...if folks are curious enough about this website or about me as a person they might end up poking around and ending up here, reading some blog entries/posts, blog posts are where i write about most of the real things that are important to me, and about other things to, sometimes things that bother me for some reason, and i also write about other silly ego revealing things that nobody needs to waste their time reading... but mostly its where i write about things that i think are important somehow, i'm not a professional anything, so there will be ignorance written below, but i trust that the reader can discern the baby from the bathwater, i do hope to stimulate your noggin enough to do some of your own research using your own critical-reasoning... i write for my own health, and to my offspring/kids, and to anyone else that cares to read. --  ct
 February 2022
02-28-22:  the last day of february, it's supposed to be a cold one, too... i went to bed around 22:30 and woke by 01:30, and that was with a sleep aid too... i don't think i need to do anything that doesn't require my A-game today, other than some driving for a few periods of time, so i think today will be fine without the sleep... this is similar insomnia that i deal with at least a couple of times per week, and when i used to work full time it really sucked, productivity diminishes when we don't have adequate food, water, sleep, air... when we don't meet our physiological needs it has a domino-effect that spills over to many areas of our lives, including professional productivity... the sleep Really screws with my concentration ability, it's impairment with the drugs or alcohol... anyways, there will be coffee at some points throughout the day, hopefully i limit it and actually drink plenty of water too... i'm really glad that i'm not sitting in an office all day today, the head would be bouncing off the keyboard for sure, and the drive home probably wouldn't be all that safe either.  --  ct

02-28-22 later:  so i finally watched president Trump's keynote from this year's CPAC... i should be upfront, and state that although i voted for him a couple of times i really stopped watching most of his addresses because of his propensity to play the crowd and give in to platform theatrics, and cheer-leading, so to speak... the DNC types are brilliant at theatrical incitement, and when the folks that i like do the same thing then i start to tune-out... i'd rather read accurate full text than watch the theatrics, it's too easy to get distracted by entertaining theatrics like some of the dog and pony show's that some of the drama queens on the left always resort to, Schumer is a great example of a drama queen, Schiff is too, but he's closer to the edge of psychopathy/possession than straight drama like Schumer
02-27-22: just finished reading the full text of putin's speech from last week 02-21-22, i really appreciated the link, as well as the logical suggestion that reading the speech would be a good place to start answering some of my questions and curiosity... i like to remain as independent as possible, but it seems that even independent people find value in relationships, relationships are necessary in life, relationships teach us much about life/reality, some relationships are great, and others sap the life and energy out of us, some relationships are with individuals (unique identifiers), and some are with groups of people (table), and some are with groups of groups (databases), and some are with full-blown 'networks' containing multiple databases (internet)... group relationships can be healthy and joyous and satisfying, but groups can also be quite strange... some groups are decent like-minded folks that live their lives according to the two most important commandments, their words and actions and lifestyles suggest as much... some groups come with much more than you might bargain for, especially if they are a part of larger networks, sometimes you have to be careful in/of your curiosity, secretive shit will exemplify/identify such groups... some groups might prove themselves as time-wasters, if they deceive and exploit and manipulate, although you might gain valuable life experience/education that's useful for future discernment, people learn lot's of lessons the hard way when we lose time and money and realized we were getting played... some groups network for the sole purpose of commerce, 'maybe we can help each other' sort of thing, be wary of such networks, some folks don't play by the 'love your neighbor as yourself' commandment, instead they opt for the 'whoever has all of the gold makes the rules' type of 'golden rule', some folks sold their souls for a fat wallet and networking for ego-run-wild power and prestige, be wary of those sorts of folks/groups, some have no problem showing the way straight to hell... some groups network for the sole purpose of meaningful things and not just egocentric or geocentric things, those are decent groups to associate with... a group that i'm associated with is looking at a good curriculum that is helpful and meaningful... one of the current topics is 'relationships', and so it got me thinking about the stuff that i just finished writing :-)  --  ct

02-27-22 later:  so i looked over the curriculum and answered the questions regarding 'relational-self', i filled in the three questions, but all of the answers seem to point back to God and Self... i wrote down the primary, secondary, and tertiary concerns, but it seems to me that external relationships are dependent on a healthy understanding of God first, and understanding ourselves too, and then extends to others in a healthy manner... it seems like God, Self, Others are all required to better asses the first three questions, but maybe that's what the three questions are eluding to... i dunno, but i did my homework  --  ct
02-26-22: yesterday was dark and snowy and windy, today is clear and sunny and every bit as cold... i think i like today better than yesterday though... i've been reading through James yesterday and again today, the book covers a ton of biblical 'principles/concepts'... there was a seminary that was advertising on FB for a free course on James so it perked my curiosity, i never looked into the course requirements, but i assume that the course material wasn't free... i've recently seen a friend hold-up a book that expands on james and it's huge, it's big enough to dispatch many mammals, that's a LOT of info, and i don't know that i want to read another encyclopedia at this moment in time, two-three hundred pages fine, maybe, but some of these > 600 page things are a huge commitment, maybe they are worth it, just not with my budget... so the regular old james found in the bible is a solid book that i haven't poked around in for a bit, glad i read through it again, i really like the epistles, they offer tons of practical do's and dont's... i'm currently working on reading through two large books, a ton of websites, and juggling a few different writing projects, as well as this blog thingy, and another course too... i couldn't have handled a quarter of that processing capability a couple of years ago... what's changed between then and now? weened-off of five different medications, you have no idea what sorts of impairments some of those things yield... also had life turned upside-down thanks in part to stupid fvcking shithead's reactions to a genetically enhanced virus that spread throughout the developed world, and then the no job thing (that can really screw with a man's self-perception and utility), limited income, remote learning kids... i'm sure there were other factors as well, but whatever you want to call what happened to me i'm simply going to call it 'god's mercy'... i look at trials as growing opportunities (compromised predatory egos look at trials as opportunities to advance their causes and manipulate non-networked regular people), but i see trials as god offering us an opportunity to look at some things in life differently, a period of possible correction and possible maturity and new priorities and understanding... i could keep blaming everyone under god's great sun about the difficulties and challenges that i've been facing without ever looking in the mirror... i think that's where the suicide temptation comes into play for some folks, in some respects it's the ultimate way of trying to control an outcome of events that we can't seem to figure out how to control, maybe we look at ourselves as a worthless empty shell, maybe we look at ourselves as a primary obstacle to a bunch of problems, maybe we just give-up and quit fighting, maybe we don't appreciate the notion of an afterlife and so we use it as a logical solution to solve a 'problem', i dunno really, but trials and hurdles and obstacles are guaranteed in life, some seem to get more than our fare-share of trials in life... knowing what sorts of help we need, and how to articulate those needs, and who to present the needs to seems to be a part of that growing and cycle of evolution (and praying), the suicide thing seems to be illogical in many respects, maybe it's even illogical in every respect... but how we react to trials of various types has much to do with our interpretation of our creator and ourselves and how to move forward... i'm quite thankful for god's mercy, and that 'he corrects' his children, and uses circumstances and events and misunderstanding's to help steer-us along the straight and narrow... trials can be exceedingly fruitful, or they can be a kick in the balls that puts us over the edge... i would say that this trial that's been going on since hillary versus trump has been helpful in teaching me how to slow my thoughts down a bit, and to articulate my perceptions a bit better, and understanding certain things that i actually need help with, and which things i just need to take another look at to move forward... i've also learned that i'm not good for long-term physical labor anymore, maybe to some degree for a season or two, but not as a profession, i'm getting a bit old, and the body doesn't recover as it once used to... i appreciate trials even though i want to curse the world for them sometimes, there is an element of god's mercy in such seasons of our lives... anyways, James is a good read, it's only five chapters but it covers a bunch of biblical, or 'christian' principles and truths of god's reality, but like much of what logos offers, only those with ears to hear will listen, and only those with eyes to see will absorb the truths found within... give james a read if you are looking for something good to consume, just like any book in the bible you should have a bit of the understanding of the person who authored it, and the audience that they wrote it to, but the best truths are principles that don't matter much on the author or audience, they are just pure fact/reality that penetrates the soul of the reader... give james a read, it won't disappoint, but if you don't believe in an actual and personal god then good fvcking luck trying to read anything in the bible, good luck mate. -- ct
02-25-22: i've already been outside and moved about four or five inches of snow from the autos and the driveway and walkway... that was a few hours ago, now there is plenty more new snowfall to deal with... i don't care for the winter season very much, but hey, it's life/reality... shifting gears here... when writing about the great reset and the manipulative practices and policies enacted by globalists is quite fun, one particular organization posts most of their motives online for the whole world to see, but 'the world' seems to be 'just hoping' that folks in important jobs and clubs are doing 'the right things' to fix some real/actual problems, instead of the contrived narratives and real problems that many demographics and individuals deal with... when you are rich and have endless resources you can sit around and theorize all day long without your actions hitting your own wallet/piggy-bank/portfolio, that's a bit of what's going on with networked elites... one funny thing is that i expect some push-back when elites that choose what to control decide that they don't care for my perspectives, the hacking attempts and certain types of surveillance is just a part of that reality... but today i had one of the social-class semi-retarded imbeciles try to do that manipulative 'cancel-culture' tactic of discrediting me and exercising my own critical-thinking ability, it's a bit like a retarded person calling an average-IQ person 'retarded', in many respects; the tactic is almost hilarious, but the source of the criticism is a sports-class social-maniac whose primary income is directly from the pharma industry to be a good little asset, go figure... he actually thinks that he was inoculated with a vaccine... HAAAAAAH HAAAA HAAA HAA HA... anyways, it's always wise to consider criticism, sometimes criticism is correct, sometimes there is baby in the bathwater, but when you recognize the manipulation tactics used by little children that are learning to communicate then you have to measure that against the source of the criticism... cancel-culture techniques are effective to try to shut people up and discredit them, but it's only as effective as the cognition-level and attention-span of the audience, which is why facey-book seems to be so effective in social and policy manipulation... anyways, good talk... and if you are curious about the writing project that i'm working on then you can start by looking at the interactive diagram at this link, and when you consider the way that influencers and policy-makers use concerted narratives to manipulate desired outcome then you might start connecting some dots on your own... you might also like the book or movie when it's done... i'm sure that some smarter folks are already working on their version of the story, but i'm taking a crack at it anyways... the great reset, and the steps taken to get us to that point is the story of our time... writing is fun, you must try it sometime. -- ct

02-25-22 later: so i'm recalling listening to other people's perspectives and insight and observations and opinions over the past twenty or thirty years or so, and i look at different periods of my life, and then who some important influencers were during those times... if i were try to recall the full list of influencers both positive and negative then list would fill a scroll, but there was a stage in my life where i was in a few groups of folks that included a few doctors, a few professors and other educators, and some other folks too that had a heart for god and to serve god in some capacity or another, i learned a bunch from all of those folks, i didn't learn a TON from each one of them, the bio-chemist was in a class of his own but he was also brilliant at explaining theory when he spoke about work stuff... but most of those folks had various understandings and interpretations of god and certain aspects of god, but they were all so very close to believing and agreeing on the same thing... some of them could argue until blue in the face about certain 'do's and don'ts' of christian religion, and sometimes even things like 'those folks are heretics for even suggesting that the body is this and the bread is that and what's the wine even about'... oh yeah, i've been around plenty of folks that appreciate meta-physics, and that weigh much of their decision-making and actions based on the two most important of the ten commandments, man, do i appreciate folks like that... and at the same time that i tell you that i will also kindly tell you that i fvcking hate wolves and predators that lie and deceive, that's one of the reasons that i felt motivated to begin writing... there are a million different ways to manipulate folks including distorting facts and controlling information, and i thought i had seen them all, but never to the extent that i witnessed during the trump era, and the covid era... it was enough to wake me up a bit and snap me back into the reality that wolves and predators exist among our population, but they look like regular people... some kill, steal, and destroy, and others are more like 'orwellian blackwhites' that work for media and communications and have sponsors to answer to, and then other networks that they are also associated with, and the groups and industries that they support, and the words and rhetoric they use to communicate, and their network's actions and behaviors... so i don't really sympathize with either types of predators, i don't like thugs that prey on sheep, and i don't like manipulators that prey on sheep... and some of those types get under my skin like nobody's business... i don't know how any of those professional smart people that i used to spend meaningful and purposeful time with would think of my perspectives and writing style and methods of expression that i use, but i think most would tell you that i have a heart for god, and tried to serve him as best as i could at the time that we spent time together, i think some of them would also tell you that they knew i was troubled in some sense for a time, but didn't know how to really help... i can tell you that i'm feeling much better now, and seeing more clearly than ever before, despite my reading glasses... you can choose to think that i was the token fool that they were stuck with, or you might consider that we all learned from one another pretty well... anyhow, it was interesting to read the words of a manipulative fool today, it was a bit disappointing too, because i considered them a loved-one, but you live and you learn and sometimes you have to face reality and the fact that fools live among us just as predators do, sometimes fools dress like the jester, sometimes they try to distort reality and manipulate sheep, and other times they just prioritize social-dependencies and repeat brain-washed narratives... but i expected some more push-back, i posted a bunch of things poking at a bunch of chests over the past few days, and brainwashed blackwhite zombies are starting to respond, what did i expect, life comes filled with disappointments, it's all part of the package-plan, disappointments are as real as life and death, you ever hear the phrase that 'you don't really want to meet your heroes', sometimes it's because they are sell-out actors that were playing a role, and douche-bag predators for being so deceptive and persuasive for a penny or two... anyways, today was pretty cool, i had to shovel a bunch of snow, but i got to read and write a bunch, and had some quiet time to do some thinking in between most of that, the little things that i find pleasure in as i get older are too weird, but i appreciate the time to do them. -- ct
02-24-22:  today's free-time will be spent with paper and pencil and modifying some recently printed diagrams, and expanding lists of variables for soot, i was reminded of another good web-page for some context, corey's digs... i also downloaded an unrelated book that i thought i was going to have to pay for, sometimes authors make their works available for free on non-commerce websites, i'm glad that i found it, and that the author isn't a money-driven elite that hold's their works and egos tightly and secretively, so i'll be reading a bit more on cannabinoids and the endo-cannabinoid system as they relate to endocrinology when time and priorities permit.  --  ct

02-24-22 later: actually i have enough variables to get well under way with character introductions, but time-line is today's focus, it's a beast though, i have many news sources that let you filter results by date, but that's gonna be a dog... but i suppose these things aren't supposed to be very easy, so i can search platforms and databases for known variables and limit results to date ranges... yeah, i think that's the way to go... what a fun project this is turning out to be. -- ct
02-23-22: today should be story-line, creative part, wiggling the wrapper to put around the facts, the more characters that i introduce the more the story-line shifts, so i have to establish some connections to the characters already, and expand on that story-line, i guess it's like saying that i'm expanding on some of the sub-stories, the stories within the stories, the complexity comes when connecting much of the sub-stories, how many sub-stories and what depth to give them, and the many further connections and sub-stories you can blend to tell the big story... i think the [soot is the great reset] that's well underway, and how to tell it in a book/movie is the challenge, which is also underway... today is broadening story-line, putting some wrapper to the events. -- ct

02-23-22 later: a couple of cups of coffee and a few errands later, and i have to go back to this Langan quote, because motive is a base for any decent story...

' insofar as a desire to rule the world and thus to maximize one's control of the environment reflects the maximization of personal utility, and this is how rationality is conventionally defined in economics and decision theory.' -- C. Langan

... in the case of the soot you might have a combination of a desire to rule the world, under the guise of trying to save the planet/world, i think that's about how i perceive motive and narrative... the planet has been used and abused, for sure... however, it's not to say that the more folks become aware of air-pollution/litter/toxic-waste and over consumption isn't enough to get things right, and make meaningful adjustments to the world's health and ecology and physiology... but some folks seem determined that the world is too populated and too dirty and polluted and we are going to cause our planet to become inhabitable, they are literally trying to save the world from destruction, but their efforts are also warring against energy supply, unless it's 'green and renewable' energy supply... that seems to be a part of the motive, it seems like they are convinced that people aren't moving fast enough into renewable energy and are continuing to still invest in fossil-based naturally occurring sources of energy... that seems to be some of the logic behind some motivation... so they combine those theories with other theories that people are too stupid to know what's good for them', so manipulation must occur in order to steer people in the right/preferred direction... and yet it's also competitive motivated, it's like 'those guys are doing this and making good money from doing it, and i can see what they are doing, and i don't like it, so i'm going to fvck with them, make them lose so we can win', it's why they hire so many lawyers, because they have decent bull-shit meters, and must know how to counter-strike... it's why they employ so many entertainers/media personalities and other so-called influencers, because they know how to persuade/sell/communicate... telling the story of the great re-set must include theories and motivators, and other networked associates and resources... i'm sure someone is already working on the books and the movies to describe where we currently stand in terms of globalist NWO-types, but i'm taking a crack at it anyways, i just call it the Story of Our Times 'soot', if you will... i wonder how many pre-election movies are already in the works, i dunno, but i'm giving a manuscript a try, it's an interesting story. -- ct
02-22-22:  i read an article written by J. Rappoport, it was pretty well articulated, and i appreciated his perspectives and insight regarding the WEF puppets of Klaus Schwab... that Schwab feller is bad news... here's a quote from C. Langan regarding his perspective and overview of some folks like Schwab and some of his coherts:
" The natural question is "Why are they doing this to us?", and the answer is really very simple. Perhaps some readers remember the 1980's song "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" (by the talented but pathetically named English duo "Tears for Fears"). The titular assertion is true insofar as it is rational, i.e., insofar as a desire to rule the world and thus to maximize one's control of the environment reflects the maximization of personal utility, and this is how rationality is conventionally defined in economics and decision theory. "
... well stated, right... so when i try to tell a story 'soot' there must be a schwab character, there simply must be... the question is how will i describe the character, what will be the traits and adjectives assigned to him, time will tell, but i have some ideas, and they certainly don't paint the predator in a flattering manner, you'll see.... telling the story of our time must include some obvious members of the elite ruling class, it simply must.  --  ct

02-22-22 later: today is more of a reading day, not so much of a writing day, i exercised a bit of the writing, but very little really, but i have organized info a bit more too, i think i need a big whiteboard, my noggin isn't visualizing as much of the variables and associations as i'd like, so i need to get it all listed out to where i can look at more of it at once, .ppt file helps, maybe i just print it out and tape it to a wall, so i suppose that i don't really need a whiteboard after-all, it's just what i'm more familiar with, it's an example of how we cam limit ourselves if we can't think a bit more outside-the-box and exercise creativity... there... i don't need no stinking white-board, because we already have ink, paper, tape/tacks/pins, and plenty of writing utensils... anyways, today was good, it included some great conversations, a bunch of errands, and some other productive things too... it' supposed to hit 60f tomorrow, so i'm looking forward to this weather front moving along for some warmer weather to come in behind it, a change in seasons is just around the corner... screw that gofer-thing, you know, the one that comes to look at his shadow once a year, timid critter, i don't care for that huge rodent, he angers my soul with his forecasts, ya furry little rodent. -- ct
02-21-22: today i'm thinking about how a few stories and theories that sometimes merge together to tell a bigger story sometimes, or how additional insight can be helpful in understanding something better, more complete, or illogical, nonsensical, and fantastical... i'm thinking about some recent conversations, and then some recent things that i've read more recently, some of the things that i've read and listened to recently speak to some of C. Langan's theories, and his TOE, and how they expand on religiousy matters, and in this case i recall him discussing some facets of 'reality' using words and terms like self-simulation, sometimes he uses words like self-correction, and free-will, he talks about physics a bit too... and it seems that 'resistance' is something that has to do with many facets of our lives, and so when you consider some of those things together you might end-up with something that sounds like a what many christians call 'trials'... in some respects the christian theory that trials are sort of like 'life's hurdles', they are natural parts of the human life/death and human evolution/devolution cycles, where we meet various intensities and types of resistance/stressors and otherwise unfortunate and shitty circumstances... we hit new challenges, different and weird obstacles, we face emotionally difficult or painful experiences that we can't simply change on our own, our 'faith' and logic seems to be challenged, things don't add up and compute and make sense and there is no 'equals button' to simply resolve our equation and close the ends, we might literally be faced with death and we can't change things the ways that we want to change them, or the way we think things need to change to change the calculation to our favor, and don't forget the time constraints, we can't change things when we think things need to change, we can't control what we can't control with the time frame that we limit ourselves to, and the only logical factors/assets/resources/methodology that we consider in pushing back against such resistance and obstacles, in some respects we could say that the christian considers trials to be difficult times that everyone must face at some moments and seasons in our life, we can't avoid them, maybe we need a miracle to change the outcome of an unfavorable event, sometimes trials feel like a giant boot-kick to the groin, sometimes we find peace to where we just go with the flow, where we have embraced reality and certain situations as painful and unavoidable and then perspectives sometimes change too, sometimes a change in perspective is a result of a self-correcting personal evolution... sometimes a change of perspective requires another christian principle, one of humility, a component to humility requires people to assume that there is some actual intelligent and superior god, with making that assumption, or consideration, then we are our own god that lies to ourselves to say that we are never wrong, and don't require self-control/adjusting/correction/growing/maturing and evolving and expanding our understanding for a more complete and fulfilling life, i don't know much about physics and vocabulary, but i think it goes something like this, in order for 'human expansion' to occur there is friction and resistance which must be met, without resistance we can't expand, we stay neutral, and contract and waste, we must face resistance in order to expand, otherwise this scrawny little skinny kid would have shriveled-up and died long ago, but i exercised my frail weakly skinny body with resistance and exercise and purposeful nutrition, and am much more healthy then when i was wee-one, so it seems... without trials and hope and humility there is little room for self-correction, little reason to consider self-correction, and certainly no reason to want to face resistance... with free-will comes great responsibility, if we can't self-correct and adjust then we end up in jail or worse because we didn't utilize our free-will wisely and responsibly, we loose certain freedoms and benefits and even life itself sometimes when we misuse free-will and get ahead of ourselves in wanting to control our own destiny, maybe we can control our own destiny, but we simply can't do that if we aren't evolving and self-correcting and adjusting as if we were our own perfect little gods, maybe we are made in god's likeness, but we can't compare our intelligence to that of god's, we are inferior with more confines than god, so we must factor in humility when we approach trials and obstacles and hurdles and life get's a running start to thrust the boot into our sexual organ area, we may not only just need a miracle, the miracle might start when considering if we are missing something in front of our nose, the thing in the mirror, sometimes trials begin externally but grow internally, sometimes problems are internal but spill over to the external, sometimes life is easier and more enjoyable than other times, sometimes it get's harder as we grow and mature, sometimes we expand and sometimes we contract, sometimes we are simply stuck in neutral and don't seem to consider that some of our perspectives and words and thoughts and behaviors and routines need to change, sometimes we realize we need glasses and we get some, sometimes we realize that some glands don't work correctly, and we need a bit of lithium for endocrinology-sake, or regulate sugar to some degree, sometimes we need to get better sleep, or more hydration, or better food to survive and regulate and live more meaningful and purposeful lives, some trials we may never comprehend the depth and the variables that are connected and involved to a world full of free-willed humans and animals whirling around us... look, i'm not a professional anything, so don't take my words for it, but if anything above sounds interesting then i invite the reader to research some of these thoughts on your own... do your own research and prayer and see if god speaks to you somehow or another, it's my understanding that sometimes understanding something more fully and clearly can be god's way of speaking to you, but don't take my word for it, i'm a simple man. -- ct

02-21-22 later: so as i segway into a story i develop simple communication/conversation between various people/associates/networks/individuals, and then with simple and efficient suggestion/imagery we put the wrapper on the story, we make the wrapper as simple or sophisticated as we want to, i think that's a bit of the formula to how to write a decent script, you can detail, and fancy the wrapper as much as you'd like, but the wrapper is the form of creative/artistic expression used to start a story, and that story must contain several sub-stories, and those sub-stories can be as simple or complex as you want them to be, the characters or plots, or whatever the variables might be, but sub-stories become separate books, volumes, follow-ups, you know the deal... i don't really know what pace to go, or how involved to make the overall story, but appealing to a larger demographic seems like the way to go... i'm going to have to figure-out a primary demographic, i suppose... anyways, i'll look a bit more into what pros market to, and see what makes sense... having a blank canvas to write is awesome, knowing your target audience is simple communication skills, but narrowing language-style to a certain percentage of the population is a challenge, maybe... time will tell, but this is a cool project, how simple or complex to make it is the current challenge, i can add a zillion sub-stories, and all of them can spin-off different books really, but the soot should involve enough sub-stories in a short enough window as possible to be efficient and not too/over-stimulating... i'm sort of learning from marvel movies and their what-if series, so those are some of the depths/influences that i'm considering, but i really like the jason bourne sort of pace and expression, i must be part of their target audience, or core demographic, probably... the cast of characters is a tricky endeavor, because life presents so many possibilities, but even beating around the bush the characters are self-explanatory, thats whats cool. -- ct
02-20-22: the chess-match/strategy that's going on in the russia-area of the world is fascinating to observe as a bystander, nothing that's going on over there is as simple as you or anyone else might like to think/consider, and it's not nearly as complex as others might speculate based on the completeness of factual and relevant intel, but world affairs seems to include international networks that most folks won't care to consider, nor would we consider the strength and depth of such networked organizations and world leaders and relevant influencers... to some degree you could say that large/vast networks exhibited common narratives/words and actions/behaviors, and displayed coordination in different parts of the world, and exploited situations and events to enact many similar policies and reactions to things like wide-spread germs and colds and viruses and the like, and dividing this particularly multi-racial and diverse ethnic young nation called the USA, don't think for a minute that race-baiting and reactions to police handlings/mishandlings aren't being exploited to further influence policy and 'race separating', i'll expand more on that in another post maybe, as i try to develop my own perspective based on information that i've been consuming, i've read plenty of other people's opinions and perspectives, but that's only based on what information they consume and how they might be influenced and persuaded to form bias, unless there really is such a thing as an unbiased person that doesn't have different yet complex creative-intelligence and DNA and interpretations of the beauty of nature and what environments we grow and develop in, so the information that we consume and the various size environments that we consider, and the organizations that display similar methods/methodology exhibited by famous old-timer world leaders such as lennin, stalin, marx, putin, hitler, castro, kim, xi, trudeau and others alike ... you know, some of those folks... anyhow, more on that later, but much of that is actually a part of reality that is being carried-out and widely accepted as public and societal normalcy, i try to eliminate ignorance when considering that there are some straight-up nasty deviant cops, and many of them might be racists too, because some bad apples exist in every profession and industries and networks and demographics and environments for millennium... it's just how it goes with humans... but with that said, if you consider some of the topics just mentioned, then maybe you start to see a bit of the 'story of our time'... there aren't a bunch of regular readers on this lousy website blog-thing, but for those that are, i'm going to just start calling a new project SOOT, or soot, because it relates to a broad look at the story of our time... there are many periods of history that offer historical hindsight from which we grow as a civilization, and some times have interesting stories to tell, and i think that the story of the covid-era is an interesting story to tell, and that's a bit of what i want to focus some attention towards... i'm not sure how far back and how wide i want to, or are capable of, trying to consider and include, but there are many stories going on that make-up recent history and the stories of the last recent years, i'm also fifty-two, so you get it based on the types of experiences that an american born and rasied guy of my age might consider... the power and beauty of using racial separation to influence policy and intimidate is that the manipulative word associations used by those who practice such racial distinctions is to now label some who might point-out some obvious facts and happens to be of european ancestry and are genetically formed to be quite white, although Crayola Crayons Colors of the World Collections calibrates me to a color called 'very light rose' i think it was called, i'll have to find the box around the house and hold them up to my skin again to verify, but the color description they used was emasculating enough that i just thought to myself that i'd just assume rather be called white, because that's what i was called/labeled when i was growing up, certain people keep track of us all for some reasons or another, and track us by contrasting skin pigmentation as well as other things too... i don't mind saying that i'm an almost bright-white american born citizen with an italian-irish--hence european--ancestry, so 'by default' i'm about as white as they make 'em, i look toward the sun more than a minute or two and i fvcking burn man, but ask any normal person of any other skin-tone that has worked along-side and collaborated with me for any length of time if my perspectives, words, and actions would suggest that by default i am some how a racist and support racist policies and segregation-- from my perspective normal people just don't really think like that, they might be influenced and conditioned that way over time by environment and experiences, maybe from some ignorant folks, or folks that had negative experiences with contrasting skin-tinted individuals or groups of similar tinted individuals, but the narrative that by default a white tinted person born in america is a racist and supports racist policy based on genetics and geography is just manipulative nonsense, and so when i point out exploits of racial activists i will by default be labeled a white nationalist racist, that's sort of the default method that social and racial activists typically exhibit, i'm referring to folks that are trying to effect policy and funding, and like to use to the manipulation method that's become commonly referred to as 'cancel culture', there is no such 'culture' of canceling, it's that more people have access to the internet to voice themselves, and many of those folks use similar manipulation methods to try to belittle/dehumanize/de-legitimize targets that they, or their network, doesn't like or agree with, i'm sure some smart folks have already written much more about the persuasive and manipulative tactics implored through cancel-culture, maybe even considering common human motivators, and proposed or effected policy too, i'm sure there's a good book or two on that sort of stuff... but some deviant-haters that are skin-toned focused exhibit extra disdain for anyone that is genetically and differently tinted... with that said there are folks that have an 'extra disdain' for folks that look different, i grew-up in a few towns and cities that were in middle-sex country MA, but most of my schooling was in a predominantly european-colored population, you know, bright-white... so some assholes have a disdain in their heart for people who are look a bit different in any way will simply call-out facial features that are prominent or small, or hair-color or style, or if your shy or tall or short or heavy, or if you have braces or glasses, or how you are clothed, or if you were in certain tax-brackets, or if your european ancestors or any other ancestries were from this fvcking country, or that fvcking country, and if you were from this part of town then you were this sort of piss-on, or ignorant, tribal-centric division even though most of us were pretty damn 'white', there was a large population of roman catholic as well as eastern orthodox churches in that town, and tribal-categorization would happen with folks from one similar church on this part of town towards folks that go to an almost copy-cat version of it at another end of town...haters found ways to categorize and hate regardless if there was a large population of darker skin kids and families or not, we didn't separate or minimize/legitimize folks based on african or indian or other darker skin-toned nations, nope, we just found other distinctions to try to minimize/cancel to exert some leverage or control in certain folks... that's my perspective coming from a guy that that was raised by a broke single mom who had to rely on public assistance most of my life, and associated and identified quite well with other broke families that lived in similar housing and conditions and had all different skin-tones than mine... it seems like folks that show/exhibit the golden-rule seem to get along without racial prejudice, but there are some deviants that use skin-tone as a litmus test for acceptance and i'm not good with that at all... i don't doubt that there are such racist/separatists still congregated in certain parts of the country, and i appreciate when they are challenged, there are still folks that think that african slaves should never have been freed, and it's a sad truth that lives-on today... so when you look at what groups like BLM actually did with their time/energy/resources and ensuing wealth then you start looking at the motives of the leaders of such movements and revolutions, who they are sponsored by and networked with and who and what they also influence... of course normal people think that every life is important and matters, i know that anti-abortionists certainly think so, i know most legitimate christians do too, so BLM was the most clever slogan devised in modern history in both bringing police brutality to light, as well as separating people based on contrast of skin tone and heritage... i have a late cousin that i admire in many respects... he's as white as we get, too... he worked in urban environments for many years and appreciated folks of all different skin-tints, and one of the last memorable quotes that he said to me was 'some of the worse shit done to me was by other irish people, not other races... there was wisdom in his words, unloving and impulsive people exist in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and come from lot's of different places and from lot's of different circumstances, but the rise of race-baiting tactics and manipulation and more skin-colored centric policy should be considered when we think of the summer of the rise of BLM and antifa in the streets of america, marxist revolutionary tactics are being utilized by more 'activist groups' and when predominantly white tuckers in canada push-back on authoritarian executives and government policies and power grabs, that's when they get called all sorts of strange yet reveling projections from networked government administrations and executives and narrative strategists and mouth-pieces with a platform... some of my favorite people in the world have very dark skin and speak quite differently than me, and none of them seemed to fall for the race-bait politics, unfortunately some aRe of the philosophy that you got to get every nickle and dime, get the most out of government that you can, that's a whole perspective that needs a separate essay, but some folks do need help from time to time, and sometimes more than others... and some of my friends even protested a bit that summer, more for the street-party atmosphere i think, but none seemed to get caught up in activism narrative, much of unrest used social-unrest and activism that triggered a bunch of folks who were told they couldn't work and had to stay home for long periods of time... the social unrest used the momentum/energy of covid reactions and restrictions and triggered a bunch of folks that had their lives pulled-out from under our feet... many racial/social activists assume that everyone behaves like tribal warriors against anyone of contrasting skin-tones and that's simply just not the case, but social and race activists are claiming as much, so BLM was a brilliant source of energy for a new wave of activists and anti-americans that bought the theory that america and americans are racist by default... it doesn't take very long to research a bit about blm influencers... from a pretty humble white guy that claims zero supremacy in anything i can tell you that racial activism certainly feels like a decisive dividing wedge that i don't particularly appreciate, but you can call me, or label me anything that you must, but BLM became a tool for certain networks and leaders and influencers, don't be a fool and tell me it wasn't... now go look and see what they actually did with the funds that they raised... don't feel bad of you were fooled, it happens all of the time considering the size of some networks and how much and what types of information and media we consume... anyways... there is much to cover in the SOOT, and much has already been covered on this website over the past year or so... peace. -- ct

02-20-22 later:  i put a link to a new outline/project on this website, if your curious and want to find it and want to respond with some input of your own, well please feel free to do so... there are lot's of big stories to tell, and the story of our time is a story to consider, and to show/tell to future generations, future generations deserve to know the truth, so don't be myopic in focus, marxists certainly aren't, they have been raising new generations of activists, leaders, and policy-makers... the soot should be informative and worthy of writing.  --  ct

02-20-22 more later:  dang-it, i got reminded of an old post that i had read, and commented-on from C. Langan on social media platform 'gab'... and now that i see that much of what i want to put into a wrapper/story format he has sort of been writing, to different degrees and with different language, but we must be consuming much of the same news sources, but i guess that's what happens when you 'follow' someone on media platforms, they influence and encourage readers to research similar news sources... but now i have to go back and read a bunch of his posts again, and from further back than i had read before, because he might have already told the whole story but in different pieces and different ways... so i guess most of my effort might be putting a creative wrapper around other people's insight, i don't always feel good about doing so, but i guess as long as credit is given and appreciation demonstrated then it's good?  i dunno, but i've started focusing on the story-line a bit and it's fun.  --  ct

02-20-22 a bit more later: look, some of the things that i write about are all things that people already know and consider, but hope/trust that tomorrow’s events will be solved by nice people in leadership positions today, many folks are too busy and distracted with living life to stop and put words to things that we sort of know already, but never tried to give too much thought or consideration into... but folks don’t think enough about foreign interference in our everyday lives, but to a big extent foreign interference is a big part of they way some people in america live their lives, the same with other places around the world too, it's just the way it goes really... networks of opportunistic and compromised and motivated influencers, who themselves are influenced by foreign propaganda/interference are literally influencing millions of zombies and sheep and american policy, whether we stop to consider that or not is entirely up to the end-user, but don’t be naive in thinking that just because you would never do something like that or aren't capable of even doing something like that yourself that others aren’t actually taking part of that everyday of our lives, if you spend much time in certain areas of the country to have probably interacted with a foreign asset or two, or more depending on your zip-code and profession or areas of study, you can count on that... why would i make such a statement like that, well because it's true, folks will try to use information and potential assets to gain more useful information and influence a desired goal/outcome, it's just the way it is... i've never been involved in that sort of profession, but it only took a fifteen minute meeting with someone to come to a certain reality about the world of intelligence, i never looked into it, and it ended-up that the line of work that i was going to require special privileges never panned-out, so it was all for much about nothing, thousands of dollars of money tossed away to make sure i wasn't a bad-guy, all for a little bit of an educational experience for me, so i don't really know much about how certain people do their jobs in intel and influence, but they sort of showed be during a vetting test, and that was pretty eyeopening itself, beware of the beautiful woman that show's exceptional interest... how's this for an eye-opening experience for you, i don't know what the professionals call it, i just call it a big thank-you for the heads-up... i'm a young man that's had a few drinks and just trying to have a good night out with some bros, we go visit a few bars and places to eat, we are in this one bar and i go in the men's room and make proper use of the urinal and a pretty large/tall local domes in and uses the other urinal beside me and starts asking questions about where i'm from and what do i do and who am i there with, and i probably shared just enough that he targeted me, they guy says something like 'oh, you can see the guys doing their night-jumps and landings near my place, you and your buddies should come join me', and i'm like 'i don't know what to think of this guy, but i like drinking a few beers outside around a fire and watching the night-sky'... well, actually i don't remember exactly what i was thinking, it was a long time ago... but i exit the men's room, and i go to the bar, and a guy sitting there casually asks me about what the guy in the men's room had asked me, i tell him that, and that alone... and the guy says, well if i were you i might want to just leave the bar with your buddies, and if that guy approaches you guys at all say that you aren't interested and need to get back on base soon, because he is going to invite you and your buddy's back to his place, and he's going to pull-out one of the biggest knives that you have ever seen when he has the opportunity to isolate you at his place, and you will be victimized in one capacity or another... i looked him in his eyes, after a satisfying few seconds i thanked him for the heads-up and proceeded to collect my buddies and we left the bar and onto a different venue... i had that experience a couple of weeks into jump-school, and prior to my process to receive special privileges at another part of america, colorado was beautiful except when it was cold, and i met some of my favorite people while i hung out there for a bit... but my point is that knowing that just because your name is on some list which states that you have special privileges, but the mere fact that you are on this list that other foreign nations will know your name and who you are... how fvcking nuts is that to consider, it was pretty strange and insightful to a battlefield construction grunt that wanted to change jobs after a couple years of repetitive and boring training, so i'm not one of those special people that new about special privileged things, i just simply went through the vetting process, which was pretty eye-opening, i mean, who ever thought about that sort of stuff anyways... it just helped me to understand that there might always be something more than meets the eye when you consider that intelligence and persuasion are professions that professional smart people and subordinates do everyday for a living, but who ever knew that, certainly not a naive city-boy, but the whole vetting process was incredibly useful for a greater understanding of reality... anyways, glad to set the record straight, again, i'm not an important person, i'm not a professional anything, and i've never had to really work in a job where you had to have special privileges for very long, it was so silly and a waste of time and energy and focus, really, my resume is boring but a but eclectic, nothing really special about any of my experiences... glad to set the record straight... but i really don't like the thought of being surveilled or vetted, they are both nauseating but necessary i suppose. -- ct

02-19-22: so i think i'll take a crack at a 'stranger than life' sort of novel, maybe some action and suspense... i dunno... i'm still bouncing some ideas around, and organizing themes and variables and establishing some other facets... it seems like the more you know your target audience the better you can adjust the scope/depth of the story, you can adjust your various stories within the story for audience, you can structure each layer-depth and characters for various demographics and potential audiences... i haven't studied any of the professions within the media and communications and entertainment industries, but i've been trying to learn from movies over the past few years, and movies that my kids watch and like, and reading from professional communicators, and learning from the execution of their crafts... so i don't have a formula really, yet, for what elements and how to narrow or enlarge reader/viewership, but i've been learning some... i tend to write more literal than artistic/creatively, mostly due to communicating as efficiently as possible in office settings through email, i forget what term they coined for it, 'business cut to the chase', or something like that, and then i got a bit back more to platform function and customer customization and direct customer support, it was for a new and semi-complex sector GIS is what they called it... and then after that i had to communicate to, and train couriers/delivery-drivers, and most of them were english second language, so the communication and instructions for them had to be broken-down to mostly fourth-grade english, and then i did some MSM support and installations in between those jobs, and then i did some odd jobs as self-employed as well as working in some shooting-sports tools and accessories, and then for the small electrical contractor for a couple of years... so i don't really have a specialized target audience to figure out how to communicate to, which is partly why i write as simply as i do on this blog, many people hate it's simplicity and in-adherence to structured writing, i think that's hilarious, if you can't even tolerate it then fair-enough, but if you can't appreciate simple then there is nothing to appreciate here on my crummy website... so i try to write in a semi-creative style in a crude and simple and direct execution... so i mention all of that to say that taking a crack at a larger project and hoping for the opportunity to maybe profit a bit more from writing should be pretty cool... i think it would be more docu-drama, a story of our times based on recent history, i think that's what it is... now i might have to read a couple of decent novels to see how the pros did it, i mostly consumed movie entertainment and news and some other interests over the years,... anyhow, i'm looking forward to organizing certain aspects of the story over the next few days, the characters have already offered themselves/profiles for the world to see, so that part is pretty easy... i might try to take an online course real quick if i can find one we can afford, it might help the process a bit, wish me luck and pray for me, however you offer your well-wishes it's appreciated. -- ct

02-19-22 later:  sometimes you'd like to be a fly on the wall with complete and factual and full intelligence... hind-sight helps connect the dots, but the quality of relevant information is always subject... we use our own 'intel' everyday to make smart decisions, sometimes we utilize information well, and sometimes we opt for the triple-pounder bacon cheeseburger with the small diet coke option, and then other times we add a half-sheet cake and a bucket-o-fries to the meal and wash it all down with a quart of spirits and soda... sometimes we use information well, and sometimes we don't, sometimes we execute decent plans and other times we don't, but quantity and quality of information helps or prevents folks from making smart decisions, which is why i hate censorship and controlled data and intel and counter-intelligence measures... i really don't care for various levels of herd-control through bogus intel and data and information.  --  ct

02-19-22 more later: the computer is behaving once again... so i just watched a couple of 'avengers' episodes from a series called 'what if', we just watched two of them, and the second one made me stop and devote some time process a bit more of what some of the story 'told us', Dr Strange gets into some mystic arts and so you get some philosophy/ethics regarding what you would do with other power that you couldn't do within our physical self and natural powers... and then some of what fascinates me most is about time, and the ability to influence time and events, you get some theory and philosophy about god, time, absolutes, variables that can be manipulated... much of that is fascinating to me... C. Langan touches on much of the subject of time and free-will in his three-paper collection released in a book titled 'the art of knowing', but if i try to understand a tiny sliver of manipulating time i would say that it's entirely possible, because every action that we take and decisions that we make can be completely compulsive with very little consequential thought given, or can trigger a brilliant course of events by slowing time down in our minds and making sound conscious decisions and actions, i would try my best to understand some of the things that i've watched and listened to and both, and what i've read, and i would suggest that the very gift of the degree of free will that we are blessed with, and the decisions and actions that we exercise with free-will is the ability to influence both time and events, to what degree we have the ability to do so is something that i don't care to speculate on, however, there is this philosophy and theory in this thing called 'prayer', where simply asking the giver of life for assistance in a matter/matters seems to yield positive outcome, the positive outcomes don't always come as quick and painless as we might like, but prayer seems to be a request for cause and effect for the ability to change to potential outcome for a situation of various complexities... i don't know much about time, and what people do with it, but it seems like time is every bit a resource as the air that we breathe and the food we eat and the fluids that we consume, it seems that the gifts of time and free-will and connected to some degree, and they are both gifts/resources, it seems like much of intelligence is knowing how to use both in concert while considering the two most important 'commandments'... but don't take my word for it, research those thoughts on your own if they sound interesting enough... anyways, i watched a couple of those marvel shows with some family members, and i wonder if the writers are networked with some 'theorists'. -- ct
02-18-22: i woke-up with a strange condition this morning, the diagnosis was presented as a terminal illness to Joe, you know, the 'joe versus the volcano' Joe... yes, i believe that i woke up with a 'brain cloud' this morning, in my particular case it might be more of a brain-fog... i thought i had an adequate night's sleep with no Rx assistance, however the brain-fog suggests something else... typically with me it has much to do with the weather and 'barometric pressure' as it's commonly referred to, high and low pressure changes... today isn't just a coffee morning, it's a coffee and a couple of sudafeds type of morning, i woke with some congestion... and it's warm out, it's wet out, it's windy out, and my ear and nasal formation doesn't lend well to certain 'weather' formations and conditions... you ever get a sinus headache... it's a bit like that except not always a sharp pain, just more of a dull annoying distracting phenomenon, water consumption ought to help too, not just the coffee and sudafed, those two things are just me 'self-medicating', but the water is probably most beneficial, the other things just offer faster more immediate relief... anyhow, i woke up a big foggy in the noggin today... outdoor temp says 57f right now, and it's supposed to dip down to thirties by 5:pm, so we have some weather going on right about now, and i'm feeling it in the sinuses first thing this morning... brain cloud, what a terrible condition, hopefully the fluids and mucous thinners help, lest i find a volcano to take a dip in... anyhow, enjoy your day, pay attention to physiological changes, if your body is trying to tell you something then pay attention to it and respond appropriately, and deal with it don't just ignore it, it can literally change the course of your life... consider Mazlow's hierarchy, physiology is foundational to well-being, productivity, personal evolution, and a bunch of other important things too... the temp of my coffee is perfect, so please excuse me as i consume, and try to wake up, and treat my current condition, brain-fog. -- ct

02-18-22 later: a few things that i wrote yesterday will poke at a few egos, much of what i write is just stating the obvious, at least for some folks, some of my opinions/observations might be wrong based on the validity of information that i've consumed... when i say that much of it is just 'stating the obvious' is based on the reality that most of us understand certain things quite similarly, but sometimes we use different words and language and body language to describe things differently, so i'm just regurgitating information that i've consumed, contemplated, and felt some need to write about it... so when you state something that is obvious to some folks, and has been for many years, but some folks are just reading something that seems so new and foreign, much of that seems to do with exposure/experience/education/environment and a bunch of dna/genetics to boot... so look, i'm going to write some things that are crap from time to time, and the crap will have to do with quality and quantity of information consumed, and then impairments from physiological related issues from time to time, sometimes i expand on that a bit more... but i encourage the reader to challenge my perspectives, school-me if you think i require further education, i'll probably listen, or read your preferred literature if i don't have to pay to access to it, i don't have much budget for information access, but i have a bit of free time here and there and appreciate exercising the noggin and even considering other's perspectives... and so if i don't get feedback other than blanket agreements and bruised egos and attack dogs, well if i don't receive logic-based criticism on specific things and ideas and observations then i'm going to assume that i'm stating truth, even if i do it with manipulative emotion-based triggering of ego-schock from time to time... so sometimes i state the obvious, sometimes i put all of my ignorance on display, and other times i write about some things and ideas and perspectives and variables and considerations that are newer for some folks, and sometimes i'll just write some things that folks kind of already know, but they never really considered or articulated on our own... but i think i mostly just state the obvious, but in my own unique ways and words... i don't have a 'target audience', ideally i just want this website to give my kids a bit more insight into who their dad was, and what made him tick, and why he thought what he thought, and things like 'damn-it dad, my allergies are from you!', and things like that... and if anyone else cares to read then feel free to do so... i write a bunch about things that i've learned from various experiences, and then about observations that i've made based on news and current events sort of information, i'm not a connected military guy, i'm a veteran from the US army and learned a bunch of things from a short enlistment thirty years ago, i don't read or hold any secrets, everything that i write about regarding military stuff is based on regular info that every GI would learn with no special clearance at all, and then i've been a bit blown with the wind not really focused on any particular career path, i just took jobs as opportunity permitted and if they paid necessary bills, so i have a work history/resume that's a bit eclectic... customer interface and customer support has taught me a bunch about people, i like people, and i don't like seeing people deceived or victimized by predators, and that's a huge part of the motivation of why i also write to current folks too, not just for my kids to read in the future... my kids see me for the boring dad that i am, but in the future they will be a bit more curious about how i ticked, and some of my life's experiences, and a bit of wisdom to share, my daughter just finished a project for school where she was quite interested in family history... this website is about fourteen months of history, it's fourteen months of the covid-era, looking back on the life changing pandemic, as well as pandemic reactions and actions, a germ/bug/virus seemed to be released intentionally or unintentionally throughout most of the 'civilized world', it lead to various symptoms that varied in severity in individuals and groups of folks with certain underlying/pre-existing conditions, i'm thankful that it was pretty minor in the household, but data seems awfully questionable and controlled to the point where history may, or, may not, ever reveal what sorts of things actually triggered which actions and reactions that effected most civilized societies, and to a certain extent 'world destabilization', certain events were triggered and exploited, and during those processes there were many policy changes nearly world-wide, certain policy changes shifted global economies, many people had their lives turned upside-down as results of the bug and ensuing policies and mandates, so much so that we need to give this period of history a proper recognition, so my simple label is 'the covid era', but call it whatever you want to call it, the germ has turned many lives upside-down, and it's destabilized certain aspects of economies and monetary values, energy wars seemed to be ramped-up where it's green versus fossil-fuels, and certain folks seem to be fighting back against against any new fossil pipelines, russia isn't very happy about that it seems, trump the outsider that was calling-out some DC swamp-monsters and corruption, and may not have realized the strength and scope of the network and assets of the people that he declared war on, he interrupted business as usual, and probably screwed-up a bunch of deadlines where people wanted returns on their investments, their seem to be an unprecedented number of young socialist marxist executives and social activists and... well, look, i could go on, but the past few years has been one significant event after another, and it got me motivated to start 'blogging', if that's what i'm doing, i just call it journaling, just on a simple website thing, so i'm just writing about my perception of recent history really... i wonder if anyone is working on the movie already, i could probably through out the novel with a bit of focus and isolation of sorts... but i think that's what journaling really is, it's just expressing/communicating a person's perspectives on history as it seems to unfold before our eyes, and the larger the geography that we consider the larger the journal get's, it seems to go like that, in some ways journaling might be also be like a series of prayers, i write about things that i might 'complain about' as my way of praying to a personal god, he let's me tell him 'what ain't working, wait's still hurting, and all the things i feel like cussing out' ... the kinds of things that you might tell a 'personal god' who cares about humans and all the way down to each individual, some choose to realize a god and other refuse to, some folks have some pretty peculiar concepts/ideas of god, but i happen to believe in the kind that we can cry-out to and be transparent with on a level that we might never consider communicating to another human... so that's why i say that much of this blog is a bit like a prayer of sorts... anyways, no feedback on yesterday's posts, so i've stated the obvious to some folks, angered some others, and opened some eyes for folks that just don't consider such things and ideas... not even hate-mail... weird... anyhow, go back and read the last few days on this website and see if i poked at you, if i'm just an ignorant big-dummy, if you can clearly see what i'm 'missing'... the nice one's are cool too, but i require education to persuade me and help me grow and evolve... if i hurt your feelings fine, my apologies, but hurting feelings is sort of by design you know, people write with shock-value to trigger emotions and shock your ego, i don't like that i do that very much, but i know that i do that, but i communicate to more than one demographic and group of people, not just 'nice people'... so when i trigger your emotions, or display blatant ignorance please don't be afraid to use the contact form at the bottom of the web-page, let me really have-it, i'm a grown-ass man with thick skin, but please/really try to articulate your grievance with somewhat complete ideas/questions... may god bless humanity, and you too. -- ct

02-18-22 laterer:  here are a couple of decent articles to consider, the first is written by a professional smart person, it's about some common/typical behavioral/instinctual human 'motivators', sometimes simple things like typical motivators tell us 'why we do what we do'... give it a quick read, it's not very heady and it gets to the nitty-gritty pretty quickly...

02-18-22 more later:  OK, so now i have another idea for a novel, but i don't want to start it until i finish the other project that i want to finish first, and i'm totally re-working that one and haven't been very motivated to address it lately... maybe i just knock-out the novel and then go back to the allegory afterwards, maybe the covid-era thing is something to jump-on as it formulates, i think i just wrote the outline above, in some respects... anyways, i'll have to sleep on it and maybe have more insight soon enough, but it could easily be a decent movie, there are enough networked variables and stories within stories that make-up the story, it has enough layers to be interesting, but how much time do i devote to that, time will tell... good night.  --  ct
02-17-22: as i've been learning to write/communicate/express my observations/perceptions, or you might say that as i've been 'honing my craft', i think that learning a bit more about the way that 'i'm wired', so to speak, has been necessary and helpful... and so reading a bit more on human sciences like physiology, psychology, epidemiology is helpful, but most interesting to me has been endocrine related, and how endocrine is completely reactive/related to the other sciences and body and mind regulation... and then i was even looking into tests that measure things such as personality styles/traits, and iq measuring tests, and then/also what smart people think of such tests and those things that they measure... as far as taking IQ tests are concerned, my advice to the reader, the first time you take one, you might skip over the whole test until you get to the part where you can add your comments, and in the comment section simply write the following: 'it's not what you got that counts, but how you use it'... you could follow-up with something like 'i'm probably an average-processing/abled person, sometimes slower than average interpretation/processing/response time than smarter folks, but a bit more perceptive and quick about some others things, though'... , and then the second time you approach such tests you might want to make sure you had a good night's sleep, are well hydrated, have decent nutritional intake, and give the test your full attention and concentration, and then tell yourself that whatever the results/score reveal you must know that your knowledge of those results is just an interesting thing to consider in life, more than likely the better choices you make in life the better you will eventually score on some of those types of tests, some of us learn faster or slower than others and everyone is unique and gifted or impaired to some extent, and then the understanding of your scores on some tests might be especially good to consider when making big-boy/girl decisions that might be a bit more involved than what you've been exposed-to/environment/experience/education/calculations and the like... it seems that some extra smart folks will tell you that genetic factors have much to do with speed, storage, processing capabilities as much as information input, sometimes it skips a generation or two, and sometimes it don't, but how you grow/mature/evolve as you learn and observe life, well, i already said, what gifts and impairments you have is interesting to know, but how you use what you've got might be even more important than what you've got itself... if i were be a bit introspective and analyze myself a bit i would say that i probably have a pretty good ability to recognize and 'see' some spatial and mechanical things pretty well, words are more important to me than math, i'm only a math-guy when i need to learn something mathy, and then pattern-recognition and understanding how certain things connect as well as seeing which things don't belong, or, don't match, sometimes i'm pretty good at 'finding waldo', since i'm not formally trained to do very many things my creativity is typically realized in the way that i solve everyday problems as i try to evolve with life, and my creativity is also realized in word utilization and formation, and really, well, really, i'm pretty good at 'story-telling', story telling is just how i explain certain things, it's a bit passive and less direct then when i migh have had to write instructions/steps... anyways, there you go, there's my 'test'... i'm in my fifties now, and still trying to learn utility, there are some things that i have professional experience with that i could probably still do quite well, but i need challenges that can occupy my curiosity and interest at the same time, i don't do well with boring repetitive things that seem irrelevant... that's some of my dilemma... anyways, changing course a bit here... i'm not going into the personality/trait calculations/tests that consider those sorts of things regarding me, that's for the reader to consider/discern, but this crummy/crappy/simple blog ought to be insightful to the psychologist, i think i'm an open book. -- ct

02-17-22 later:  so this crappy service that i'm renting/utilizing has a bunch of 'robot test/verification' tests hitting recently, is that the service provider doing their random due-diligence, or is that triggered by specific hacking attacks... i suppose i don't really know, but i'm just going to keep doing my thing and plugging right along.  --  ct
02-16-22: i've been writing more on the political section of this simple blog mostly/lately... i have some more to write about the subjects that i've expanded upon recently, i feel a bit more challenged to include more detail in my criticisms of the brandon administration and policy and resulting destabilizing and devaluating our currency, and other outright economic irresponsibly, in fact it's so irresponsible that it's implications/effects have surged inflation and about doubled the price of fossil-fuel in one short year... they can try to blame their disastrous policies and theories and philosophies on covid and trump all they want, but they have implemented an assault on fossil-fuel and the machines which are fueled by coal and gas, like things that can charge electric batteries, but they know that, as a nation we had a nasty economic period of time where covid was released and spread, and world leaders reacted and acted in ways which became obstacles to business-as-normal, and they enacted policies which were guaranteed to hurt the economy even worse in regards to mandates and regulations and policies and fossil-fuel... they just can't be that stupid, and so that's my point for constantly mentioning 'networked associates', and globalist networks and agendas, those folks can influence policy when they feel the need to do so... the problem is nobody made globalists the right folks to make 'universal' decisions and manipulate resources and distribution and consumption... call me a nationalist if that's your preferred spin on someone that doesn't appreciate becoming a subject of experiments and market and resource fluctuations coordinated by globalist networks and smart-asses that think they have all the right answers... i'm just one of the normal folks that just want's to continue living in a an environment where the declaration of independence, the constitution, and the bill of rights all coincide where normal folks who understand the importance of simple things like the ten commandments, the golden rule, and the fruits of the spirit can appreciate the constitutional republic that i grew-up in, where personal freedom is assumed to all but the few who turn free-will into deviant actions or bad mistakes... i'm just one of the normal americans that doesn't appreciate foreign interference in regards to resource and social and economic manipulation, and a bunch of jack-ass policy-maker puppets that do what the big-boys/girls tell them what to do no matter what the cost is to their citizens/constituency, don't be a fool and ignore the socialist/communist/globalists that are implementing all sorts of policies world-wide on the piggy-back of a natural disaster such as pandemic and biological warfare... the europeans are waking-up to it, the canadians are waking-up to it, many americans are waking-up to it, australia and new zealand are waking-up to it... the reader shouldn't be totally distracted by local, and state, and federal manipulation and instability, you must connect some dots and consider global networks and leaders... anyways, just some food for thought. -- ct

02-16-22 later: it seems like Langan's terminology as 'conspansive manifold', it applies other laws/theories meaning there are plenty of other relevant applications, i would consider application to 'spiritual growth', and 'physiological changes', and becoming a useful member to society and others that are closer in relationship, while also becoming as self-sufficient/self-sustaining lifestyle... most folks understand basic physiological requirements to sustain a healthy and elongated life... i appreciate some primitive survival sorts of things, so when i say 'basic physiological needs' i mean basic long-term survival priorities, we need water, sleep, food, shelter, air, temperature/climate regulation from things like clothing and fire, and there plenty of other important things to consider for long-term well-functioning survival as well, movement/exercise, endocrine-regulation if we start 'breaking' in some way, there are nutritional do's and nutritional dont's depending on the delicate ecosystem of the individual-condition. -- ct
02-14-22: pee-yew... it think the plow driver that was near the home at 0500 killed a skunk, or maybe the critter just sprayed something around that time, but the smell has permeated well into the house... way to excite the senses first thing in the morning, i can't even smell my coffee (UPDATE 02-14: the skunk isn't dead, it sprayed close-by again last-night, i'll have to let the neighbors know to be careful when they let the k-9s out at night for a bit)... i'm excited that the well guys are coming early this morning, we hope to have some reliable water flow in the near future, we've been putting-off laundry dishes and showers to some extent for almost a week, showers are a leap of faith/crap-shoot, you can wash maybe half a dozen to a dozen dishes at a time, and the girls used a laundry-mat yesterday for the first time in ages, fortunately the toilet still flushes without much struggle, i'll probably take a shower at the local ymca, unless i heat-up the big pot full of water and do it the more primitive way... anyhow, looking forward to reliable water flow again... i didn't catch any of the stupid-bowl yesterday, i used to pay too much attention watching sport as entertainment, there always seems to be something more productive to do with my time rather than offering it to well-employed athletes, and the hypnotic media productions broadcasted over the digital-airwaves, but with that said, i'm still a sucker for some big tennis tournaments every now and again, but the rest just fills your head full of well-executed marketing, and the games basically trigger emotional responses that i'd rather get from real-life, not the virtual reality that comes from other people doing their jobs on TV, but it looks like LA won, at least LA has something they can be proud of for a few minutes, but now it's just back to crime-ridden shit-hole usa, where globalist networked influencers, and funny-money backed lefty officials experiment with ludicrous policies and priorities, which pretty much sums-up much of the problem with the DNC these days... Now please don't get me wrong, i encourage the reader to search on your very own for simple things like senators and congress-folks, and various cabinet members, and appointees for judicial and chairmen/woman and other very influential/affluent folks like that, and when you cross-check some of the same organizations that they have participated in... well, that's when you can clearly see that some republicans are also networked with some unsavory networks, and you also see some other folks that i would otherwise respect are also participants of some of those same organizations... anyways, i'm not a math-guy so i don't know how the equation works, i only understand some word-values, but i've learned enough in digital publishing and data indexing and storing to understand how information is created and indexed and stored, and, much of the value of such information is being able to query that information with adequate logic/operators, when you learn how break data down to unique identifiers, and connect that relevant information into larger factors and fields and tables, such as, global networks and ideologies, when the reader does simple steps using known variables and indexes and tables and connected databases and networks and other data sets on those networks... so-on and etc... but you know, like using information such as individual influencers/unique-identifyers, and then query political and other networks on various size environments/geographies such as local affiliations, state affiliations, federal affiliations, global affiliations and throw in another few factors or two, and BOOM, it's easy to start seeing common priorities, ideologies, support, activism, narratives/common-expression, how they seem to assist each other and what seperate affiliations/networks and assests/resources they can assist each other with, how one back scratches the other, how they apply SWOT principles to enrich various networks... when you consider such affiliations networked by various folks such as policy-makers, educators, media-communication, actors directors/producers/writers and activists, or, folks that are labeled as 'influencers' that know who to entertain and convince/persuade, when you consider those types of folks and a few other considerations as well... if you just do a bit of querying of simple variables and common denominators/interests, and consider the effects/fruits of their influencial efforts/drives and what sorts of impact they have made on things like 'economic impact' and 'well-being' of groups of various-sized herds/demographics/tax-brackets, and a few other things too... when you start to consider just a few of those data subsets and networked databases and how to effectively query those things you end up with incredible knowledge and power, some many agencies have those capabilities... which might explain some of the words and actions of some of the most powerful members of certain agencies and bureaus and committees and administrators and board members and elected officials and media and artists and some other variables well... when folks consider politics you can make emotional/feeling based decisions, it's wise to consider the deceptive practices and manipulation by those unique-identifyers/individuals who are networked through various associations/affiliations and understand a bit of motivations and who actually benefits from the collaborated efforts of such networks, and at what cost to other geographies and demographics were adversely impacted as others benefited... so anyways, that's a bit what i've been thinking about lately, i think i;ve just been thinking of how to articulate a bit of structure and detail of some of my observations... but with that said, i just simply don't know what i don't know like everyone else, there always seems to be a missing variable or two, and/plus i only have so much intelligence and ram, processing speed, and storage capacities/capabilities, so please don't take my words for anything at simple face-value, use your own noggin for such matters, i encourage the reader to engage your curiosity and searching/researching skills into action when you choose to consider such matters as listed above... anyways, my coffee is cooling at an alarming rate, so pardon my interruption. -- ct

02-14-02 later:  we have reliable water-flow again, but the filter-less system is yielding a colorful tint and a high ppm that i'm not crazy about showering in yet, or subjecting the hot-water tank to... but we've got water again.  --  ct 
02-13-22:  yesterday reached a high of sixty degrees fahrenheit in the town of my residency... the snow that's currently falling suggests that it's no longer so... i suppose i'll check the forecast now, because i did NOT see this coming... i don't appreciate snow right now, in my noggin snow equates to labor in a cold wet environment, but for the sake of emotional distress i'll roll with the snow-flow and mention it's beauty, it's pretty... enough on the beauty... i like the sound dampening effect of it as well, outside is more quiet than usual, so it's got that going for it... i also like watching children that really enjoy it playing outside, and don't forget other mammals, watching a dog prance around and play in it brings a smile and a chuckle too... anyhow, i chipped away the ice that coated my neighbor's drive for about three hours yesterday in the productive sixty degrees and though that spring is about here, i was a bit disappointed to wake up and see snow falling... at least it looks pretty.  --  ct

02-13-22 later: my wife, younger daughter, and i were speaking about a test that is administered to a few different school grade children... we spoke about different facets related to testing and tests... well, hold on for a second, let me just offer the following quote from Marilyn vos Savant's wiki-page: ' The correctness of the answer depends on how the question is asked' ... it hit's on one of the things that i mentioned yesterday in our conversation... i mentioned a microsoft certification test that i had to take some 20 years ago, i mentioned that it was obvious that the questions were written by someone with english as a second language, and that it seemed that about ninety-percent of the problem solving was simply trying to figure out what the question-writer was actually trying to ask, you had sentence structure and vocabulary and a level of vagueness to consider, and once you finally understood the question then the answer was typically pretty quick to offer, selecting the correct answer wasn't very difficult once you knew what they were, or at least were trying to ask... it also seemed that a couple of answers would never yield a correct answer based on the multiple choices and the formulation of the actual question, so i had to choose the answer that i think they wanted to see... i hardly passed that test, but i passed the first time taking it fortunately, lest i spend another hundred or two to re-take it to be able to put some new abbreviation beside my signature, but i wanted to curse the ground that the question-writers walked upon based on some of the questions asked, english is considered by some to be a universal language, so folks from all over learn degrees of proficiency with it, and in order to be able to support global customers a technician/engineer must be able to understand various levels of english, at least that was my take-away of the test... so, anyhow, when i just read the quote from Marilyn's wiki page it struck a chord... reading is now fun, but it used to be a nasty chore. -- ct

02-13-22 a cup of coffee and some eggs later: sometimes i like to read about certain aspects of psychology, but never much on therapeutics/treatments for those of us who deal with some level of depression from time to time... i've witnessed severe aspects of it growing-up... and then when hit with certain physiological stressors, and passionate open-ended questions of sorts i have experienced some of it myself... i'd liken it to essentially being trapped in time, i've heard it described as being 'stuck in neutral' in relation to an automobile's transmission... sometimes the stressors have been useful for self-reflection, correction, and evolution or personal-growth, sometimes the whole experience is brilliant to open the eyes and see what i've been missing, in some respects... other times there are impairments in part to self-medication via alcohol, or impairments from professionally prescribed Rx... some of the symptoms have nasty domino-affects on physiological requirements such as what i eat/drink/sleep, even the air that i breath in part to environment, and once you start screwing around with essential physiological requirements then you are scientifically worsening your condition... just being reminded of the bottom of mazlow's pyramid was eyeopening in many respects, what i put into my body may not kill me, but it leads to a series of organ and glandular simulations, and body and mind function that might be beneficial, or worsening the condition which extends the period which i operate in a subliminal position of neutral... i also wonder how much the condition is related to slow-responses to changing environments, or maybe i'd call it a failure to evolve, or maybe just a slower self-evolutionary process, like a difficulty to change unhealthy perspectives and actions/behaviors in regards to personal evolution, i was taught in the church that life/god allows for trials to help us to grow stronger and better for ourselves and the rest of humanity... other than what i've learned through church and some published materials i don't really know what to think on the subject of depression, or compounded stressors, or foreign stimuli and my ability to recognize adapt/overcome, sometimes a guy just doesn't know what he doesn't know and has difficulty digging out of nasty circumstances, or self-correction and adaptation to an ever changing society and environment and circumstances... i haven't studied brain-chemistry or , so i don't know where the molecular supplementation/therapeutics help or hinder, but somewhere in the equation of chemistry and reasoning and evolving there exists the ultimate-reality, lest we forget that god is still allowing the circumstances to exist in our personal lives, and there is christian scripture which speaks to the virtues of Gal 5: 22-23, and then a simple language-equation found in Jam 1:3, and expanded a bit in Rom 5: 3-4... much of my understanding of emotional turmoil is found in scripture, literature, and science... but as far as psycho-therapy is concerned, well i really like the wisdom behind the words of a country song, it was co-written by a guy that lived a somewhat reckless lifestyle, he was trapped there for a few seasons or periods of time, somehow or another he gained clarity/perspective/insight/knowledge of his condition, and then had the ability to eventually regulate/evolve, this video allows him to explain himself much better, (i really like chesney's recording of it personally speaking) but i find some therapy in the lyrics 'got friends to call who let me talk about, what ain't working, what's still hurting, all the things i feel like cussing out', i found that there is therapy in doing so with respectable people, and there is therapy in sharing some of those sorts of things with professionals, and/but, to a large extent, i find therapy in expressing those sorts of things to god in prayer, if you will... it seems that even folks who don't deal with depression still face challenges and obstacles and consider things like 'what ain't working, what's still hurting, all the things i feel like cussing out', we look for answers for self-correction, for unanswered questions regarding immediate actions and strategy, sometimes literal miracles, sometimes we see results to some prayer that is numerically improbable/impossible to ignore the evidence that there is in fact a god, and that god hears and responds favorably, sometimes with such a delay that it can be a bit maddening... i don't really know what a 'trial' really is, or what equations result in personal growth and moral and wisdom expansion, but i think those things sort of merge together to form a strong theory... but i'm not a 'fart-smellah' kind of guy, so i'm not about to test that theory... but i'd be interested in your perspective, feel free to use the contact form at the bottom of this webpage is you are inclined to do so.  --  ct

02-13-22 a second cup of coffee later:  in regards to the last post, if you wish to consider the psychology aspect of it then you ought to consider the observations of Kubler-Ross... she wrote her theory in regards to terminally ill patients that were becoming aware of their imminent death, and their reactions to that reality, her theory of grieving is still considered to be gold-standard by many... consider that 'grieving' is triggered by something that we cannot control, in some respect you could say that symptoms of grieving are reactions (or over reactions) to stressors/events/circumstances which we seem unable to control... there is some truth in that theory... god bless.  --  ct
02-12-22:  the last few days have been a bit strange, typical routine is out the window, not much time to gather thoughts and research interests, and write about such things, but ideas in yesterday's post (below) should start to get broken-up/categorized and expanded upon in the days to come, maybe even today if time permits... yesterday's time spent with some old friends was appreciated, walking through willowdale was enjoyable, as was conversation, and dinner alike... the local IPA and the fresh fish-n-chips didn't disappoint, what a treat... i'm thinking a bit more about some of the networked like-minded authoritarian leaders in the USA and Canada and Europe and many other nations as well, networked globalists seem to share similar strategies/narratives and vision, and it's a bit concerning, the Brandon-in-Chief that occupies the nursing home at 1600 Penn Ave has counseled the castro-offspring in ottawa to get tougher on the freedom convey participants and vehicles, will the dictator to the north start droning the semis like a turkey-shoot next, time will tell... dictators really don't like when the herds recognize, organize, and push back on ponzi-scheme policies which expand their network's wealth and control, they really don't care for their subservants organizing, however, they do appreciate folks in their network organizing and protesting, those folks are even allowed to destroy property and commit violence... do the communists in office really think that they are still fooling people, and can keep getting away with it, it seems so, some of the liberal-left are smelling the coffee and changing policy, but some are delusional and are trying to maintain momentum and control, some seem hell-bent on triggering civil war through divisive language/narratives and demonizing opposition, they are playground bullies that are enabled to exert predatorial instincts and maintain herd-control, and it's quite shameful behavior... anyways, i'm thinking about lot's of things, and hope to have some time to organize and articulate some of those in the near future.  --  ct

02-12-22 later:  i took the post above, and put it out to a couple of social network platforms, i turned off commenting because i don't care for some of the short and terse comments offered by some networked folks... a relative with solid perception wrote another post to respond with their insight, the following is her post and my response... i appreciated her post because it motivated me to expand on my original post, it may not matter much to the reader, but i got it off my chest and onto ones and zeros, so the therapeutic effect is realized and appreciated... anyhow, here goes:

" Well I just wanna say that I like reading your posts because they offer a fresh perspective. Right now I have no perspective. I’ve been a nurse 48 1/2 years, over 30 with the same company even though they’ve been bought and sold, and as of the 28th of this month I can work an 11 hour shift but on March 1 I will be terminated because I refuse to get a booster. When has the authoritarian dictatorship ever been as controversial as the thought of what can be injected into your body. I work as a hospice nurse for children at home and I’ve never had anyone be able to cover for me because there’s so few nurses so now my patient will be abandoned the job I have loved for so many years is over because I can’t work as a nurse anywhere cause I won’t get a third job looks like my doctorate in infectious and communicable diseases doesn’t mean anything so hi ho hi ho it’s off to working at Goodwill where everyone is friendly and 'everybody knows your name' "

well stated Doreen... the optimist in me wants to point out that there are sound medical professionals, scientists, and analysts that are looking at raw data/evidence--not just controlled data to support narratives and mistakes made by other professional smart people--and are finally breaking through with certain policy-makers to modify over-reactive 'emergency executive power/authority' which were granted to executives to enact/dictate policies which other networked executives have agreed would be best for their constituency, one variable to the problem of executive authority is that many politicians are both puppets and performance actors and actresses... they are given a script which some of us call a 'narrative' which speaks to being mere puppets and not free-thinkers, and then they just have to play their role to the best of their abilities which supports the acting classes that some seem to have paid attention to... as time passes and we are offered the gift of hindsight and evidence for future consideration and self-correction, i think more folks will understand the sorts of opportunistic and deviant words and actions exhibited by many smart people that should have been more concerned with facts rather than network controlled-language/narrative... hind-sight should also avail the ponzi-scheme aspect of natural disaster and germ exploitation, when history shows us which companies and individuals that profited from the nasty germ, which controlled data and narrative was used by them, and their actions/behaviors and policies they embraced, then we will see things such as 'why they did what they did--motivation', and 'who else did what they did--other profiteers'... when you consider the effects and stress of over-reactive policy, the devastating affects to many people's livelihoods, and the removal/forfeiture of individual freedom that american citizens are endowed by our creator, we will begin to understand the devastation caused by reactions and over-reactions by folks that were in on the greatest ponzi-scheme of our lifetime... but in order to consider the magnitude of the crovid-opportunity then you must consider how large/vast some networks are, by the very name/label 'globalists' are a part of a much larger network than most of us 'regular people' envision... when you consider globalist organizations, the members of those organizations, and the expressed goals of such networks, well that's when i begin to narrow much of my disgust to authoritative executives that strip-away individual freedoms, because many of them belong to the same clubs/networks/organizations that belong to the philosophy that people are too stupid to know what's good for them, so herd-control with manipulative/controlled language and narratives is just a simple necessity, it's why they do what they do, lack of transparency is just out-right lying, when you consider the reasoning/motivation of liars, and the magnitude of many networks, well, a simple man/me can get a bit disappointed by the words and actions of professional smart people... understanding instinctual human behaviors, personality traits/types, and things that motivate folks should all be considered when reading everything that i just wrote... call me a jerk, call me simple, call me misinformed, call me what you want, but time/hindsight will give better insight/detail then my simple opinions/observations/perspectives... i'm not a professional anything, so don't take my words for it, time will tell the rest of the story... Doreen and I will evolve/adapt/transition to possibly new sources of income as professional pseudo-smart people continue to milk the exploitation of disasters for all it's worth... pray for us, we require some of that as we grow and evolve... peace.  --  ct
02-11-22: at least i had some sleep through the night/morning, it wasn't much, but i don't have much physical labor forecast/expected today, so i ought to be able to function with adequate capacity today, at least thats my theory, time will tell... i've only written one sentence (or resemblance of) and spell-check has already accomplished much, so if that's any indicator for the rest of the day, well maybe my theory is already busted-open... anyways, i have much to write, and many thoughts and information to organize, contemplate, and regurgitate, but my level of consciousness seems to be quite impaired at the moment, but here are some keywords to consider when i am capable of better function, and i have enough time to devote without being rushed: genetic pre-dispositions, stressors, recovery time, transition/evolution, adjusting to stressors and changes which are thrust upon us, adam schiff and sociopathy and ability to channel some nasty telors, globalist sociopathy and manipulative exploitation to set their own rules and govern various herds to maintain power, smart folks that use genetic gifts/talents to fvck with others... consider the village idiot with the mind of a child that follows the template of Jesus and considers words like: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control in conjunction with loving God with all your heart, as well as loving others to the extent that they love themselves... and consider the village elders/wise-man who exercises their insight/wisdom/knowledge to prove to themselves how smart they are by controlling and manipulating the rest of the village to labor, think of pyramid schemes, think of embezzlers, think of folks that use their gifts to exercise/satisfy their impulses and desires... consider law-makers and policy makers and influencers that exploit humanity and twist facts and distort reality as they expand their individual wealth and networks... these are a few thoughts bouncing around the noggin... beware of the globalist, sometimes they are too smart for their own good and for good natured folks which the sociopath considers inferior and must be controlled/aligned/exploited... beware of the socialist agenda, herd control might be wise to some extent in overpopulated and over-consuming geographies, but what's good for the urbanites are not wise for the ruralists... one size does not fit all... anyways, those are just a few thoughts running around the melon today... today is going to be a loooong day, a bit more sleep may have lead to efficiency in articulating some thoughts which i'm contemplating... i think a power nap is in my future... perhaps the reader can pray for me, or wish me luck, or something, i probably require a bit of your help... anyhow, enjoy your day, and consider our creator, the golden rule, and the fruits of the spirit as we welcome-in the weekend. -- ct
02-10-22: i think i'm beginning to narrow/understand/articulate some of reasoning behind most of my harsh posts, and the bulk of my 'political' posts. i think seeing and contemplating the old quote 'it's easier to fool someone than to convince them they were fooled'... it got me thinking about more about some aspects of why i do what i do... so one of those tests that they used to give kids in high school, waaay back when, the thing said that i should consider being a lawyer... i think psychology would have been a better discipline to pursue given much of my interests, some folks have a 'bull-shit meter' of sorts, and pick up on certain traits/personality types, predator and deviant-instincts that some folks exhibit, i haven't dug too much in true study into behavioral psych, but it's an interest, but i do have a decent bull-shit meter, and the BS-meter has gone off the charts going back the past few years based on the words and actions of influencers/elected officials/media... so basically i'm starting to focus more on behavioral pysch, i don't think i'd ever try to pursue it as a practice because sometimes i really fvcking hate predators that are too smart for their own good, meaning that they are using their genetic and environmental gifts and available resources to lie/cheat/steal and actually destroy folks who they minimize. i don't care for predators who do such things whether they are fully away of their actions and behaviors or not, depending on how calculating they are, and their motivations and goals, and the depth of negative or harmful impact which they cause or are willing to cause to achieve their desired results, well, i have little respect for folks that deceive and manipulate others, it show's that they don't have a decent grip on reality, there is a spectrum of trying to accomplish selfish desires versus accomplishing desires that consider other's folks needs/interests/goals ... maybe if some of today's influencer's were more transparent about their motivations and desired results/outcome, maybe if folks would be a bit more forthright and honest with the rest of humanity perhaps i'd be less motivated to write about their deviant and predatory words and actions/behaviors... sometimes i'm pretty naive/gullible as well, i like to assume that everyone has decent intent, and are honest and transparent to the depth that i typically exhibit, but that's just simply not the case, and depending on how small or how large your vision/geography/environment then the larger the impact on society, and the greater potential for beneficial or negative impact on humanity... i think i'm motivated to home my writing on manipulative deviant traits and personality types, and the sorts of tactics that they use to express their fucked-upedness understanding and distortions of reality... as i study i will try to teach the reader to recognize such deviant behaviors, because if the saying is true, and it's easier to fool someone than to convince them they were fooled, then i will continue to educate my kids, and anyone else that cares to read how to slow-down your thought-process enough to consider predatorial words and motivators and actions,,, i suppose that's what i've been doing all along, but now i can articulate my motivations a bit better than a year ago... if you haven't noticed, i've picked up/learned and used some of the harsh language utilized by such predators, it's not that hard to be a harsh asshole, that's what some folks with larger environments trigger the networked herd to do... some folks use their wisdom and understanding to project their own distortions of reality, and that bugs me a bit. -- ct
02-09-22:  so i have a new paper to write... not sure if i should release it as soon as it's done, or if i will coincide it with the next election... either way, i think it will be decent

02-09-22 later:  look, i know i can be a bit harsh when i notice scumbag scammers and predators... yesterday i replied to one of those sorts of people with the following:  no problem, but i just wanted to let you know that you are a predatorial bottom-dwelling waste-of-sperm/egg pudding-head that uses your intellect for nothing but shit-production, you could make an honest living doing something productive with your potential, but right now you seem to be using your god-given gifts for no good, consider repenting
... they decided to 'unfriend' me... and now the scammers and spoofers and skid-marks on society have lined-up to harass me... good grief... i liken it to when trump declared war on the washington 'swamp', and so the collective swamp teamed-up and retaliated with zeal... scum-bag predators.  --  ct
02-08-22:  had a crappy night's sleep, woke up with brain-fog, i ought to be manic by now with the coffee and sugar that i've consumed, and a couple of sudafed that i took once i realized that nasal congestion plus the barometric/environmental air-pressure combination was a large part of the brain-fog, it wasn't just sleep, it was over-stimulated mind trying to analyze an unexpected problem when i should have been getting ready for bed, taking too long to to fall asleep, then whatever it is that my brain ought to be doing when i'm fully asleep must have just not happened, or not happened deep enough, or didn't happen long enough, so a few hours into sleep and the alarm goes off, i wake up and it's still raining from yesterday, add in the nasal congestion and my physiological issues with ears and nasal passages, well then you feel like me at 5:am... i certainly didn't need all of the coffee, i probably could have gone without the sudafed and drank a bunch of water instead, but i just assumed that sleep was the entire problem, and the hot coffee was spot-on extra delicious... so even though i ought to manic right now based on this morning's input, i am not at all, pulse is good, and i'm about crazy tired... today isn't going to be very productive in some sense, because i'm going for the short nap now, and praying for insight to a few problems to get the nap started.  --  ct

02-08-22 later:  what a strange nap, i can't really recall 99.95 percent of my dreams, but during my quick nap of sorts i was in a semiconscious state where i sort of dreamed, but was pretty darn awake still, too.  i saw lot's of still images of faces, and face/busts of mostly very old famous people, it was almost like a laser/light-show projection in the foreground, and a different background which was mostly still... anyways, very strange nap/dream combination, i set the alarm for 25 min, and then snapped-out of the dream-state with a phone call and the alarm sounding off at the same time, very strange.  --  ct

02-08-22 later than the last post: so i've been in a seemingly 'dimmed' state of consciousness today, shortened and irregular sleep was much to blame, so to write that today has been out of sorts is an understatement, it was still as busy as most days, but i used free time differently, i didn't consume stimulating information very much (i hardly read anything), nor did i regurgitate previously consumed information (i barely wrote a word), instead, i mostly prioritized responsibilities which affected other folks, and then tried to ease/treat/medicate the impaired and dimmed cognition that i woke-up with... basically, the crappy feeling/state that i woke up with really set the stage for how the rest of the day progressed... as typical for most tuesdays, i spent about an hour speaking with a friend who is better equipped to teach me about more about me than the rest of my support system combined, meaning that he isn't emotionally attached or biased, and understands enough about psychology and 'religion' and helping folks re-calibrate from some rather nasty seasons, and has a genuine concern for other people's welfare, he lives his faith... what does all that mean, well, i considered the conversation a valuable part of the week... so today i had much more to contemplate than a typical week-day, and he contributed to the 'things to think about' mental list which is starting to pile-up a bit, any though/idea/theory that gets me to exercise the old noggin a bit is appreciated... so i don't know if the rest of the afternoon/evening will be productive or not, i have supper to put together (taco tuesday), and dishes that piled up awfully quick-like, and the water/well pump is misbehaving to the point where it must be dealt with, and then there is people, the family conversation and company is more important than the chores, so family supersedes the crappy responsible goals as far as i'm concerned... so the rest of the night has some goals, my physiological deficiencies may dictate the actuality of my goals, and then the family variable will trump everything else, as far as i know... anyways, today was a weird day from awakening, to some conversation, to my nap/dreams, and even up to now... and now i must face the responsibilities/chores/goals as stated above... taco tuesday baby. -- ct
02-07-02:  today i'm thinking a bit about topics/words such as 'free will', and 'self control', and... wait... TBC.  --  ct

02-07-22 later: i was just reminded of an old quote that is assumed to originate from Mark Twain, then i searched it a bit, and came accross this post to The Nashua Telegraph back in 2018, it was written by Stephen Kelley:
"Athough no one really knows where this saying came from, I have managed to fool myself into thinking it was Mark Twain. So, on my emails, this quote sits proudly in the signature area with the attribution (light): “attributed to Mark Twain.” Talk about equivocating! "
... and then he continues:

"Regardless, it’s one of my favorite sayings because it’s so true. I might even say something to the effect, “It’s easy to fool someone, but nearly impossible to convince them they’ve been fooled.” It’s an interesting dynamic, but makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Not only is the one fooled misguided, but willfully so. After all, the process of being fooled is to convince one’s self to adopt a false narrative. A person who is fooled is a willing participant. He has jumped on a belief without the proper vetting, and so was fooled. Convincing that person that she has been fooled involves the admission that they made a foolish choice, a choice to adopt “alternative facts,” as it was recently called in the news.

It’s even worse when masses of people and vast sums of money are involved. A very clear example of this, in my opinion, has been Western Civilization’s attitudes and treatment of cannabis."

... if i were to write a post related to canna then i might expand on therapeutics and maybe the endocannabinoid stimulation and it's domino-effects on hormones, etc... however, that ain't what's shaking in my simple little noggin this morning... nope... i'm just considering that when you look at the sorts of head-fvckery exhibited by some government agencies (tony the faucci, CIA, and executive/legislative/judicial branches), their media mouth-pieces (CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Atlanta Black Star), and other organizations that also are interested in size/wealth/influence expansion (Moderna, Pfitzer, and the myriad of corporations who conduct business in china)... well, when you consider the head-fvckery, word-salad, logic and truth distortions from such entities then you have to consider the original quote once more:

'It’s easy to fool someone than to convince them that they’ve been fooled'

Now let me ask you, the reader, what sorts of things do you think you have been fooled by in recent history... don't be a pathetic know-it-all, you disgust me if you can't come up with any... so let me ask you again, what sorts of things do you think you've been fooled by most recently? And then tell me 'how you were un-fooled'  --  ct

02-07-02 more later:  it should be known to the reader that i fvcking HATE 'foolers', did i state that clearly enough... I FVCKING HATE predatorial bottom-dwelling waste-of-sperm/egg pudding-heads that use their intellect for selling snake-oil and someone else's lies, and mis-education... it's bad enough that we piddle-away our precious time earning the money to pay for the salaries of many of these douche-bags, but when they distract and divert our attention away from truth it adds to everyone else's loads while the manipulators reap the benefits, and pat themselves on their backs... i have very little grace for master manipulators, they sell their souls for a sack of silver--perhaps they never read about Judas, or they did and wanted to be just like him... they use their genetic and learned intelligence to produce shit instead of something useful to society, shit-heads produce nothing but steaming smelly swine-excrement... one of the reasons that i write is to help my kids to understand/discern what sorts of predators use head-fvckery and word-turd-salad-sandwiches to deceive the masses... i've said it before and i will say it again, i write for my kids and anyone else that cares to read, a dad get's a bit passionate when predators circle the young-uns.  --  ct

02-06-02:  thinking about lot's of things over the past few days, not sure which of those things will motivate further research/digging, and which things will just get tucked away for future consideration... waking-up is a bit slow-going today, as i do so i may be able to articulate which things/ideas/information must be released... one can only consume a degree of information before output becomes a must... the longer i hold onto input without allowing for output the more apt i am to experience anxious and other emotions to an extent which can lead to actual health problems... there are many things that i want to write, but many ideas are still too incomplete to do so... there are many writing projects that remain open ideas, time will tell which ideas are pursued and completed, and which one's remain as open thoughts and ideas... i watched some good lectures and interviews over the past few days, here are links to some of them, and some links to media/posts from some other folks whose perspectives i appreciate:

* this intro is written by a friend of sorts on the Gab platform: 
'The 1hr Interview by Del Bigtree https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrong-in-the-media/the-1hr-interview-by-del-bigtree/ The Armstrong interview starts at the 1hr mark. I can't encourage listening enough. This man needs to spread like wildfire. '
 ... i would recomend watching the entire episode, but if you want to skip to the part where the M Armstrong interview begins then skip to the middle

* This one was forwarded by another networked friend of sorts:  https://youtu.be/N02SK9yd60s

* And this one was written by someone who i consider a 'friendly', and is about as smart as a person can get:  https://gab.com/ChrisLangan/posts/107747655639614845

02-06-02 later:  OK, so i've been consuming a bunch of information from a few groups of very smart people, i don't claim to be one of them myself.  So in order to be a valid member of some of those groups i'm going to take one--or more--of those 'how smart are you' sorts of tests... frankly speaking i don't give a shit how smart or idiotic i officially am, because actual intelligence seems to be much more than things that some tests actually measure... anyways, i know that my math is weak once again, i had forgotten most of the fancy math that i learned some thirty years ago, and i'm not as fast as some tests expect folks to be... i think that pattern recognition and problem solving are strong, but i goofed-off and became more socially focused 'people-person' most of my life... and so i have a smaller vocabulary as many really smart folks have, and i need a dictionary to help explain some of the directions that the 'one in a million' tests asks from it's participants... i'll have to ask the smart folks which test/tests i should take, maintaining concentration during such tests is a battle within the battle... i call the testing a 'battle' because 'recalling' information when tests require me to do so can be a challenge, so testing in general is a battle of sorts... anyways, i might know if i'm officially smart in the near future, until then, i'm an ordinary average guy, and i'm OK with that... there is no shame for the genetics that were bestowed upon us... what we've done with our intelligence is another story all together, i've spent many a year squandering it on social acceptance, and trying to learn how to make a living, while forcing retardation from drinks and compounds that impair the mind and soul... so wish me luck on whichever tests i end up taking, i might just as well need it ;-)  --  ct
02-04-22: frozen rainy friday, local schools are closed, and chores and routines require modification... unlike the cold lightweight snow that we got last weekend, we are getting the heavier more dense accumulation today, the real shitty thing about this type of winter mess is that when it freezes more throughout the day as the temps are predicted to drop then the better the chance for the icing effect, which knocked-out our power for a week at a time once or twice while living in this town, the ice storms are more damaging to property than the light fluffy stuff... the timing of my back acting-up with the heavy slushy/snowy mix and offering to shovel-out the two neighbor's homes while one is away... well, that's where life happens, some things can accumulate to produce 'good timing', and other variables can produce 'bad timing'... this is a bad timing sort of day... the mind desires and wills, but the body says 'screw you jack'... the work will get done because it seems that it has to, maybe the reader can shoot-off a prayer in my direction, please make the prayer louder than my back has been shouting at me. -- ct

02-04-22 later: the back is a bit better now, but i didn't do any of the snow/ice removal except on the autos, the stuff is seriously hard/dense, there isn't a terrible amount of accumulation, but what's out there is like a packed snow-cone... i wanted to read and write some more today, but i hardly consumed any input, and i'm juggling around a few thoughts/topics that i don't feel ready to output yet... i want to write a bunch about a book that i recently read and really appreciate, it's Ayn Rand's 'Anthem', the version of the book that i read included a forward by Chris Langan, and the forward was essentially more valuable to humanity than Rand's book itself... don't get me wrong, i think Rand's allegory is brilliantly written, and a good contribution to society, however, when you read a book from the perspective of an unashamed egoist with a forward written by someone else that understands and appreciates the reality of altruism while still considering some positive aspects of self, well, then you end up with a great book that should be considered a must-read for such as time as this... i'd like to write more about the book, but smarter folks already have... i will write more about it but i don't know when, i have more things to consider, but consider that Rand did a good job conveying various messages and stories within a story, she offered some good depth/levels to her story, and it was written with some decent poetic/artistic flavor... Langan, for his part, offers ballast to the degree of severe individualism which Rand seems to champion, the value of Langan's forward can be found in one of his most simplest of equations: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis... if Rand offers the 'thesis', then Langan offers the 'antithesis', and together they equate to a balanced 'synthesis', which is far more valuable than thesis alone, in scientific terms you might consider that without antithesis the COVID-19 treatments would include some 'therapeutic leeching'... look, anything written by Langan should be considered, some folks seem to appreciate being influenced by entertainers with varying degrees of narcissism (egoism on steroids), i prefer the edification which might be found from the words of actual smart folks, and the perspectives that they offer and the findings they present--personally speaking... anyways, the book was brilliant from the forward to the index, enough so that it still has my attention. -- ct

02-04-22 more later:  OK, i've got a new essay to read... Cheating the Millennium, so far so good.  --  ct
02-03-22:  today offered a change in recent routine, pleasant surprises, and a back that's hurting like ten sons-of-bitches... i haven't read much, just contemplated a few things in between some of the chores and events... i think i'm a bit distracted/per-occupied as i chew on some new information and things to consider... but today was a good day, but WTF did i do to my back, the combination of shoveling snow and carrying a heavy and torn sack of ice-melt (calcium chloride) for a bit of a distance are root-cause, but i think i overstretched the strained and tiny muscles which are screaming at me in some respects... i'm going to try a TENs/EMS device for a bit now... anyways, good day to you.  --  ct
02-02-22:  why did i do that to myself today... i finished-up one short book, and read a couple more today, in between chores and routines, and a movie... and now this seminar too, good grief... i wish the nice doctor presenting the seminar were speaking at eighty percent speed, or if youtube came with a dimmer-switch... i don't know if he drank a red-bull just prior to the presentation, or if he is speaking that fast by design as come sort of cognitive-hack, or if it's just him being him... i appreciate the info, but i think i had too much input today to follow along with this guy... but give this video some time and see if the content is of interest to you... i find it frightfully informative... and i sort of get most of it already, but the fact that it's at an operational stage is a bit worrisome and quite insidious...
... anyways, we shall comment further on the 'anthem' transcript when we read for a second time by means of the small glass globes with the metallic cobwebs lest the council of the scholars suffer the loss of more stolen candles... A Rand's book is good enough for another quick go-around... and Chris Langan's forward is a worthy book within the book in some respects...
... today's other books were more manuals than anything, and one of them was almost good, but neither worth mentioning...
... the movie was the bourne legacy... my advice to the reader, don't eat the yellow chems.  --  ct
02-01-22:  i started a new, and thankfully short, book yesterday.  yesterday was still part of january, and on this simple little website and folder i use a new webpage to follow the months of the astrological/western calendar... since i started a new topic in january and continuing with that topic into february i figured it was worth repeating the bulk of yesterday's last post to help expand/continue the thought:
... oh, i also read about halfway through a book, have you ever read 'Anthem'... anyways, i never had... i'm reading the one that has the forward written by Chris Langan, which added some good ballast to the author's story... Ayn Rand is a brilliant writer, no matter what her ideologies and perspectives may be... that gal can write... i love how the subject refers to himself as 'we' and not 'i'... the whole story is great insight into the marxist society and collective herd... there is no i/individual, everything centers on the state/country collective... if that sounds like a good idea to you then maybe chew on this, no matter what your individual gift might be, you will be a bus-boy, not that there is anything wrong or bad about clearing tables for the rest of your productive years, but if you are interested in neuroscience/surgery and have the mental capacity for it, well you might think differently... i'll tell ya, communism is certainly an efficient philosophy and way of life for the uber-rich and other demented controllers, it really get's the jobs done, but the only incentive for the layman is self-preservation/survival... anyways, you have to read the book for yourself, i recommend the one with Langan's forward, it won't disappoint... i'll try to get through the second half tomorrow...
... so to continue with that thought i just wanted to share a bit of Ayn's writing:
'indeed you are happy,' they answered.  'how else can men be when they live for their brothers?'
and now sitting here in our tunnel, we wonder about these words.  it is forbidden, not to be happy.  for, as it has been explained to us, men are free and the earth belongs to them; and all things on earth belong to all men; and the will of all men together is good for all; and so all men must be happy.
the brilliance of the mind control utilized by marxist leaders TELLS the masses that they are 'free', yet they are only 'free' to do exactly what the controllers tell them they are to do, they strip identity/individualism and 'free will' and incentive from subservient 'telors', the individual may only express themselves/individualism if they are permitted to do so, you can't choose your own mate, because marxists control that too... anyways, i still have half the book to read, so pardon me as i do so.  --  ct

02-01-22 later: after a couple of chores i received some GREAT feedback/response to some of my words and opinion... let me offer some perspective with the following statement, I LOVE PEACE, i love that stuff all day long, peace is awesome... but many folks forfeit their sense of reasoning when the adopt a 'peace at all costs' philosophy, and overlook the fact that evil exists, you know 'there are no bad dogs'... you know, they folks that live by a philosophy that genocide and mass extermination and depopulation is fine, let it happen where and when it happens, and no one should step in to intervene when it occurs, so war is never necessary, because, well, 'peace man, peace'... peace at all costs... many a man has forfeited their testosterone for the concept that evil doesn't exist and there is nothing worth fighting for... i dunno, maybe they are right and i'm completely wrong, maybe there isn't anything worth fighting for, maybe the fact that i do anything at all to protect anyone from anything just makes me a mean bully of sorts, maybe the things inside that drives me to be protective and defensive is just raging hormones... maybe there are no such things as bad dogs, however, don't confuse people with dogs... some folks think that all animals are like humans and that all humans are like animals, they can't seem to distinguish the fact that humans are far more complicated and intelligent that any other animal that roams the earth, many animals are pretty observant and have the ability to learn and make decisions, but most seem to be more instinctual, some species are more reliant on nurturing/education/mentoring, and others are born and off on their own where instinct rules the day... hold-on, if you can find me another species that can pull natural resources from the earth, and turn metals into alloys, and then mechanical pieces that in turn produce an automobile, and then mass produce such inventions which other humans figure out how to earn the money to purchase, insure, fill-up with some form of energy, and then get into those vehicles and safely navigate from their current location to another set of points leading to another location then just call me stupid, tell me that humans and animals are just alike, and that there are no bad humans... humans are born with some instincts, and as we age/evolve/mature/grow we learn to curb the instincts that put's oneself over another, some humans are taught to dominate and take what they want from who they want and when they want to do it, some folks think that man must live by instincts and impulses for self-preservation, their own desires supersede the importance of respecting others as highly as they regard themselves, there is no such thing as 'the golden rule' if we are just a bunch of impulsive and instinctual animals, and predators are just a bit higher in the food chain, they are not to be considered evil at all, because they think that evil is just something that someone else invented, they are blind and delusional in many senses, and can't see what evil does as anything other than what predatory behavior really is... some folks act like hawks and others like rodents, some are like packs of wolves and others like a deer, there are tigers as well as sloths, some folks have greater predatory instincts than others, and sometimes they grow too big for their britches and require an equal but opposite ass-whooping to stop ruling whatever sized world/geography it is that they are dominating... peace at all costs assumes that domestic abusers will eventually just change before they cause too much harm, or destruction, or death, and that with some intervention the abuser will become a 'good dog'... the peace activist (think Niel Young, Joni Mitchell) lives in insulated dystopian hopes and dreams where everyone just get's along... maybe they are right, and maybe overpopulation is better served by predator-like humans that grow in following and power to the point where invasion of other geographies is necessary to satisfy their instincts, well that and abortion... maybe everyone in the world will simply have what they need if predators are allowed to do whatever they want wherever they want whenever they want and to whomever they want, maybe peace activists are right when they claim that war should never be an option... i am a HUGE fan of diplomacy, and believe that it's the best course of action in conflict resolution, but there is ZERO diplomacy when predators are in the midst of victimizing those whom they wish to destroy (sure little children, defund the police, shitheads)... i appreciate most peace activists that i've met, but some of them will protest their own country instead of the killers that their country's military is trying to stop... many peace activists have no clue that they are encouraging bad behavior and actions from dictators and mini-dictators alike... lately i've seen some folks in the entertainment industry utilize their platforms to attempt to silence, and de-platform other entertainers with opposing views, that's fine, that's the communist and totalitarian method of squashing opposition, sometimes they do if with force (chicago style politics), and other times they threaten to hold their breath until their faces turn blue, or to take their ball and go home... that's fine, but eventually toddlers must grow-up, and listen to adults that aren't living in dystopia fantasy-land... i appreciate entertainers with some conviction, but just because some people have learned how to make noise which has become profitable/marketable doesn't mean that they have grasp of reality, in fact, it might mean that they have devolved back to spoiled-child mode... go ahead and hold your breath until you are blue in your infantile little faces you puppets of marxism, but don't be surprised when you get a little push-back from folks that are capable of understanding reality... i know, you want to defund the police too because there is no need for them in fantasy-land... but i'm glad that neil young has begun another step in marxist methodology, for without it we wouldn't be talking about manipulation techniques and blind ignorance... i'd be the first to smoke the peace-pipe with some of the hippie-types (and i have), but it seems that people pass germs that way, and it seems that folks that are too quick to demand peace at all costs have other points of view to consider as well as their own... let me throw-out one more point to the reader, my philosophy of resolution conflict with predators is to ask them to stop, and if it doesn't work then punch them in their ugly fvcking heads or dispatch them if they are in the middle of killing/destroying... and if that doesn't work, or they kill me, then it's probably time to send in the troops to execute a good ass-whooping, what say you neil young and joni mitchell, are you into depopulation by encouraging dictators and fellow communists to do what they want to whomever they want, because i got to tell you, most bad-dog types of humans won't stop being predators until someone makes them stop, but maybe you think along the lines that the world is over-populated, so tyrants ought to thin the herds... how peaceful do you really think you are... anyways, good talk, and feel free to use the comment form below if you wish to express your own perspective, but don't tell me that you are going to hold your breath until you turn blue... you certainly CAN tell me that, but i'm not persuaded by the manipulation of toddlers.  --  ct

02-01-22 more later:  first off, i never claimed to be smart, as in 'if you are so smart then...', i consider myself someone that's a bit observant and isn't afraid to write about some observations... situational awareness is wise for self-preservation, especially when predators are quick to feast on those they consider prey... i'm about dummer than a box of rocks, sometimes... i'm as ignorant as the next person when i haven't been exposed to things... but when you confuse 'news' with entertainment and performance acting then you end up with the chasm between us... let me throw you a 'safety line' and suggest that you ask yourself this question, 'what if i've been wrong about many things?'... chances are that the busier you are, the more malnourished and dehydrated you are, and the less sleep that you get, the more likely you are to forfeit your critical-thinking ability, and the more prone you are to just smile and nod like a good little obedient bobble-head... just assume that we have all been 'conditioned' to believe certain things, and at some point we have to come to terms that we don't all perceive things correctly, and we don't all have the best sources of information, and some folks are paid to communicate someone else's narrative because they fancy themselves as an important tool for their cause/wallets... i'm not 'so smart' as you suggest that i assume that i am, i'm an ordinary average guy that consumes an awful lot of information and doesn't mind spitting some of it back out once i've filtered and contemplated much of it... my safety line to you is to try to weigh both sides of a story, and i suppose that i should clarify what i mean by 'both sides', what i mean is that maybe consider that there is some truth on one side, and some truth on the other side, and then the real truth which neither of the other two sides care to consider... i don't claim to know the big-picture on every thing/thought that i consider, so slow your ass down a bit, and maybe just consider some of the perspectives that i share, please don't throw the baby out with the bath-water, just because i use offensive (shock value) writing vocabulary and writing style it doesn't mean that i'm a complete knucklehead, my writing style is meant to shock the reader a bit, when we require a wake-up call then foul and rude words are efficient,,, unfortunately i've observed quite a bit of of foul and rude communication methods over the past few years, and i've learned quite a bit about the theory of shock value... and lastly... i'm not trying to expand my audience... i have offspring, and someday they are going to wonder about the things that really mattered to dad... one of the things that really matters to dad is pointing out predators and manipulation that the passive human predators use to steer the unsuspecting herds... that sort of shit really get's me feathers up... i thank you for reading and appreciate the statement in form of a question... when you ask real questions you might get a good answer, or i might just say 'i don't know'... anyhow, i love dialog, never assume that you have a stupid question, just ask them instead of making suggestive statements disguised as questions... good talk.  --  ct

02-01-22 a bit more later:  i'll consider playing more nicely with others and behaving myself a bit more when the bovine in office is put out to pasture, and replaced with a human... we don't need the most feeble members of a herd in executive positions, when you compromise someone with severe cognitive decline you get your perfect puppet... do what your told to do, mr president... and no offense to the democrat party but you folks are entirely too communist to be much of help to a constitutional republic... i wish you could build your own island nation and populate it with every socialist in america, and when you become sustainable and healthy and moral let us know what your formula is, until you communist types can get a decent and moral formula down to an actual sustainable and working model would you please quit trying and whining and learn how to appreciate less control and more freedom than your preferred government style, conservatives typically appreciate greater freedom, but the moral decency and self control to be responsible with such freedom... you marxists are really into herd control and forcing compliance... i am SOOO not down with that.  so i will utilize harsh words until more folks wake up and dems and their communist associates aren't in complete control of the executive and legislative branches of government... maybe i'll play more nicely with others when the most radical wings of the the DNC isn't running the show over there... that's all i have to say about my writing style at the moment, thanks for your 'concern'.  --  ct
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