ought to be a bit dryer outside... here's to a better tomorrow, cheers.  --  ct

08-19-21 laterer:  i just noticed that one of the networked platforms that i still utilize lists 'networked connections; as 'followers'... that's fvcking gross, i require no such honor as to have a following... ever, ever, ever, following should have been restricted to that which is greater than our equal, followings need to be reserved for king of kings and lord of lords, not simple humans... 'followers', there is another reason that i am growing to despise networked platforms... fvcking gross man, just gross.  --  ct
08-18-21:  it's so nice outside with the weather and stuff that i couldn't bare to sit and write today, plus it was a bit busy, but nice busy, not too-busy busy... i don't have much to write today other than i'm grateful for every second of life that i was able to live today... i did write a little something under 'political' section of  this website, but other than that today was just about being alive and living life beyond four walls, today was just a nice little day... i hope the reader was able to enjoy some aspect of today and the life and time that it offered you... some people consider life and time to be precious, and others see no value in how to properly use both of them... the compromised only see the value of their own life and use their time unwisely on a fools mission... and even a simple but pure hearted fool makes proper use of their time and life helping others that require it... don't be a compromised fool, make proper use of the life and time that you've been offered... god bless.  --  ct
08-16-21: happy monday... and so the work-week begins for zillions of people with m-f employment... it seems that i don't suffer from that particular infliction but there is a chance that will change in the near future, me esposa does that sort of thing though, and she is really good at her job too... someday i'll figure out what i am good at and seek proper employment possibilities, but right now, right now, write now i just write on this crummy little website and juggling multiple small publications that will be disseminated for public consumption which i'll probably give away as free downloads, and then probably for sale through various e-reader type of platforms, but who knows for sure what the future will reveal as to how to make myself useful to earn income... currently destabilizing laws that make the most of a certain virus are paying me a little bit, and that's been quite helpful really, it seems that those laws are ending soon and hopefully a realistic employment opportunity will prevail, time will tell... mixed in with being a stay at home dad with regular life responsibilities i have taken up more reading than i had ever consumed during my k-12 experience, and some of it is rather heady and challenging in many respects, i love me a good challenge, but actual iq can prevent many people from healthy and stimulating challenges... here, try this challenge, challenge yourself to read some of the free downloadable pdf's published by chris langan, give it a shot if that's possible, depending on certain educational and genetic and nutritional factors it might be more of a challenge than you might expect, but that's coming from my perspective, just a wee little man with certain limitations... i could easily stuff this challenge under 'religiousy and philosophical' section of this puny website, but until i finish a few more publications of his i won't consider that an option at this moment in time... but go ahead and challenge yourself, it may be a tougher challenge than you think, but happy reading... and so challenging reading from many persuasions is one big change that i have made since i have been unemployed for longer than necessary given covid orders and directives and ensuing difficulties and laws... and writing has been one of the other big changes that i have made since last year sometime, i've made several other big changes as well, but it seems that reading and writing are two obvious one's, and the only one's that i care to write about this morning... this morning has already brought schedule and priority changes, and other cool things too, it seems that everyday provides opportunities to learn and to love and to grow, and today has been no different than other regular days... so good... anyhow, i have priorities to attend to, enjoy your monday. -- ct

08-16-21 later: today was super nice outside, weather has taken a turn for the better both yesterday and today as well. today was productive on many levels, and i'm thankful for every moment of it, i'm thankful for more time to be a productive member of society no matter what my current employment status indicates, loving and supporting and mentoring the one's closest to me are how most time is spent these days, life is over-complicated based on much too many variables to articulate right now, so maintaining the lifestyle that we find ourselves in is insanity to some degree and makes daily chores sorts of things a fools errand in some respects, but we are getting better every day, and time suggests that hope is always worth every effort of true priorities... today's priorities changed early and reactions to unknown/unexpected variables indicate real priorities... hopefully you aren't in a place where unexpected and unplanned variables equate to utter frustration and self-destructive actions and behaviors... if so, well you might be in the wrong place, or maybe your ego is in the wrong place... reactions to unexpected or foreign stimuli are quite debilitating and revealing and require more and greater consideration, and further review of priorities... those sorts of things happen to people from time to time, and sometimes it's really most of the time for some folks... time and how we utilize it are gifts and opportunities for those who embrace and value it, or time and how we utilize it are life's greatest challenge to those who priorities are undefined and nonsensical... under the sun it is all vanity of vanities, but some things and priorities are worthy of a greater good... other people and the god of my religious preference are good starters... do you have defined priorities, and if so how much of them are about you and your desires... time will tell... time tells us lot's of things and how we choose to spend our time is folly of follies or time well spent... time will tell. -- ct
08-15-21: good morning, and happy sunday to you, the weather ought to be nice today based on forecasts, it's currently thirty degrees cooler outside than it was less than fifteen hours ago, today is probably going to involve an outdoor and outstanding project, and maybe close to finishing today if all goes well, but that project isn't the highest of high priorities on the to-do list so time will tell what is accomplished today, i've been up for 90 min already and not much other than quality quiet time and a cup of coffee thusfar, first cup of canna tea is queued up, it's not been de-carbed so it won't be psycho-active, it won't have cannabinoids that have undergone heat treatment, so it's just recently harvested and almost dried green tea essentially, and the blue berry smell is immense, now that i've weened off of professional Rx for pain, and one for depression and anxiety, and another one for sleeping but was really designed for manic folks... now that i've weened off of all of those going back to october thru january of this year i'm trying to find peace about whether or not i still require the assistance of therapeutic cannabis, i'm not sure if i required it to finish going through the withdrawals from other certain professionally made molecules, or if it's really still doing something that's overall better for my genetic predisposition and current stage of my life, it most definitely helps with what some fellow ptsd veterans call hyper-vigilance, it totally helps me settle down overactive and heightened senses and let's me be able to focus better and pay better attention to real important things going on around me like people and tasks, i don't really know much else that i am aware of as far it's current appreciation is concerned... but time will tell. i think taking up cultivation for growing my own medicine proved to be very therapeutic in itself, what a nice hobby it has proven to have been, first of all learning anything new can be exciting, but in my case the process is more of a six month bonzi type of hobby that when properly executed it yields a small but helpful harvest, medical professionals that use scientific results to prescribe medicinal canna have made the case for a one part thc to a ten part cbd ratio for folks that deal with many symptoms that it seems to help me with, and so now the challenge is to find a reliable sourced form of cbd to achieve the appropriate cbd:thc ratio that a nice doctor lady in the UK has proven to be effective, cultivating the thc part is easy, but now the cbd and even more specifically cbdv seems to be the cannabinoid that sounds like it would be most beneficial to include in my diet... but really i'd just rather drink the yummy tea that the green unheated flowers can produce, that would be the far better method of ingestion if i were to have my say in the matter, i wish you could smell and taste this tea, think of green tea but with smells and tastes of blueberry and slight citrus, the smell of the flower alone is literally beautiful... but this last one-plant harvest was a new undertaking of sorts, i re-rooted a clipping from the previous one-plant harvest but while it was already in the early stage of flowering, some canna cultivators call that scenario 'monster-cropping', and it was nick-named rightly so, the thing grew like a little monster that required lot's of taming and training to keep from becoming unruly and growing too densely, it probably yielded the same quantity, but the smell is more pronounced this re-harvest of the previous one, if i were to be doing this scientifically speaking i would pay a lab to report how much and of what cannabinoids are present in this harvest, otherwise you just grow and enjoy i suppose, but if i were to use it like an ibuprofen tablet it would be wise to understand exactly how much mg. that you consume at a time, so that's part of the logic behind lab testing, and then also to make sure that i didn't screw-up the feeding and growing process and drying process that might have resulted in harmful contaminants or mold/fungus spores/residue, so that's sort of the other thing that lab testing provides, money is tight so i'll probably skimp on the testing, but i've executed everything spot-on this time again, so at least the 'contaminants or mold/fungus spores/residue' is consistent as ever, you can spend six to eight months on growing one plant and then screw-up the drying and curing process and end up with an unsafe crop, so even about a month following harvest day is important for producing safe results... well the tea is delish and so is the pressed rosin, so it came out right i suppose, to lab test or not to lab test, probably not... and really where to source the cbd, thats the next logical challenge... i want a quieter and simpler lifestyle, and one where we can literally grow a bunch of our own food too, that's another chapter in our life that's yet to be determined too i suppose, but time will tell... after years of preventing americans from doing anything regarding canna the veterans admin allowed some instances of veterans utilizing canna for medicinal use, how about our federal government get on board for allowing more real study of the cannabinoids that they are so afraid of, and then maybe veterans with similar issues to mine can get safer more appropriate medicine than the one's that i had been on for about twelve to fifteen years, those other medicines maybe/probably helped me for a little bit, but there may have been safer and naturally produced and occurring compounds right in front of eyes all along, well in front of our eyes if we weren't so scared of it all of those years back, reefer madness, that propaganda movie was actually made by so called smart people that used fear and misinformation in an attempt to enforce a desired outcome, and difficult laws prevented other and actually real smart people from conducting further research, i hope they appreciate the huge black market that the tax man must be insane thinking about... well anyways, good luck to the feds getting laws modified enough to allow better research, they can't do everything right, cleaning up a self-inflicted mess is never easy especially when professionals cannot even admit mistakes to begin with... just ask the biden admin how it's going with their awesome border policies, and awesome afghan withdrawal, and getting people to comply with more and prolonged covid policies and restrictions, and getting... well i suppose you get the picture, but some folks never will. -- ct

08-15-21 later: sort of an update to previous article, i just found some seeds online that includes 'cbd' in it's name, and it boasts a six-to-eight percent cbd and an almost negligent zero-point-two percent of thc content, and is supposed to have sativa-citrusy terpene profile too... wow man... i think that might be a longer term goal if i actually still require medicine for the longer term, and at 0.2 percent of tetra it's not even so called medicine anymore, it's now just considered herbal supplement according to fda, that is probably the longer term goal, i'm hoping that stronger thc levels were just needed to get me off of pharma and now maybe the higher cbd ratio is what is better for daily supplement or maybe even just occasional use, wouldn't that be awesome... science says that thca is a solid anti-inflammatory, but so is cbd in it's own right... i think that's why they don't like olypmians to utilize them, the anti-inflammatory helps with faster muscular recovery in some respects i suppose, but i might be wrong... anyway, maybe i'll try to save up for some new seeds... in the meantime, where to source reliable full spectrum cbd at an affordable price, that's the current challenge... but i'm really just grateful to be off of some pharma that wasn't always so helpful.  --  ct

08-15-21 laterer:  my mind is blown, i've been struggling to get through c. langan's original ctmu book, and his intellect and use of big boy words have been sort of kicking me simple mind, but then i go to his website and do the knowledge base thing at it's most affordable offering where i could just read his regular sort of language and how he answers questions and now i can sort of hear him speak a bit more clearly... thanks man, my brain was under much friction reading that 58 page thing that he published some twenty years ago... if not for the jack-alope reference early on i might have given up, well probably not, what he writes makes sense and who he writes to makes the most sense in the words that he writes... well maybe that doesn't even make sense, i mean you are just reading the words now of a guy that loves a good fictional critter reference... i hope he uses a unicorn reference soon... i particularly like unicorns because they yield more meat per kill than a crummy jack-alope... i hope the reader enjoyed their weekend, and please pray for the folks in haiti that could use all of the help that they can get, think of their scenario like the recent condo collapse in miami, but effecting far more people in an area that has looser building codes than miami, and if you are the adventurous and capable type maybe go see what you can do to help out, and if you are the financially gifted maybe throw the red cross a few bucks or a very solid charity that is already established on the island... but doing nothing about obvious things helps no one ever, helping others is actually quite helpful to you too, and in more ways that you may comprehend at this moment in time.  --  ct
08-14-21: good morning and happy saturday too you. i noticed that some good insight and good preaching went on around the house this week, there was some great communication happening around here, where old imparts to young and young imparts to old... some older folks never grasp the importance of how young can teach the old... i'm blessed to be stuck in the middle of wise and perceptive peoples, i love me some smart peoples that are both humble and insightful... there is a bibley sort of verse that speaks to the concept above... 'out of the mouths of babes' or it includes something along those words. i think one of the most important words of wisdom that was shared over the past was simple and truth and should be shared with you, the reader... 'you are far more capable than you understand and give yourself credit for', when a person subjects themselves to only what they have learned so far, and only what they understand about the world and our puny place in it, then folks can easily stagnate and lack confidence and motivation to explore and move and try and smash out of our own little world that we keep ourselves bounded to... do you lack motivation and confidence... well don't ask me for any great insight or formula or easy way to get past your situation... but you are more capable than you give yourself credit for, and that's a good place to start with... it's also a solid concept and truth that military type of boot camp teaches it's participants, they don't just brainwash folks into being lean mean fighting machines as john candy once stated... if that were the case there would be no need for USMJ, because they would just be a bunch train killers that only know how to kill... but a military person must be capable of discerning the orders of imperfect leaders between 'orders' and 'lawful orders/directives'... folks in the military are more confident than some others because they smashed through their pre-conceived limitations through the guidance of people who taught them that they are more capable than they have given themselves credit for... the young person with minimal confidence will someday learn how much more capable they are than that which they have learned thus far... you too... i write for many reasons, and one of them is to motivate you, the important reader... i don't posses an ego that requires lot's of followers or readers, i'm perfectly fine just writing to you and you alone... and so i say it again, you are more capable than you give yourself credit for and more capable than others have given you credit for... you can sit on your ass and keep doing the same things all of the time if that's what your tiny ego requires, or you can make efforts to change... there are lot's of things that motivate people to change... for me it takes things that some people call 'epiphany' or life-changing moments, and in my case it's been surviving different sorts of trauma's and surviving multiple events where i should have died... for me it took something like religion, or understanding religion differently than i understood it before to understand that my life is not my own, that it is sustained by natural means and a real god that wanted me alive a bit longer then death had called for... religion, or in my case simple old generic christianity and the god of the bible taught me that i am more capable and more important than i ever gave myself credit for... some folks thought that i was pretty capable, drill sergeants proved that to me, others recognized it at one time or another too perhaps, but for me it took the god of the bible to actually show me through it's words written in simple words... and for me there has been a life long struggle to embrace the humble yet capable person that the god of the bible has taught me that i am, balanced with what the world would suggest that i ought to be and remaining trapped within the boundaries of that which a small child with no confidence embraces and has 'learned'... i don't know what it really takes to help others realize their potential and to learn more to embrace it while helping others along the way, i'm trying to learn that myself, mentorship seems to be a big part of solving that mystery... where are the mentors that won't exploit the frailty and ignorance of the simple child, where are the mentors that teach with a humble and pure heart... i've had the pleasure of meeting some, and even being instructed by some, and even being one here and there, but unfortunately humans are flawed from birth and we all show our flaws from time to time, i've felt let down by some awesome yet flawed teachers and mentors over the years, yet they all provided some level of education that maybe a simple guy like me required... i am unqualified academically/educationally speaking to try to teach or help anyone with anything other tying some shoes maybe, yet i have no certifications that prove that i can teach how to tie shoes and i also appreciate the slip-on versions as well, but mentors are required throughout most folks life, and more important at younger ages maybe than older ages... but the old can instruct the young, and the young can speak to the old, and the older the young get we might learn that we are all really just learning from each other everyday... and i am one of those religousy types that believes that there is a god that requires our attention and that we require the attention and instructions from the written words of the bible and the words that are spoken through those in our lives and around us, and discerning which words are truth and which words are not truth may or may not keep us bound to ignorance, or being humble and capable and helpful. -- ct

08-14-21 later:  omg, holy crap, or whatever over-exaggeration descriptor you wish to use, but langan handed out the search/execution formula to a/i in his CTMU new kind of reality theory, holy crap, that was twenty years ago and he nailed the things that in my simplicity i call just 'variables', but omg, well some people probably read and understood and created more powerful search tools, and further exploits... sorry, i shouldn't try to sound so smart because he has a crazy high IQ and i'm stuck with the hand that i've been dealt, and so i have no business trying to interpret his writings, in fact me simple brain squirms and probably causes too much friction when i read his theory... but omg, he gave the secret sauce of lot's of smart things in one small paragraph, and my head requires a brain break, which is why i am writing... i'm in my own little happy place when i'm writing, sometimes, occasionally, but omg.  --  ct
08-13-21: answer me a simple question, and i suppose i should declare to the reader that never in my lifetime have i ever ever ever been skeptical of vaccinations or the need for them, i've got tons of previous vaccinations running through my middle-aged veins, well maybe not tons, but probably more like a cubic shit-ton of vaccines running through me simple little body... glad we could get that out of the way... so now answer me this simple little question... why have smart people settled for a test to see if we currently have the active virus called covid-nineteen in our bodies, and not settled for anti-body testing to see if we already suffered and beat covid naturally speaking, why have smart people settled for one test and not the other... i know one test is mostly/partly accurate and partly not, such as the conventional simple q-tips inserted into nasal cavities, you know, like the 'cheap and easy' way that america has settled for 'covid testing'... and then there is the types of tests that can scientifically prove if you have natural antibodies that already beat such a nasty little germ... how can so called smart people 'demand' covid vaccination proof, maybe it's a 'convenience' factor... it's understood that vaccines are helpful for the most part but never proven to always be effective, because a one-size fits all approach to anything important is always flawed, especially when genetic and nutritional health are known variables that some smart people consider... so answer me this simple question, where are smart people that can provide cheap and easy antibody tests for nasty germs, where the fvck are they, and what are they doing with their knowledge and resources... i am a simple little uneducated with some simple questions that aren't answered through popular methods of disseminating information... i require knowledge and wisdom and left with too many unanswered questions... if anyone has answers to my simple questions please use the form below call 'comments and criticism', i require help, you see, maybe you are the person that can help me figure out questions regarding vaccinations. -- ct

08-13-21 later: so i posted the info above out to two 'networking' platforms and the feedback was almost instantaneous, perfect, it seems that i touched on a touchy subject and people are considering some perspectives a bit, i hope to get flagged or kicked off of platforms that allow and control only certain perspectives and not others... there are already enough folks that visit this website from time to time, and there are already enough smart people and even some strategists of diverse backgrounds that visit here from time to time, well, i'm glad that more dialog and conversation has begun, so good, glad that i can be the one to ruffle feathers and continue dialog... local 'boards' that make laws, and mini forms of government held in mostly socialist-inspired cities and states within the united states of america are demanding proof of multiple serum injections for everyone to go about regular/normal life... mask requirements and proof of serum injections certainly seem to keep folks from spreading germs in terribly over-populated areas to some type of degree, but severity of symptoms of the individuals that caught covid may or may not provide proof that maybe some folks require all of the extra help that they can get and others may not... it should also be known to the reader that individuals in socialist-inspired cities and states have been using 'networking' platforms for various exploitative reasons even to me on multiple occasions... so i am happy to return the favor with facts and further questioning... when smaller governments within the unites states of america demand proof of private health information you have to know that laws are being broken by the strategists within those smaller governments, whether they are really just trying to help or are complicit in fear and control tactics utilized by dictatorship governments abroad, well time will tell, meanwhile the rest of us are just trying to get back to a regular normal life... however covid restrictions 'demand' that there won't be a regular normal life, that's because politicization of germs and fear are fvcking stupid and should never ever ever be repeated again... good talk. -- ct

08-13-21 laterer: i've been mildy harassed already by certain folks, it seems that i write about things that bother some folks from time to time... good, dialog is important, and from multiple perspectives not just popularized brainwashed one's... today i pushed back a bit at antagonists on two platforms, and i think i understand the difference between being flagged on one platform, and where algorithms just does things 'automatically', i haven't been pushed to hard from either platform yet, but i think i understand how one platform handles certain topics that aren't popular... the other one i haven't figured out too much yet, i think it was less algorithm and more personal individual reporting though... either way i will understand how the more social platform is exploited by 'well organized' groups and for multiple ways, and that's partly based on news stories that turned on automatically one day when i had disabled the news feature in the past, and then me selecting politics and social issues as topics of interest, today i can ascertain that the atlanta black star is operated by close affiliates with upper level blm and marxist strategists, i don't like to spend much time on social platforms but the news feature which showed up automatically one day has been exploited quite well, and probably for quite some time, but i typically use real and respectable news outlets for real news, and not just propaganda machines that folks who get all of their news from social media, well them and 'popular' outlets that appreciate socialist governments over the american preferred and law enforced type of government system... i hope i offend the reader if i keep mentioning marxism, it's the preferred system/philosophy of governing that america has been pushing back on and even had to bail out other countries and even helped clean-up the pieces that marxist dictators carried out through history, communist tyrants have been around in various shapes and sizes and names throughout history and have been problems to their neighboring countries and even not so neighboring countries, and has infiltrated and been popularized openly by elected officials and the disgusting networks that feed them money and ego and narrative... and don't think that the civic unrest and blaming authority and federal government for unrest is anything unexpected in the surrounding geographic where socialist preferring faculty members educate our future and current leaders, don't think that unrest and destabilizing tactics and blaming our police and government are any mistake that just seemed to happen... it's logical that many other people that have been around long enough to defend our country against communist threats based on the history of america having to clean up after communists and other tyrant governments, well i don't know how to say it really, but i'm not the only person that recognizes the threats that america is under right now against the spread of a well organized marxist machine, it's a shame that we sort of took our eyes off of communism and marxist/lennin and other famous dictators as we focused on 9/11 and the new folks that brought war to america... it seems that it didn't take long for america to take its eyes off of socialist/communist embracing people long enough for them to organize and get better... socialist embracing folks are smack-dab in the middle of pushing further government reform for their preferred method of governing... all of these 'emergency powers' that some elected officials are given can be exploited like nobody's business, and some elected officials are using them like a good little marxist would hope for... good grief... i don't even like writing about this crap but elected officials and the socialist marxist money and ego providing strategists are sort of what 'triggered' this insignificant little person to begin writing nine or ten months ago, so i have to keep mentioning their strategy to return the favor so to speak... there is a wonderful democrat strategist that is half aware of the system that she has embraced for so long, her name is Dr. Naomi Wolf, she is brilliant in many respects, and then flaw-fully human-natured in other respects, she taught me how to write in some respects, i appreciate that she understands that america has becoming awfully close to a marxist-preferred system of governing... sorry, she didn't quite use those exact words but some of her writings suggest as much... well look, i'm not a real smart and educated person, but she is, she's even a doctor, you can read some of her most recent writings and interviews that suggest that america is inching ever closer to a dictatorship system of governing but she spread plenty of pre-election propaganda type of fear messages suggesting that former president donald trump was going to be the dictator, well played player, she was clearly wrong even though she is smart... look, i'm done educating and informing on these nasty topics, i just want to write about nice things really, but political strategists triggered a 'ptsd veteran' into being a writer, so what do you expect me to write about... good night, and have a great weekend, the hot weather is supposed to subside a bit around my close proximity, so things are looking up. -- ct
08-12-21: it's gonna be hotter than a mug today... it's gonna be hotter than ten MFs today... fortunately we only have another day or two of gross weather before we get a break, but today i appreciate the electric company like you wouldn't believe, all A/Cs are running and the house still smells and feels damp in some spots, going to pick up some of that damp rid ex stuff and see how useful it is and if it's financially wise to utilize it, time will tell.  h2o is a requirement to stay alive, and it's a great friend on a day like today, it's a good day to drink plenty of it... today is no mojave desert hot type of day, but it's still gross in a humid valley in the middle of summer... i'm gonna go run an errand or two and make myself useful... stay cool and hydrated would ya.  --  ct

08-12-21 later:  thank you to the person that used the crummy form 'comments and criticism' at the bottom of the home page to let me know that one of the links on the home page pointed to an article and NOT the whole section... and the fact that you misspelled 'anonynous' might have been a mistake, or having fun with me and my lack of editing... i require spell-check like you wouldn't believe and without it each and every post would be that much worse than it already is... but thanks Yo... appreciated.  --  ct
08-11-21:  happy wednesday, it's supposed to get nasty hot again for the next few days, but i suppose it's summer and those things happen in the summer... trying to deal with some taxes and other important financial and legal stuff over the next few days, man do i hate that sort of crap... i actually have to pay taxes on this crummy simple website because it's a legal business, so a small business owner wears multiple hats these days, and some hats are simply to appease the tax man... businesses and tax codes and legal matters are what the bulk of this country is run on these days, just ask the powerful and rich people if you don't believe me... there is no such thing as simple when you mix business with legal code/system and taxes... it get's bad enough that people give their approval for organizations such as antifa and other street thugs and gangs because they want to be robin hood's who steal from, or force the rich to give to the poor... nothing is simple, nothing is simple for the rich and nothing is simple for the poor... well the deficit and inflation demanding human infrastructure and other 'infrastructure' bills/laws really ought to teach the rich and the poor how to simply be more simple... well i doubt that, time will tell what socialist and communist laws and strategies will come to fruition during this current administration, but if rich wealthy business and people don't go out of their way to exploit current tax laws and try to implement new exploitative laws and tax codes, well maybe there wouldn't be so many divided folks... my plea to the reader... save the middle class before the ensuing civil war between the 'classes' offers the next step that the DNC and their socialist and communist associates expect... are we really on the cusp of such an event, or is it just in democrat run states and large cities where this civil war plays out... time will tell... anyways, i hate legal and financial crap, it bugs me a bit.  --  ct
08-09-21:  i hate that i took an allergy pill today, allergens and congestion and low pressure weather followed by mold and mildew conditions have begat a frustrating couple of weeks now, barometric pressure changes over the merrimack valley are a real thing from time to time, and when you are congested from allergens is frustrating, and if an estimated seventy percent of the overall population is chronically dehydrated, and allergy medicine and sinus or lung congestion medicine also dehydrate... well one problem offers temporary symptom relief but causes other problems, and if you don't drink enough fluids to begin with, well what a frustrating past few weeks it's been... well some of the info above is me, but most is harder to convey to loved one's when frustrating symptoms and conditions become chronic... what a frustrating few weeks... what ever pollens or airborn irritants are floating about around here are frustrating indeed.  --  ct
08-08-21:  i'm working on something else now, i guess i'll just call it an article, but it's stupid in many respects to just keep writing little projects, and medium projects, and longer projects, maybe someday i'll focus on size or another, or one topic or another, but for now i'm just exercising 'thoughts and perspectives', and so i have this article that i might through together over the course of today, or maybe wrap it up in another day or two, but it's more than a crummy blog post, and it's far less than a book chapter, so i'll just call it an article... and so really the article speaks to something that i simply call a 'moral compromise', and i think that's just my way or saying that you are challenged to do right from wrong when you know better and doing right should be the clear decision, so i call that a conflict of your own interest, or a 'compromise', and so i think the the article is just writing about those types of conscious decisions to do right, or conscious decisions to do wrong... and so i think the article just really uses illustration of overly competitive people, and where we draw the lines of making conscious decisions to beat, overcome, win at any costs because you just HAVE to conquer, and to win at all costs... i think the article is just using the olympics as a second part to illustrate compromises that overly competitive people are challenged with... i think i wrote most of the article in this tiny crummy blog post, but i'll still try to finish the article to make a better point and to speak to different types of readers, maybe, probably... the article has begun on this website, and i just called it 'compromise', i'll put it somewhere more visible and useful when i think it's done... anyways, happy sunday to you from rockingham county NH, USA... good sunday to you, the ever important reader... god bless.  --  ct
08-07-21: good day yesterday, was productive, got to teach my kids some things, got to help instill confidence with some validation through education and hands-on, i won't just teach and tell you but i will show you too (i think that approach is most beneficial), got to help neighbor fix something, got to have some chinese take-out (everything but the fried shrimp was good) with a home showing of avenger's Black Widow, and some homemade yet boxed cake, while hanging out with some of the people that i love the most... it was busier than expected so i never slipped into my preferred ti-dye/board-shorts/boat-shoes attire and wore dirty work clothes most of the day... paperwork was completed and uploaded and some help with electricity usage was approved too... some things in life might get a little easier soon, time will tell, but once we get caught up and out of debt a more simpler lifestyle will be easier to maintain, right now life is still too busy and distracting and over-complicated, but things are changing, people are changing, lives are changing... btw, the VA isn't overly concerned with my blood-pressure anymore, but conditioning and learning new and realistic limitations has a bit to do with it, and so does accumulated anxiety... so i won't have to remember and perform daily checks anymore, and change is good... current problems and obstacles are temporary but took years to build up and 2021 has already yielded exponential personal growth and opportunities to help others while getting lifestyle more healthy... it seems like maybe something like covid-pandemic and ensuing responses were used and weaponized and exploited for bad reasons, and now out of the ashes of the aftermath there are other and better and more good things that brewing about... 2021 has the potential to still be the best year in all of our lives, your's included, 2021 still has the potential to be the best year evah... something better than covid is brewing about and time will tell when it's realized and embraced... but i hope that 2021 has unexpected surprises and personal growth and development for the reader, you are never too young or too old for personal growth and development... it you aren't learning something new everyday you are wasting your fvcking time and are too lazy or too busy... make the most of your time, realize true priorities, and make personal changes for everyone's betterment, don't forget to extend mutual respect and consider every encounter to be possibly mutually beneficial, you can learn from those who you least expect to learn from, and people require each other and are all just equals who are stuck together on this earth, you might as well learn more about each other and how to be mutually respectful and mutually beneficial despite our strengths and weaknesses there are always opportunities... when threats are discerned and weaknesses are realized, well then there is room to use strengths for opportunities, but mutual respect must be observed and equally executed for mutual benefit to be fully realized... sometimes i work in my strengths, but mostly i work despite and through my weaknesses... 2021 has been an interesting year and time will tell how we all use the rest of it... so far it's been full of wonderful surprises and ton's of education, well personally speaking... i have plenty to write but there is another coffee in my immediate future, plus my sore back requires movement and stretching.  --  ct

08-07-21 later: i'm watching some news on big fox today and taking in much of what they are reporting, i haven't seen the commercial today yet, but heggseth has a special series coming up, i think it's on fox nation though, but its focussing on socialist education and influence going back the past hundred years i think is what i heard... i think it's a brilliant topic for where america finds itself today, and is neccesary, but don't just bury it on fox nation because otherwise you are just preaching to the choir... the methods of social unrest and division and hate speech and fear tactics are shameful and real and so pete's series is necessary... but that's methods that marxists use right now, and so really... well really, the series that i want to see is a series by 'conservatives or republicans' that show the history of why there are still so many people are hurting in cities and why conservatives and republicans and 'charitable organizations' have failed to reach those folks who are hurting the most... we know the tactics that socialist extremists use to destabilize and divide, and the insanity of their message is communicated in words and actions and behaviors of the most outspoken and angry folks... but where is the series that not only exposing shameful marxist surge, but the series that tells how the most vulnerable and hurting people are being agitated and exploited to make the point of why we need more/further government and government control... marxism uses compromised yet intelligent government leaders, strong military support, and over-emotional fearful subservient population that are too broke to help themselves... marxism looks to control those who the leaders believe that they are helping/controlling ... so show me the series on conservative media that speaks to 'charitable' types of people that know that helping other people is important, and then show us in that series why charitable types of people have been failing the poorest of the poor, show the series that motivates and educates and challenges our own, so there won't be so many people that democrats keep demanding more money and resources for... where is factual and unbiased reporting on the 'social issues' that hardcore strategists are embracing marxism over... why have democrats gotten to the point to where they feel the need to embrace socialism in a government founded on personal liberties and freedoms for it's citizens but then embraces the ideas and help and assistance of marxist and communist controlling principles and controlling government... democrats are in bed with marxists for a reason... is part of the reason that republicans and conservatives and other religious and charitable organizations have been failing those who need the most help... it seems like most folks with a healthy perspective about sharing some of their wealth, like maybe then percent of their wealth with causes that are bigger than themselves or for 'less fortunate' folks, it seems that many people that don't just think of themselves but are willing to share what they have, it seems that those folks already have a healthy perspective on helping others and even the poorest of the poor... and it seems that the folks that subscribe to similar principles can also educate the 'intelligent leaders' that are also charitable organizations that also help those who need help too, and we don't require an angry controlling government to do all of the help themselves... where is the conservative series that offers solutions to the problems that marxists are now helping democrats try to achieve... democrats have to embrace marxist government policies because they are clearly in bed with them and they owe them too much to stand up to them now, but where is the conservative 'news series' that motivates our base to really and actually give a shit enough to help others that really need help... i'm sure that i'll watch pete's series because it's a relevant message for today... but where are the conservative strategists next series that shows answers to real needs, not just the politicians that promise to help with real needs... i hope that series that i require is queued-up and ready for release... my appetite requires it. -- ct

08-07-21 laterer: i'm trying to figure out what healthy changes that i can make in my life, not just regular things like nutritional and hydrational intake choices and improving sleep quality, but other things that can also effect emotional health too, well first i should state that i am also trying to improve other aspects of life such as emotional health, and then i could state that religion is also mixed into things as well, as well as better nutritional and hydrational intake choices and improving sleep quality which are also things that can also be important for better physical and emotional health too, sort of... right... and so then let me back up to the beginning again and say that i am trying to figure out what healthy changes that i can make in my life to yield better outcome than what i've become... and so some of the things that i do the a lot of now is to read and to write, and some of that is to learn by history and to be aware of current relevancy and self-edification and to share what i've learned, but you mix those time consuming activities in with regular things like living the regular lives that we find ourselves in, and so i have to find a balance of input-consumption-output versus daily regular life and then wonder what other distractions stand in between of a more healthy lifestyle and healthy change, i wonder how much of what things that i spend time on are really distracting things that distract me from being more relevant to the people around me that i love and love me the most, and then when you consider or ponder the value of the people that are most important to us, and then also consider or ponder the value of others that we appreciate or surround ourselves with or choose to surround ourselves with, when i consider that the god of my religious preference teaches that only one other person that ever walked the face of the earth is more than my equal, and so everyone else on the face of this earth is just as significant or insignificant as everyone else... when i consider such thoughts of equality and lack of inequality i wonder how much time is sufficient for distractions and how much time is significant to people and how much time is significant for priorities like those that we love and the god which i love... when i try to make more healthy lifestyle changes and to get away from unhealthy routines, i wonder where balance in all things becomes relevant to me and a healthy lifestyle ensues, i wonder where better changes in my life will yield a better outcome than me and what i've become... and most days i have more questions than answers about too many things that are really important and other things that might just be distractions from the things that are really important... i require balance and peace and sometimes i even make appropriate choices to achieve one, or the other... or both... time will tell which priorities are really priorities and time will tell which distractions are mere distractions and time will tell if changes that i've made were healthy changes or unhealthy changes... time tells us lot's of things, and the god of my religious preference is unbound by time, and so sometimes i ponder where the balance of useful time and priorities smashes into things like continued education and are useful or even appropriate, or if 'under the sun it is all vanity of vanities'... where is balance for the weary soul, and what are real priorities, and what is chasing after folly of follies... those are simple things that a simple guy considers from time to time... but time tells us lots of things eventually... hey, you... do you know what time it is, sometimes we loose track of time, and especially when we are distracted. -- ct
08-06-21:  today is already weird and i just barely hardly woke up, it seems like legal/financial type of paperwork is the chore of the day, today is a deadline of sorts and so assistance applications are the order of this strange day... today is weird on different levels, really, when people want to show appreciation for you and what you mean to them... well look, i am not a guy that appreciates celebrations that honor me, i've been honored and sometimes even rewarded by different people that represent different organizations over the course of my lifetime, some things were important and most never were, but when the folks that are closest to you love you and want to display that love through actions and their time, well it's always appreciated i suppose, but it's still plenty weird though... celebrations to honor events and actions are special, but all honor is best reserved for him who's heart was truly pure, and was the greatest teacher that ever walked and talked, and his words and actions and behavior suggest that there was never an equal before, and never an equal to follow... thank you for remembering me today, but i just wanted to take this opportunity to remind the reader of a guy name Jesus that came from a place called Nazareth a couple thousand years ago, if you wish to honor or celebrate me in any way shape or form then please also remember the words and life example of Yeshua HaMasciach, he was truly an honorable man, you can learn more about him by opening and reading what some people call the holy bible, the part called the new testament is all about his life and his mission and what he hopes that we will do with our lives and our time... he was a simple man really, a simple man that did remarkable things and lived a humble lifestyle devoted to the rest of humanity... he was truly an honorable person if there ever was one... I love him and the reader alike, god bless.  --  ct

08-06-21 later: so sometimes i ponder or reflect on various things that are curious, or that i think deserves more consideration... time is a curious thing that is best suited for smart people and the god of my religious preference, it seems that the god of my religious preference lives in a world where time is only measured by others, and to those who are bound to time we seem to measure time by rotations of the earth and where the sun shines the most at different... well, times... time is confusing to ponder and to consider the more that we are bound to time and the silly things that do with it... right now i am pondering silly thoughts and using my time to ponder whether or not it was wise to begin my day consuming coffee and some of the meat/bean chili that i made the other day... time will tell if it was wise to begin my special day with such things like coffee and chili... well no matter, at least i can assume that the time spent in prayers of thoughts to a god that is not bound by time, at least i can assume that those minutes were not wasted pondering things that don't require pondering, time will tell if i am wise or foolish for such considerations... well i ought to get out for a walk right about now, time tells me that walking aides in digestion and other good physical things too. -- ct
08-05-21:  good morning wet thursday, looks like a busy day full of busy things, one of today's challenges is to not overwork and strain my back... again... an older wee little man can do things like that from time to time, and entirely too often the busier i get, wish me luck or whatever it is that you do.  There shouldn't be too many distractions, not as many distracting things that prevent me from accomplishing all of the missions of the day, and when i take breaks within the day i will probably read rather than write, but time will tell... i have too many different writing projects going on and time will tell which ones i work on today. First publication to attempt to 'sell' could have and should have been done months ago, but it has 'changed' 'evolved', and so it seems that my timing for completion is not based on me, but for the rest of the details to finish brewing and simmering and, time... but who knows, maybe i can knock it out today, wrap it up... but probably not, i still have a few ideas that aren't quite pulled together yet... if you are a regular reader and hate me throwing out teasers, well sorry, and don't expect it to be a literary masterpiece, it's just going to be a simple allegory that tells multiple stories within the story, i have the first section done and the second section is half done now, and the final section is the biggest struggle because i did not expect to write it in this one book, i thought it would be a stand-alone piece in itself, so i don't know what to say about that right now, but maybe if you are the praying type then how about do some of those praying things for me and the finished piece, because it's important to/for me, and to the eventual reader alike... thanks... and a good thursday to you.  --  ct

08-05-21 later:  ouch!  sorry, thats just me yelling at my back, it hurts a wee bit... how much physical therapy does a fifty-something need to do to keep an active lifestyle... well anyways... ouch!  stretching and NSAIDs are in my future, it's a busy day with much to do and it's easier to take a pill and drive-on than to change behaviors and routines and habits, it's a folly of follies really, but it's been a way of life for entirely too many years, i'm getting older and wiser and should know better than hurting myself to begin with and then ignoring and working through pain that was self-inflicted and happened for logical reasons... sometimes just 'rubbing dirt on it' just isn't an appropriate response, but sometimes for some people it's an eternal challenge, when you get older and physically weaker it's a nasty challenge learning your new obvious limitations, it seems that i have some of that going on right now, and a little guy that uses too many wrong muscles and every ounce of ass that i've got left to push and muscle ans strain and overwork muscles that are now crying out for some attention, my dang back is offering a 'reality-check' and it seems that nsaids and some stretching are in my future, and i know that i either shrivel up and die at my young age or i get to some physical therapy and consider some lifestyle changes that i already know how to do, i think PT and ice and stretching are helpful things that i will eventually do, but i would just rather take a pill and drive-on... come to think of it my neck is offering me a 'wake-up' call to, do i choose to acknowledge and embrace and then strengthen or do i just hope that taking a proverbial pill will do, i can keep injuring myself over and over again and again like i typically do, but i'm supposed to be getting older and wiser... i think PT is in my future... you should see these cute little dumbbell sets that i use for pt, they are quite colorful and toddlers can move most of them just fine already... i hate PT dang it, and i'm glad that i don't abuse my old and wee little body working physically challenging jobs anymore... the primary shoulder and gimpy wrist gave me that 'dose of reality' awhile back, and my strained back just reminded me of that fact... it sucks getting older and wiser and sometimes i am even both... you should try it sometime too, i challenge the reader to get both older and wiser, it's not as hard as you think when we aren't so dang busy and stuck in routines, god bless.  --  ct

08-05-21 later than before:  great progress on part three of my crummy first book tonight, there will be others but this first one is the most important to me, for now... and so it should have and could have been done months ago but it took some weird and unexpected changes and then got extended to two more parts, and then... well part three is coming along nicely now... well you'll see, it's all a bit weird and cool and even unexpected... unexpected things can be cool or nasty depending on time, time tells us lot's of things and teaches us lot's of things if we let time run it's course... but man do i hate patience some times... anyway, good progress tonight on part three, it just got a little better and clearer i would say.  --  ct
08-03-21: besides the fact that weddings are a lawful and sometimes spiritual joining of mostly just two humans, well one of the other things that i love about them is the 'follow-ups', the follow ups are what my simple brain is trying to label any actions or reactions to the event or the people involved... so like continued conversation, like when you meet someone for the first time, or when you see someone that you hadn't seen in ages... when you realize that you miss someone and then the very act of follow up conversation is mutually beneficial, also like when you realize that you love someone and maybe had forgotten why, it's easy to take relatives for granted because we are 'stuck with them', but then you sort of 'fall back in love' with loved one's all over again and sort of rekindled old but new relationships... i love weddings, but the ensuing celebrations with loud music and flashy lights and lots of moving people make my simple brain wanting to explode, it's a nasty sort of affliction, if i am not engaging with the folks around me i am distracted by the audio-visual experience to an alarming degree... and that's just no good for my simple little mind.... and speaking of my simple little mind, as i'm writing i have discovered that the letter 'm' key is misbehaving today, and im wondering if i smooshed this laptop a bit too much during yesterday's travel... dumm em key, what do you mock me, why do you hate me today... and now i'm suddenly distracted by continuing sounds of emergency vehicles so early in the morning... like a bunch of them... a capable guy that understands things that encompass the word 'emergency' wants to go assist and make myself useful... Wait, do know that some morons actually don't appreciate emergency services at all, well maybe they sort of do but many morons think that police have nothing to do with emergencies, they think emergencies are only for folks that are skilled at extinguishing fires, and other folks who are more skilled at providing a degree of medical attention, but then some folks actually think that law enforcement officers and the services that they provide to communities have nothing to do with emergency services... bunch of big fvcking dummies... anyways, i trust that the fire trucks and police cars and a bunch of other vehicles that passed my house are well equipped to handle the situation that they have encountered by now, i just offer prayer support for them because i am of the praying type of person and understand that it can also be useful in emergencies, and that emergency personnel are regular people that can use whatever kind of useful help that they can get sometimes... OK now!!!... frickin letter 'm' key on the keyboard is kicking my hinnie, perhaps there is a new keyboard in my future, another distracting obstacle...
... so anyways, the busy weekend ended at bedtie last night and so this tuesday mmorning is like a start of a new week in sommme respects, and today offers different but more challenges and chores and responsibilities and chipping away at lists of things to do... but the people that are the closest to me are my primary responsibilities today and most other days... today offers challenges to do what i gotta do and love the folks around me with education, support, actions and deeds... somedays i'm good with that type challenge and other days seem to be filled with too many distractions... finding the time for my god and to write, well those are challenges in themselves somedays, and somedays more challenging than others... time will tell what sorts of challenges that we will all encounter, plans and routines aside, there is always the option of the 'unknown variable', the unknown variable or thing that we just weren't expecting (like emergency situations), those unknown variables can be pleasant surprises or challenging obstacles, and somewhere mooshed into unknown variables and the way that we react to foreign stimuli are indicative of prior experience/education and sometimes even the way that we understand the god of our religious preference, Jesus lived the life example that he spoke of, so sometimes that little saying 'what would jesus do' speaks to me, but mostly just loving people they way that they need your love is the simplest form of the type of 'worship' that my simple little brain knows how to worship the lord/god of my religious preference... i am a simple man that requires simplicity to function... time will tell if today is going to be a simple day, or if it will be full of busy distractions... today will be good no matter what. -- ct
08-05-21 UPDATE: i'm happy to report that the 'M' key is behaving again... awesome.  --  ct

08-03-21 later: i feel a bit ashamed to admit that i have used two forms of person-networked technology platforms to freely advertise this crumy little small business, but then i feel a bit of validation when i understand that smart people are actually reading this terrible little website, and when i say 'smart people' i am referring you, and not just you, but also other folks with varying degrees of education and experiences and age, and so when i know that i have the attention of some smart people i have a bit of satisfaction that maybe this crumy website isn't as horrible that i perceive... and when i have the attention of smart people i don't really know what to do with it, but in my case it seems that i have a burning passion to challenge... i hope that when smart people read the contents of this miserable little website they are smart enough to read through my language and understand where my heart is, and how different but similar that we all are... some folks that read my crappy website might agree with the perspectives and opinions and observations that i communicate... that's great and all, but come back another day, another time and i will challenge the crap out of you in one respect or another, i understand that many folks will agree with part of my writings and disagree with others, and so goes life really... reading challenging words that poke at your heart and intellect are stimmulating and healthy, and if the end result yields further education or a validating sense of knowing why you agree or disagree with other folks then i'm happy to poke at you and challenge you like i do with my immediate family... i know some smart people have accepted some of my challenges and so transparent dialog is worth every effort that this crummmy website offers to some folks... everybody has a different story that has contributed to equal the person that we are today, and so i hope that in sharing part of my story i can somehow contribute to some honest and healthy dialog between varying types of smart people... i know that you have a story of your own to share, you'd be amazed at how important it might be to some folks sometimes... i'll bet that your story is amazing, but never give up on personal challenges and the benefits that they can offer us in return... maybe you like my ideas, but we both require more challenge in our lives... please accept this lovely little challenge, challenge yourself to know even more about your own story, and then challenge yourself to understand how your own story is mutually beneficial to those that we meet or have met, i challenge you to appreciate everyone's stories because we all sort of really need each other until we are gone... my apologies for using a couple of other platforms to stimulate conversation at this new crummy platform, but i understand that there is still a mutually beneficial relationship with such free services, until they kick me off... some free services require you to sign up to for a bunch of reasons, and then they give you the ability to receive updates or to follow or to receive newsletters, well those things are better served for other platforms, not this one, my motivations and ego require no such extra services... well anyways, good talk smarty-pants, and thank you for your time and consideration, come back another time if you want to read anything else. -- ct

08-03-21 a bit more later:  so i just had a brilliant and necessary conversation, and so as any brilliant and necessary and useful conversations go, well in my case it's follow-up action items, i have some to consider... like what could i possibly do differently, what might be wise to consider changing for betterment, what makes the most sense for a person in my exact situation to consider for a healthier live... i have many to consider given today's conversation, i think i'm going to start by modifying a thc:cbd ratio, it seems that would be logical for starters, and it seems that i allow myself entirely too much distracting background noise that some folks call television, it seems that even the beneficial aspects of that form of communication can be swallowed in a sea of sharks, and television as background noise is a slippery slope... it seems that i have much to consider and so maybe i start with those two things and we see what's up... well i had to write a couple of quick notes so i don't forget, i got to run and get to chores and the like... good talk then... and the part about 'spiritual warfare', hmmm, it's got me thinking a little better perhaps too maybe and probably.  --  ct

08-03-21 laterer: so there is thing that some folks do, and really i guess that there is this thing that i sometimes and usually and mostly do, which is when i read or watch or listen to someone that does those sorts of things like speaking or broadcasting through audio and visual or writes, is that i try not to just nod my head up and down like a bobble-headed dashboard decoration, i try to do this other thing, i try to understand more of what they are saying rather than how they say it, and try to look past/through the specialty language that they use to comunicate (sorry, the 'm' key on my keyboard is really kicking my ass today)... and so like i was saying, i try to look past fancy or different or simple communication methods, and then i try to see what it is about their message that really resonates with me, i try to 'figure out' why or why not i like what they have to say... and then someties i still end up doing the bobble-head thing after i listen to the real message... and i'm not a very educated person so sometimes it's more difficult than other times to unpack a person's message, or what they are saying, and sometimes in my ignorance i assume that i understand what the message is, and other times, well not so much... well look, i don't want to go to the extent to say that i understand the words of everyone because there are folks that are much smarter than i am and so even thought i think i know what they are saying i still end up exhibiting my ignorance... and if anything above makes sense then i would say that after reading some small pieces of chris langan's publications, well i would say that the message that he is attempting to send to allegedly intellectual scientists and technologists, well all i can really say so far is that i appreciate him using his smarts for good and telling those smart folks not to trivialize or belittle or ignore the messages of the us 'religious' folks... i also have to say that i was a bit pissed off that one of the brightest minds of his generation that knows that 'god' exists ore or less left a teaser of the reality of a god, but then punted on the issue of which religion is the closest to reality... and then it sort of dawns on me that he is not a theologian at heart, his mind works in ways that is best used for the works that he publishes and to the folks that he speaks to via his communication style and language and message and platforms... i guess i felt a bit let down to not be able to just open one of his publications and just plain simply read that not only is the reality of a god evident, but 'this is the best philosophy or denomination or worship style' that is most appropriate... i think maybe that's all that i wanted to do really, when i accepted a challenge to read his heady works, challenge was accepted and unpacking his heart through his language makes me think much too much... i'll still fight my way through the rest of his publications and in many respects let him 'minister' to me a bit in doing so, but he speaks a language that i am mostly unfamiliar with, and it makes my little noggin implode... that dude is wicked smaht. -- ct

08-03-21 much later than before: I started this blog post on 7/31 and for some reason or another I hadn’t completed it until now, so without further hesitation, well crap, just read for yourself please… based on previous post it would seem that in some respects i am still finding my voice, or to hone some type of craft, or message, or whatevah... so anyhow... if i'm a simple guy that one upon a time i had to learn a little bit of something regarding something that some people call 'biological warfare', if i were a soldier in the army and learned that harnessing biological agents, or in more relevant terms a 'germ' or a 'virus' or other types of terrible sorts of things that utilize parts of nature and parts of natural human deficiencies and then harness those two things together and then message them together and then even find ways to make those sorts of things work together to make them even more deadly, and then find sorts of ways to best disseminate those nasty little germs or viruses in sorts of ordnance or maybe infecting humans and animals with germs or viruses and disseminate them among population of other susceptible humans, well sometimes i overthink some things, so please pardon my ignorant comparison... but if i were an ignorant unimportant regular old guy in my physically middle age, well i might think that if covid nineteen is literally from a bat that bit a person in china somewhere, and then it somehow spread to almost every known nation on earth, well how many coughing infected people, or asymptomatic people would it take to spread throughout the world... maybe one, or two... well maybe investigators that investigate those sorts of things really investigate them unless other people prevent them from investigating those sorts of things... and whether or not a furry mouse looking bird sort of creature just bit someone, and whether or not it contained a nasty germ or two in the process, and whether or not that germ was weaponized and accidentally or purposefully disseminated to one or two other people, well maybe time will tell, maybe investigators will tell, and whether or not science will tell... well it's not mine to judge... but the very facts that the examples given are reality must stimulate some concern for some folks somewhere, i'm just happy to know that some of my concerns are not only my concerns, but concerns of lots of other people too, well it feels a bit validating in some respects, it feels a bit refreshing in other respects... but if all of the above makes no sense and is of no concern to you, well maybe come back and read something that i write on another day, some days i don't talk about this sort of stuff... but if the information that i wrote above seems to carry a bit of concern to you as well, then tell me if the germ that originated in one place, well answer me how the folks that are in charge of our country at the moment seem to love on their chinese business people but still allow the nasty little germ to come waltzing in from our mexican border with obvious open boarder policy and enforcement restrictions, ask yourself if there isn't a noticeable sell-out, see if there might be a ‘do what you gotta do to accomplish someone’s mission’ type of hypocrisy sort of thing going on in within the compromise of this current administration and the puppet-masters who pay the bills... some people look at things differently than others based on genetic and educational experiences and so a simple guy has to ask simple questions like, why are dems and other folks that have business dealings in china and other socialist and communist countries all happy about the administrations more harsh restrictions to it’s citizens but all happy and giddy about exploiting needy folks coming in from certain parts of southern borders, i'm sure they are exploiting the rest of the borders as well by now, but what type of hypocrisy will you notice within the current administration's handling of our fvcking country that might make you understand that there is always more than meets the eye... well look, i'm a simple guy that has no right to try to persuade anyone, and i'm sure that you have your own reasons for your own opinions and critical free thinking gifts that might be restricted by education and life experiences, and I suppose that I do as well, so maybe we do each other a favor, maybe we do each other a solid, maybe your my brother from another mother and you have some sort of military or government types of experience, well then ask yourself if anything written above makes any sense to you, and if so then ask yourself what you really learned during your previous or current experience in military or government or science-based government funded agencies, well ask yourself if either voluntary or involuntary dissemination of such deadly pathogens are responsible behavior from anyone in possession of such resources and knowledge, maybe even ask yourself if you are just being ignorant and compliant, or if you are just indifferent and numb to it, or if you just don’t give a fvck about that sort of stuff anymore. I am probably just an ignorant guy that once upon a time wanted to take a part bombs as safely as humanly possible, and so part of my minimal training involved writing a bunch of cue cards for myself to remember a bunch of characteristics of certain chemical agents that were known to be weaponized, and then I sort of remember that every military person in the usa government training for nuclear and biologic and chemical agents that were all known to be weaponized, and so we had a shit-ton of training learning how to try to survive in a world where those nasty weapons would be used again, and how to best respond to them, and how to recognize signs and symptoms of such nasty types of weapons. I don’t have tons of experience with harnessing naturally occurring viruses and manipulating them for some type of gain or motive, I just know that it happens everyday somewhere in the world, and that’s a reality that you can choose to acknowledge or not, it’s just fvcking real man, so if you are a person that possesses such knowledge of certain things like that and you are just sitting back and relaxing and thinking that because the united states once used similar types of nasty weapons once upon a time that it’s just plain OK for anyone anywhere to really do that sort of thing anymore, well I don’t know if there is any right or wrong answers to the questions that I ask, but I know that I never experienced actually learning any real special secrets, I literally just joined the army in my youth and did one short stint and that was it, everything written above is all assumed after the fact based on life experiences and education. I am so not cool with people using germs or viruses for political or territorial or resource gain, it’s just wrong at it’s core but it’s reality whether people chose to understand it or not, and, NO, I never worked for any other government sector after y quick stint in the united states army, I took a job stringing tennis rackets instead, that’s the sort of work that I did while still not dealing with obvious symptoms called ptsd, and, NO, I followed no further typical secondary education, I tried a short thing in a college that was supposed to eventually prepare me to be a medical doctor family physician, and I almost lasted a whole semester, it seems that maybe I should have also dealt with obvious symptoms of something that some smart people call ptsd, I don’t really know a whole lot about ptsd other that I seem to be stuck with a dose of it, but I do know that folks that do have obvious symptoms called ptsd that there are really good and capable people that can help you when life gets too nasty and overly complicated sometimes, I happen to appreciate the services of an organization that is referred to as a Vet Center, there are really smart and helpful people that work there, and if you require help from weird shit that bothers you a whole bunch then maybe give them a try, I ended up with a ‘cook’ of all people, but even cooks are crazy smart when their motives are pure at heart, but don’t take my word for it, call them yourself if you require help with emotional or logical relief for your symptoms. Exploitation of germs for political or territorial or warfare in general and then the destabilization of America at the same time is a nasty sort of thing that can ‘trigger’ lot’s of people that are at vulnerable stages of their life, it seems that I was triggered to write a website or something silly like that, but it also seems that I am one of the types of people that require religion or god to also help with many areas of my life, so I would be irresponsible to steer you toward a Vet Center without also acknowledging that I am of the religious philosophy that embraces the life example and simple statement that ‘Yeshua Hamashiach’ or some folks just say that jesus is the messiah that was promised to Abraham and his words and life example proves that statement. The folks at the vet center don’t get into such statements so I would be irresponsible if I didn’t mention that myself. Anyways, I think I learned enough in my short stint in the military to learn just enough about certain things that I really didn’t want to learn a whole more about, somethings are just crazy scary but truth all at the same time. Hmm, biological warfare, who knew such a thing exists. -- ct

08-02-21:  fun day yesterday, watched a cousin get married, and celebrated a bit with a new family that i had never met... i have no business trying to stay awake much more than 22:00 but i tried anyhow... i still have sore cheeks from smiling so much seeing relatives that we see less often than we should, but it was a special day and glad that my uncle and aunt can exhale after all the planning is done and over.  my crappy cell phone is mis-behaving so hopefully no emergencies arise until that's taken care of... it's crazy quiet here and i just had to write... the whole audio visual experience of a wedding reception is painful, i want to like them and then at some point i sort of 'shut down' or shut off and then it becomes not so fun as foreign stimuli smashes into my simple brain, and then hyper-vigilance does me no good, a continuum of SWOT analysis of a couple hundred people during an unusually over stimulating event might be good if you are a security pro, but not an old guy that isn't protecting anything... an overload of multiple senses is not something to take lightly, maybe it can be helpful for certain security sorts of things but it's just plain exhausting most of the time... anyway, august is shaping up to be a good looking month.  --  ct
08-01-21:  greetings august, it's a pleasure to meet you, i've heard a lot about you and it seems like we could be good friends as long as we are both going to exercise mutual respect and honesty, i'm sure that we can be mutually beneficial, and honesty and transparency are always suitable for such endeavors... here's to you august.  --  ct

08-01-21 later:  busy day full of busy things and lot's of people in today's forecast, fortunately the birds were up before me, and so maybe i will have the energy to complete today's missions, i hate trying to be functional after the point of exhaustion, most times i really suck at that sort of thing.  --  ct
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