...if folks are curious enough about this website or about me as a person they might end up poking around and ending up here, reading some blog entries/posts, blog posts are where i write about most of the real things that are important to me, and about other things to, sometimes things that bother me for some reason, and i also write about other silly ego revealing things that nobody needs to waste their time reading... but mostly its where i write about things that i think are important somehow, i'm not a professional anything, so there will be ignorance written below, but i trust that the reader can discern the baby from the bathwater, i do hope to stimulate your noggin enough to do some of your own research using your own critical-reasoning... i write for my own health, and to my offspring/kids, and to anyone else that cares to read. --  ct
 January 2022
01-31-22 early:  the bladder got me out of bed a couple hours before the alarm, and the head becomes awake and alert from that point on... happy monday to you too... i've a bunch of new reading planned for this week, a few books and some web-based stuff as well, and we will start seeing what types of new dumb-fvckery the liberals and their attack dogs fired over the weekend talk-shows and podcasts, since it's monday... repeat readers know that i balance my political posts to the harsh-level of DNC mouth-pieces and cultists, well most of them anyways, some are just too insane and nasty to try to match... maybe it will be a civil week, but probably not... let's see how russia and north korea and china and taliban types conduct themselves this week, probably about as nasty as their american backers, which isn't very nice either... but a guy can only hope that scumbags start behaving... anyways, i might try to work on a few other writing projects this week, i haven't been very motivated to do so lately, i've been consuming more literature than i've been producing lately... OK, time for some tea and some published materials, god bless you, you might need the blessing more than i do, so take it.  --  ct

01-31-22 later:  i won't respond to your email directly, just right here... NO, i don't think that i'm all that smart, or a good writer... but since i hit a soft-spot i'm guessing that i'm an adequate writer/communicator... and i'll let you be the judge if i'm smart, or just a smart-ass... i don't think i'm anything in particular, i just do what i do... jerk-face.  --  ct

01-31-22 much later:  i'm about ready to bed down, but just wanted to mention that today was productive and awesome... i got a bunch of stay at home dad things done, got a few other things done helping some neighbors, and got lot's of therapeutic writing, or artistic expression, depending on your perspective, i got a bunch of those sorts of things done... i wrote on a few different platforms, had some good push-back, learned a bunch, and got some conversation going... oh, i also read about halfway through a book, you ever read 'Anthem'... anyways, i never did... i'm reading the one that has the forward written by Chris Langan, which added some good ballast to the author's story... Ayn Rand is a brilliant writer, no matter what her ideologies may be... that gal can write... i love how the subject refers to himself as 'we' and not 'i'... the whole story is great insight into the marxist society and collective herd... there is no i/individual, everything centers on the state/country collective... if that sounds like a good idea to you then maybe chew on this, no matter what your individual gift might be, you will be a bus-boy, not that there is anything wrong or bad about clearing tables for the rest of your productive years, but if you are interested in neuroscience/surgery and have the mental capacity for it, well you might think differently... i'll tell ya, communism is certainly an efficient philosophy and way of life for the uber-rich and demented controllers, it really get's the jobs done, but the only incentive for the layman is self-preservation... anyways, you have to read the book for yourself, i recommend the one with Langan's forward, it won't disappoint... i'll try to get through the second half tomorrow  --  ct
01-30-22:  the hacking attempts on my editing platform is greater than my viewership... i'm doing something right whether there is a significant viewership or not... but holy smokes are the hacking attempts going up... i love it, until someone is successful.  --  ct
01-29-22:  i'm currently reading through a Q and A type of book, the subject matter is IQ and intelligence, get a load of this quote:
 'The supposed relationship between creativity and mental disorder has been well researched and is proven to be a fact. Depression and bipolar disorder have a higher incidence among creative writers and artists than in the general population  --  Arthur Jensen'
... if you are wondering why i'm pointing this out... well, i'm pretty much just a creative writer, as witnessed by this crummy website and some other projects that haven't been released, and i have a history of depression, and genetically predisposed to bipolar disorder from a maternal stand-point... well ain't i just a lucky fvcker... good grief.  --  ct
01-28-22:  that was about a shitty-ass night's sleep, now it's time to straighten out the noggin and try to gather the faculties, life has expectations whether we have our A-game, or our ZZZZZ-game... it's the calm before the winter storm, 24 hours from now the snow ought to be falling, how much accumulation is the question of the day... anyways, god bless.  --  ct
01-27-22:  congrats to madison keys on her tournament performance, she played exceedingly well, until she faced Barty... i don't know how well i could have handled Barty's serves, she is amazing at her craft, well done Ashleigh Barty, looking forward to watching a bit of her in the finals, she seemed to be business-like in her post match interview... Jim Courier turned into a solid commentator, his questions were very good and he offered an appropriate period of time for the fan's responses before moving to the next question, back when i played a bunch of tennis he was known as 'the rock' for his athleticism/endurance, if his matches were over too quickly he would go for a run afterwards to get a decent/adequate work-out, nice to see him asking good questions... anyways, i'm not into tennis much anymore, but i appreciate watching some of the pros do their thing... i also appreciated watching people sweat it out under the hot sun while we are preparing for a snow storm in the northern hemisphere, good on you, mates.  --  ct
01-26-22:  i've been writing a bunch on the political section lately, this post could just as easy go there as well, i suppose... i just read a quick story on foxn news that spoke to a cnn anchor person who attended a school class in Queens, the teacher was educating her class on the various types of 'misinformation', and somehow brian stelter ended up partaking in the class as an educator not an example, i wonder if he realized that he really was an example/prop, well that doesn't matter as far as this post is concerned, because i just wanted to share a line from the article which quoted the teacher:
"We're going to learn the various types of misinformation," King told the class. "They're called satire, false context, imposter content, manipulated content and fabricated content."
in stelter's case he relies heavily on the false context and the manipulated context, it's his bread-n-butter, but i enjoyed the teacher's sentence enough that now i want to research a bit more on the subject, especially now that i see that it's a formally taught sort of thing... media's use of manipulation/distortion of reality is one of my pet-peeves, some of those folks are quite disturbing, and cnn employs many of the disturbing types, it's their bread-n-butter... almost every news outlet is guilty of manipulative reporting, and some are obvious partners with the dnc... and when you combine the two you end up with cnn and the island of misfit journalists... anyways, i'm glad that educator's are explaining misinformation to kids, some of those kids will go on to use/abuse misinformation, others will fall victim to it, and the rest might recognize it when they see it... i would love to see these classes taught by folks that escaped the propaganda industry and passionately warn the kids about deceptive practices by false teachers and news anchors, i know full-grown adults that can't discern fact from fiction if either one whacked them upside their heads, while the misinformation specialists congratulate each other on their successes as they become more emboldened as they are rewarded... ask nick sandman about slanderous misinformation zealots, sometimes they have to settle out of court, other times they face a judge, but most times they simply go unpunished, they get rewarded by their employers, and are celebrated by their peers for brilliant acting performances and results... some communicators use special-effects and smoke-and-mirrors to distort reality, others do it with word-salad, either way it's still nasty manipulative head-fvckery and i really don't like it one bit... many of those folks count on the consumer to be too busy and too tired and too distracted to do their own research, being distracted tired and busy is when we are quite vulnerable to manipulation, it's when we are most likely to fall victim to mass-hypnosis and drink the spiked cool-aide.  --  ct
01-24-22: so starts a new 'work week', not for me really, i'm still mostly unemployed, if you know of a decent cause that could use some help let me know please, income is still waaaay too inadequate, and eventually erap will quit helping us too...

here are some of my employment requirements:
  • i cannot work in a blue state anymore
  • i cannot commute more than fifteen or twenty minutes
  • i cannot work for an organization that has a mandated vaxx policy
  • i cannot work for intoxicated/insane bosses
  • i cannot work for communist corporations owned by scumbags like george sorros
  • i cannot work for an organization that expects cult-like mentality from employees
  • i cannot perform consistent hard manual labor
  • i cannot work for an organization that doesn't appreciate parental responsibilities
  • i would prefer to work mostly out of a home office

now that those points are out in the open, here is what i'm decent at:
  • customer service, i actually listen to and love people, until they give me reason not to
  • communication, i can communicate with everyone from babies to executives
  • working hard, but physically speaking i'm getting old and a bit gimpy
  • teaching/training
  • writing instructions/manuals
  • i'm capable of telling people what they want to hear, but i prefer to speak truth instead
  • hitting targets with weaponry
  • emergency first aide

here are a few of the things that i'm not so good at:
  • suffering emotional buffoons
  • suffering egotistical deviant personalities
  • being a 'yes man'
  • working in crowded, distracting, or noisy environments
  • repetitious tasks (stuffing envelopes, etc)
  • lifting heavy objects more than a few steps at a time

i don't own an automobile and i don't have resources or credit to acquire one either... i'm capable of learning and doing many things well, but once i sense that you are taking me for granted or are trying to extract 200k worth of effort from me but paying a fraction of that then we will start having problems, i love helping organizations and people and will go out of my way to do so, but fare is fare, i can't perform very well when i have a hard time making ends meet but chain of command is using the shit of me while they are driving nice new cars and wearing fancy clothes and going home to big beautiful houses acting like elite fvckers, that scenario doesn't sit well with me and it's usually when i start displaying an 'attitude' of sorts.

someday i might write another resume, but i'd rather just finish the book instead, it will be much more insightful than a one-page piece of propaganda/advertisement... if you know of a worthy cause that might be a good fit let me know, maybe i'm still good for something after-all.   -- ct
01-22-22: we are just finishing watching the movie 'unbroken', the movie was well done, you had to appreciate Louie and his story of survival as a POW, and as much as you appreciate louie you also hated the head honcho that was in charge on the camp and the power plant... it was hard to watch from time to time, the movie was well done and they really pulled at your emotions, i tensed-up quite a bit... so the last few weeks went something like this, we took about two weeks out of our routines, we drove out of state to meet a loved one who achieved a significant goal, and when we got back home we spent some time catching back up and spoiling him a bit, and then four out of five of us got crovid, none of us had severe symptoms, mostly just upper respiratory irritation and congestion, the two youngest one's got over their symptoms pretty quickly, but we did the whole five-day quarantine thing and waited until we tested negative until we went back into the public thing, i don't care how accurate the tests are and whatever other criticisms one might have, we were respectable and did what we thought was appropriate based on self-tests results and symptoms, i still have an annoying cough that i'm wrestling with, but i've tested negative and the worse of the symptoms have passed over the last few days, my energy is increasing and i'm able to concentrate better now, but still have a bit of sinus pressure and brain-fog feeling, i didn't loose smell or taste and i don't think i ever had a fever although i had a few nights of restless and interrupted sleep where it was hard to keep comfortable temperature as well, i didn't have much GI issues either, all-in-all i had what felt like a head/chest cold for a week or so, i didn't take anything other than over the counter decongestant in part to sinus issues, i didn't eat much that wasn't good medicine too, i had a bunch of soup and substantial decent calories, i didn't eat crappy processed snacky foods, i drank more tea of various types than i have in ages, and tried to drink more water, and that's about it... i could see how it would be more problematic if symptoms worsened over time, if i couldn't keep down food or fluids, or if lung function decreased too much, but i can't complain really, it sucks changing your routines to accommodate a cold and the appropriate responses to it, but i tried to look at it as a mini vacation at a cheap and noisy and cold spa... which i call home. -- ct
01-17-22:  i was watching 'the five' and jessie waters likened biden to a merchant that tries to sell you shit instead of selling you what you came for in the first place... i don't want these adirondack chairs i wanted christmas lights, he says... too funny, and spot-on... the dnc cant pass shit because they have crappy product to sell, they shouldn't have to cram things through on party-line votes if their product was actually worth investing in... democrats and their communist associates grew-up in blue states and assume that the rest of the country lives in over-populated areas and require the same type of herd-control that urban elites practice... it's not the sales pitch dnc, your problem is that you are only offering shitty products so far... maybe these are the failures that you all require to snap your base out of their pipe dreams.  --  ct
01-16-22:  we are doing fine, i've been sleepy with a sinus headache here and there, and basically just feel like i have a head-cold, and the other two are similar but without the headache... the book that i've picked up again is getting changed, i'm finally getting back to it with a solid and logical approach, now i'm trying to figure out how consistent certain aspects will be... and then the newer book that i'm reading is a medical book of sorts, it's written in a way to empower less formally trained folks with some decent knowledge for emergency and self-care, it's written in a lower education/lexile reading style, so it's easy to follow, but the author's give you enough technical words that you can conduct further research without a degree... i prefer to learn in similar fashion, feed me a few keywords or the name of a theory to run with and let me to my own, and i may or may not come back with questions at some point... so anyways, the book is longer than i expected and is chock full of decent content, and i don't know that i really wanted to immerse myself in another book, but i did, and now that will trigger much more research down the road, but it's all good info, so i guess it's worth it.  --  ct

01-15-22:  most of us just tested + for crovid, so i'm using my first day of hibernation to shift focus back on a book, i got my share of politics out of my system yesterday to hold me over for a while, and i don't need to further stress my body while it's fighting the bug... it's nasty cold outside, zero with a twenty degree factor for wind chill, it's gross, and the heating system has been cycling on like mad... anyways, wish us well with our recovery.  --  ct

01-14-22:  i just wrote a bit on the political page today, i felt dirty enough after reading through a few recent articles that i had to shower and write.  the thing that i'm not writing about in the politics section is that addiction/abuse of power is what the biden admin is getting whacked with at the moment, the supreme court had ended the blanket osha mandate, because osha and the rest of the admin has no authority to mandate vaxx, the admin seems to have forgotten which country we are in, there will be more judicial decisions which prevent certain abuses of power but the emboldened dnc-network does as much sneaky shit as they can get away with and they are beginning to get reeled-back in but the judicial... the more lawsuits that continue which expose more abuse of power by brandon's admin the more they will finally be forced to back-track, but not until an awful lot of damage has already been done and crimes already committed... it's a shame that the pentagon didn't have the backbone that the supreme court showed, the top brass just let brandon fvck-up afghan withdrawal, and there were a bunch of civilian veteran folks/organizations that had to step in to help, that was shameful on the part of the top brass, but they live to fight another day, so self-preservation rules.  --  ct
01-11-22: did Gov P. Murphy actually say this outloud, i thought this is one of those situations where DNC elitists do what they want to do for self-serving interests and the interests of their party's biggest campaign-doners, but aren't supposed to verbalized their intent, hollywood loves the dnc, and in some respects it's because they appreciate fellow actors and actresses when they recognize them... anyways... congratu-fvking-lations to the Murphs for realizing out-loud that reporting incidental cases (folks with the broken ankle that just so happens to test covid-positive) mixed-in with the number of folks that were seeing a bad-one from the bug is playing to the fearmongering tactics employed by many with vested interest... the strain that's still put on hospitals has a lot to do with their protocols for anyone that's diagnosed with the bug, it's how folks react to the bug more than it is to how the bug is actually effecting individuals, some folks need to received hydration and certain medicines and vitamins, etc., some folks even need hyperbaric chambers to keep them alive and kicking, but when fifty percent of the people that are in hospitals with covid are there for unrelated matters then the cash-windfall to the hospital/medical systems may be realized... but the hospitals should be reaping some federal money, after-all they have been puppets to professional smart people like fauci and other politicians for an awfully long time now, so they might as well collect their fees for the 'incidental covid' cases/folks too, everyone wants to use the re-allocation of taxpayers money to get as much out of the government as they can, but it's at the further demise of personal freedoms, and that seems to be the order of the day. -- ct

01-11-22:  i was just reading something that spoke to the notion of increasing creativity, and an attached article spoke to a gifted artist who described getting a burst of creativity when they sort of nod-off for a split second... i might try that someday, but i will say that most of my creative writing begins with insomnia, it begins in the wee-hours of the night/morning when most folks are sleeping, and i either awaken, or just have a nasty time falling sleep... if i feel like i've gotten some sleep--even if it isn't the desired/recommended amount--i might just quit trying to fight it and get up and start going about my day, much of that is sitting in front of this blue-creen consuming or regurgitating information, and i think that much of the creativity is more 'natural' in that state of semi-consciousness, i think that the artist was describing something more along the lines of when you fall asleep upright and you catch yourself as gravity pulls the noggin downward/forward, just before your head smashes into a keyboard, maybe it's something more like that... i don't know that i'm having a problem with the creativity (i don't know, maybe i do), i think it becomes a natural by-product of when you aren't fully awake yet, but i don't know, maybe it's like the study says and it's catching yourself before you smash your face on the keyboard... i don't sleep well enough to try the experiment on myself, though... sleep is a commodity.  --  ct
01-09-22:  just checking back in, drove through the night again, we all napped a bit today trying to recover, i don't write a ton about certain family or certain personal matters on this blog, but the long drive was well worth the effort, we avoided the nasty weather and diverted around a few of america's armpits, but still drove through some places that you want to avoid if you can... i watched a loved-one complete an objective and i'm parent-proud, i also met Carlos Del Toro, if you aren't familiar with the name it's because he's a rookie at his current job, he's quite a personable Sec... i'll have to look into his story a bit now that it's relevant, but once upon a time he would have been one of those chain-of-command type of folks, now he's just another nice guy with an entourage, he's got a bunch of degrees under his belt and all, but given that he was appointed by current admin i have some reservations, but it was a pleasure chatting with the gentlemen, he dealt with the pomp and circumstance better than i would have, i really grew to hate the ceremonies and the official uniform parade crap, the funeral details were worth the bullshit though... large noisy gatherings and fanfare are about my worse nightmare now... anyways, i hope i didn't hurt any ego by the fact that he had to introduce himself and his current position, i'm not into the awe-struck celeb titles/statuses and the like, i just hope that he does his job with the utmost integrity and remembers that he is 'serving' not just directing in his role, some big-shot administrators remember that, but many don't... many have a sense of privilege that they have 'arrived' at their position/role, but some roll their sleeves up and try their hardest to do some brilliant things with their opportunity to serve and the resources that they are responsible for.  --  ct
01-05-22:  the accommodations are perfect, casual and simple, perfect  --  ct
01-04-22: so the theme/topics covered in this and this post/post's are a big part of why i was motivated to throw up this simple blog, i witnessed a mass-triggering, psychological and even physical manipulation that spread to various herds and tribes and networks to all sorts of degrees, communist groups such as antifa and blm and plenty of other known and less known organizations, they are causes which have some decent sounding root-cause for communicating but is easily exploited by shady-funded organizers who become influencers to spread evil thoughts and actions and moral/godly compromise and distraction for larger audiences to increase in size and unity, they made extraordinary use of crisis no-matter how valid or invalid or manufactured the crisis actually were still remains to be seen by some folks, but they sure know how to use politics and political networking to their advantage... so, some actual 'revolutions/revolution' were beginning to really come into focus a couple of years ago, these sorts of communist-style revolutionaries really gained popularity and momentum in a hurry by using momentum/energy and emotional stimulation of 'natural and human disasters', the large and sophisticated networks of networks including many communist nations which REALLY feel the need to control their herds... there are various hierarchies of 'who funds and then who funds who' and 'how they fund them' is creative as evil can get... which turns out to be quite frickin evil and creative... i'm not taking the time to name names in this post, but if you are reading this then you are smart enough to use search engines to look into who funds multiple 'causes' and even .org sorts of networks, hypocrites with compromised egos contribute to decent organizations and really crappy one's alike, they are open equations with conflicts, sometimes you can tell a lot about the people who run such organizations by their personal philosophies and influencers and what their 'contributions to humanity' actually were, sometimes even consider if they have any meta-cognition and if their actions/behaviors and resource allocations actually equal to their philosophies or if they are just pr/advertising their brand/label or not... there are sooo many multi-level networks which make use of other people's resources to do harm or good, and sometimes a little of both for self-preservation and to expand their own networks, evil and wrong-doing becomes very 'complicated', but the choice between right and wrong doesn't have to be, no matter how complicated it might seem, some-times, many-times manipulation and victimization comes from word/language nonsense, and slow-talking or fast-talking people who may or may not be as dumm or as smart as they appear... manipulative word-salad is where 'messaging' began to rumble in my gut and give me high blood pressure and did/does not rest well within my soul, mass-manipulation through communication using all sorts of distracting word-salad/controlled language really bothers me, when deviant and deceived 'revolutionaries' display repeated--even habitual mis-conduct and destruction and violent actions and behavior then you have to wonder who is triggering them and why are they triggering them and who is funding them higher up the ladder... so when i speak in terms of mass 'influencers' i'm not just talking about the puppets on the string and who their target audiences are, i'm talking about who actually funds them and who their funder's also fund, etc... some folks use entertainment and media to influence larger audiences, sometimes just to make the audiences more stupid and distracted from reality and self-actualization and working with the god of all creation instead of against such logic, we must all find our utility and 'work with and for good', and not backwards counter-productivity... life is more efficient and brilliant when you get to know and understand and appreciate the beauty and wonder and brilliance of the god of all creation... beginning with the words and behaviors and actions and deeds and template in the words/stories of Jesus might be a good place to start if this sort of thing is new to you, his words and model are still quite relevant today as they were millennium past, remember that he spoke with parables and examples and metaphors and sometimes just straight-up... he knew how to communicate to lot's of different people, but only some people actually understand, maybe even 'many' people understand but they prefer the ease and comfort of giving into run-away ego and foolishness to be easier than a fight for good, and personal evolution... my apologies if i'm ranting and now writing very well today, i'm almost awake and too distracted to edit much more... i'm signing-off for a bit of an adventure, will check in later. -- ct
01-03-22: good morning... i just updated a few headings again, and little things here and there on this simple little website/blog... one of those things is to be crystal-clear and upfront to the reader that i have conservative leaning perspectives about many things in life... i grew-up in an environment where that was not an appreciated gift/view, so i don't advertise this website anywhere except for me blasting away on linked-in for a bit, and then a few teaser posts on facebook from time to time... and most of those networked 'connections' are left-bent liberal-minded folks, and many of them have good points and perspectives about some things, and many of them really do not like a conservative waking-up and challenging them with bold harsh audacity, and they have very thin-skin, and some seem to be even more emotional than me, so if any of my 'friends/connections/followers' from any internet hosted networking platform ends-up reading this-here, and if i hurt your feelings and reasoning, then please don't be afraid to tell me so, and please include exactly why that's the case, for future growth and development i simply need to be persuaded--i require it... all of my perspectives are not filtered properly to everything that goes-on in life, but there is an awful lot more truth written below than some might like to consider, much of it is just observations of human behavior and manipulative communication styles that bad actors exhibit and then combine that verbal-salad with their actions/behaviors of them/their political opinions and affiliations and business affiliations, this is the area where some of the most loathsome lawyers and activists are employed, and combine that with the sorts of legislation/ambition of their political affiliates happens to be, but persuasive/manipulative communication is what i base most of my political writings about, but you might already know that... truth is always my top concern, so don't be afraid to notify/persuade me when i am clearly wrong... please, i require it. -- ct

01-03-22 later:  i'm thinking about utility, and some new friends, and most of them have far more to offer me than i have for them, but nonetheless, i'm thinking of a small paper/idea that may be beneficial to some extraordinary folks... time will tell, but i'm juggling a zillion things at the moment... there is much to do and far too many people are trying to play extra-nice and sitting on their fat-asses 'hoping' that professional smart people and other people that are in positions of influence and power will solve all of the world's problems without us regular people doing our part as well... there is much work to be done... in the mean-time consider this paper that i'm thinking about...
... everyone that has the resources to purchase, and can legally do so, should consider the following firearms, a pistol, a rifle, and a shotgun... for firearm enthusiasts they are the basic requirements/trio for the three-gun competition that is quite popular, each type of firearm has it's unique and beneficial qualities and limitations as well... nine-mm is about the easiest/most common ammo to purchase in the US, i'm not sure about world-wide, it also happens to be a very versatile cartridge, in order to benefit from the highest energy cartridges availible then owning the largest size caliber handgun that you can handle/manage the counter-energy, but some of them are Really heavy too, so that's another consideration... don't let the twenty-two LR cartridge seem like a waste if that's all that you can effectively manage, you can dispatch some surprisingly large critters with a well-placed twenty-two... then there is the shotgun to consider, you could realistically dispatch nearly every sized critter that currently exists with a well placed shotgun slug, but you can also swap many barrels or the chokes to shoot various sized pellets for much smaller game, shotguns come in various sizes and dimensions/gauges to even shoot at birds/avian, rabbits, etc... some local gaming zones only allow us to shoot white-tail deer-sized animals with shotguns because high-powered rifles are capable of reaching inhabited areas based on population density, shotguns are like pistols, they can have quite a counter-reaction 'kick', so owning the largest gauge shotgun that you can reasonably manage is wise, don't dismiss the little .410 if that's all that you can really manage, you could effectively dispatch a decent sized critter with a four-ten slug at close proximity... and then there is what the atf folks classify as a long-gun, but most of us just refer to them as rifles, these wonderful machines of levers and springs and other pieces are capable of reaching the longest range targets and offer the largest amount of energy from the three-gun distinction/collection... the days of lock stock and case have been replaced by some wonderful operating systems and hardware... i'm quite fond of the A. Stoner platform, the fifteen is a wonderful little machine/tool, it's ammunition is usually easy to find in most places where you purchase ammo in the USA, you can effectively dispatch a pretty large critter with a standard 55gr bullet, most old-school hunters/snipers that demand the most precisely-placed bullets will purchase a bolt-action rifle, there are many reasons why some folks still require bolt-action rifles, but i'm still fond of a semi-auto platform such as the armalite with decent optics for greater varsatility, i can quickly change the upper receiver on an ar-platform to shoot another caliber in a matter of seconds if need-be, i can shoot squirrels and rabbits with a 22 lr upper receiver, or use the NATO preferred 5.56 for larger sized critters or deranged humans, and the 300 blk cartridge gives similar energy as the old thrity-thirties of the lever-action, the 458 socom cartridge (also another upper receiver) is similar to the old 45-70 of old, the newer 6mm arc can reach out a looong range and still offer decent energy capable of dispatching medium sized critters... so i'm quite fond of the ar-fifteen platform, and think it wise to also consider purchasing some additional upper-receivers in various calibers and lengths to expand on it's--and the user's--capabilities... i wrote a silly but informative post in the past about the flexibility of the ar-fifteen... but i'm thinking of writing something a bit more comprehensive to include some info on handguns and shotguns too ;-)... maybe that's a good idea... anyhow... i'm just thinking about utility and dual-purpose 'food producing' and 'safety' tools that are wise for everyone to own if self-preservation and being a bit more self-sustaining is concerned... on another note, i'm going on a bit of an adventure, but the weather outside is frightful... wish us well, or pray, or do whatever you do... it might be required... will check back in, in a bit -- ct

01-03-22 a bit more later:  this is probably my last post before my adventure begins, i already put it under the 'political section' but it's relevant to any reader whether they just go to the political section or end up here too... i'm going on a bit of a news and politics fast/detox so to speak, i'm approaching the new year with a better holistic 'self-improvement' approach... anyways, always trying to get better physically and spiritually mentally, and with optimum cognition and efficiency or proficiency might start with Maslow's suggestions/observations regarding physiology, and then making the smartest choices about nutritional input versus the amount of energy expenditure, don't eat a bunch if you are not burning a bunch of them calories, and then eating smart things and not a bunch of easy and convenient things--unless you live on a farm and grow and raise your own food, then good food actually is convenient to a large degree... hydration is critical for survival, if i could actually live off of drinking nothing but coffee and beer i would happily do so, but it seems that good clean water is the best for us to run optimally... anyways, i've been thinking a lot about these sorts of things lately, and then i just read something else similar that seems to be doing a much better job in making the case and adding better detail... and now i need to do more consistent exercise again if i'm going to get real with myself, i tend to overdo the exercise and pain/injury becomes my excuse to get lazy and coast for too long... do yourself a favor and try to better yourself today, next week, for the next quarter, maybe you can make small-term investments... right now one of those small term investments is taking a break from news and politics for a few days or so, a week might even be a better goal for me, but i doubt i'd make it... if the world goes to hell in the next few days will someone please call me and let me know... lastly, please enjoy this article from Epoch Times, i like most of their reporting, but that particular article is a good summary... wish me luck on my news fast, prayer is always appreciated. -- ct
01-02-22: expansion and contraction is something that i had been considering earlier this morning... think of your lungs, you breathe in and the lungs expand, you breath out and they contract... conspansion is a word that i recently learned, it encompasses both expansion and contraction (see conspanssive manifold), it's a bit like what out lungs are doing all day and all night 24/7 without putting much thought into the process... when we consider our lungs we can say that expansion is a good healthy use of our energy and the calories used to produce that energy... expand = good... but what happens when in the case of expansion = bad... well, if you need some examples of that then you might consider aggressive communist nations that want to 'expand their borders', when sociopathic governments try to expand their borders and invade other countries/nations/islands to steal/use their natural resources... yes... that might be a good example... and another good example might be rich folks that must grow their net-worth and empires and kingdoms, or maybe super/filthy rich is where expansion = bad is most notable... normal people know what they need to live realistic and healthy lives, deviant personalities think that more of their desires is always better or that expansion = good, they think that there is never too much of a 'good' or 'bad' thing, they lack properly calibrated scales which measure 'too much' versus 'not enough'... they believe that their fortunes are indicators that they deserve more and must expand, and that others that are less fortunate deserve less and must contract... there are many deviant's that follow that principle, and some of them have bank accounts and hoards of resources scattered around the world with enough for redundant considerations, they expect to loose ten-million here and there, they are the only one's who can actually afford to gamble... anyways, i don't know much at all about this particular lady, but she might see the expansion 'writing on the wall', so to speak... she might be recognize a hostile take-over when she see's one, i hope that she uses her platform/resources to educate the public, and can recognize/discern birthday candles from burning bags of k=9 feces, meaning, who is trying to manipulate what, who has the most to benefit from certain things, and the domino effect that hoarders have on the rest of society, insulated delusional hoarders are like ticks, you know, the little fvckers that bit my wife and gave her a bit of the lyme to contend with for quite a while... i've heard the term parasitic-overclass used recently, and it's spot-on... sometimes we need to slow-down, take a step back, try to control our breathing in order to regain better function and clarity and keep from spastically hyperventilating, but some folks have momentum/resources/energy in their favor, they have a strong tail-wind, and they have zero self-control and act like impulsive and spastic humans that are malfunctioning, or like forces which can be likened to man-made nuclear disasters... impulsive yet methodical amoral parasitic overclass, that's a nice new term to ring in your new year... well, breakfast is calling my name, so pardon my abrupt departure. -- ct

01-02-21 later: just some verses to consider today from james... james is an interesting book/person/story, i must read more, actually that's what i'm reading in between several other tasks, i'm sort of bouncing around between james and old king david currently, there is much to learn from the stories within the stories and in relation to what we learn about the 'character' and 'story' of God, and then maybe even what's going on in our 'current' lives... sometimes we should consider such things when we read sacred texts/scripture... anyways, so far james seems to be speaking to me in some respects... i must read more, but consider the following:
James 1:2-15... Consider it pure joy, my brothers (sister too here, right), whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. The brother/sister in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower. For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich man will fade away even while he goes about his business. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
... give credit where credit is due, so most of that is from the NIV with my own paraphrase... so, anyways, i'm bouncing around between david's writings and this james fella lately... where/how is god speaking to you these days, and possibly working in your life right about now?   sometimes that's a good question for consideration, as it is exceedingly relevant, sometimes, many times, most times. -- ct

01-02-22 more later:  so little david killed the goliath giant with a mere strip of cloth and a rock... did that really happen in history (cool) and what else does that particular story in time speak to us today... that's how we read/consider sacred texts and scripture--and any publication/idea for that matter, there are always more stories nestled within the stories, within the various stories, etc... what does the concept of killing an enormous and inconceivable enemy, maybe our egos, maybe a metaphorical giant, maybe even a frickin' literal giant, who know's, but giants, and obstacles, and tyrants, and even impulsive actions/behaviors are things which most of us have to overcome at some points, many points, maybe even 'several' points in our lives... how we perceive, react, and overcome are another part of the story, but adaptation theory suggests that it's wise to consider such things... just something else to juggle around the old noggin.  --  ct
01-01-22: hmm... for some reason i thought 2022 would 'feel' different, that it would feel 'new', but so far it's exactly like yesterday, just different :-) ... a night's sleep later and the changing of the calendar routine is in order, as well as the morning coffee routine... hmm... so this is 2022... there is so much work to be done this year, pardon me while i roll my sleeve's up and get started... but first, my wish for the reader is to embrace 2022 for all the good that it has to offer, not be distracted or enticed by evil, and to actualize our potential... no matter how old we are or feel there is plenty more utility and potential and resources under the hood, so to speak... i pray that the reader (and i) would seek God's will in allocating the energy that we have to be useful to both God and fellow man/woman, and to operate as close to our A-game as possible this 'new year'... a year is just a label of a chunk of time... time is a strange and funny thing... some of us are stuck in time, stuck in neutral, not coming close to realizing and using our current gifts and utility and resources... some of us beg for every last second of air/time as possible as anxiety fills the dying soul... some of us are also stuck in time, we are stuck in routines and rituals and habits that prevent us from moving forward in time, we are distracted and stuck in 'park' by 'screen time' and the hypnotic effect of ingesting information and habit-forming and mind-controlling apps and games and entertainment... all distractions which prevent us from actualizing our utility and potential... may 2022 be a break-through year for us all, and for all of humanity and for the God who requires our full consideration and attention... or, as scripture would say, to cast off those things which yoke us and easily beseech us... that's my wish for the reader, and i alike for this year ahead... let's roll our sleeves up and get to work... whaddaya say. -- ct

01-01-21 later: so now there is a concept/theory that is new to me, at least a good chunk of it will be, it seems to touch on some subjects that are sore to some of my more religiousy friends, Darwinian evolution, at least many of his various observations and theories that actually benefited mankind, he had many to offer humanity, and some that seemed to be a bit distracting in a sense--there does seem to be a bit of 'chicken or the egg' issue with some of his opinions...but fight for survival, or survival of the fittest... pardon my ignorance, i'm crudely paraphrasing from my poor memory... but i would offer that 'fighting for survival' and the 'survival of the fittest' in itself is partly/just learning to adjust to an evolving environment, learning to understand essentials/necessities and how nature produces them, also learning what you are good at, what you're not so good at, learning 'utility', keeping awareness of our own SWOT analysis throughout life, our own strengths weaknesses and what opportunities and threats life will show you along the way, when you have a bit of that perspective, and then possibly learning to always improve upon our strengths and weaknesses is survival of the fittest in many respects, and keeping a strong moral and realistic conviction and opinions certainly seems necessary for the long and short-term survivalist... anyways, i need to read a bit more on the the concept of 'adaptation theory', it certainly seems like some brilliant insight... i would encourage the reader to do their own research on the matter, and when we consider our emotions and actions and thoughts, and some form or exhibition of grief then maybe consider that we are grieving, well maybe we are not 'evolving' or fully evolved, or maybe 'overcome and adapted' is a good phrase, sometimes physiological requirements are misaligned too, there are always cognition considerations for sure, and there is always meta-cognition, the God factor, coming to grips with the reality of god and how immersed we are within his universe, and what thoughts and actions and behaviors are expected by such a god is always essential for long-term survival, and certainly is very helpful for immediate survival considerations as well, 'teleology' seems to be a wise consideration... but i don't know how difficult it is really is to survive and navigate both short-term and long-term survival, but for me it helps to shorten it down to a few of the concepts that i just mentioned... learning more sustainability/sufficiency for producing physiological necessities, as well as utility is the task at hand, and adjusting/calibrating the moral compass is certainly an issue, it might even keep us all on the 'straight and narrow'... isn't it written to 'enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it... anyways... both current and long term survival should always be a consideration for the reader and i alike... and see, Darwin was pretty brilliant in may respects now, i wish i hadn't shunned the opportunity to learn a bit more about some of his observations when i tried college for a bit.  --  ct

01-01-22 more later:  i had a great and insightful and appreciative conversation with some total strangers just a short while ago... there is much to learn from community... God put's all kinds of people in our paths, i'm really very thankful for many of them... anyways, there is so much work to do over this next year, and so much to learn.  --  ct

01-01-21 a bit more later: so there is this thing that certain people are inclined to do... and i fvcking hate it... and you might think that those are pretty nasty words, but when you understand what it is that i'm speaking about you might think similarly, or find harsher words of your own perhaps... but i'm simply going to call it screwing with your head, hacking vulnerabilities/dispositions, there are lot's of terms that you could use to describe/term, but normal people just like to appreciate others, and then there are other folks, folks that do not fall under the 'normal people' label, and they choose to consider other folks Not as equals to appreciate, in fact they find ways to to manipulate and exploit good-natured folks and folks with certain dispositions and genetic or perceptive/cognitive vulnerabilities, they take their knowledge/things that they understand--and use their knowledge to victimize others, i recently used the terms skull-fvcking or brain-raping... and i hate it, ifd you know me and my typical vocabulary you would know that i don't like to use such language, but when things stir-up enough passion and conviction then get the fvck out of my way for a bloody minute and listen please... so some folks are smart and perceptive, but 'too smart for their own good' is a term that comes to mind, you could mix that term with another term that we might be familiar with 'it's not what you have, but how you use it' sort of a term... there are many ways that scumbag-assholes use their brains/knowledge/smarts for terrible uses of their potential, a 'waste of potential' is another good term to consider for this post... when i consider many of the reasons as to the question of my emotional/ego readjustment that occurred last year there are a zillion different variables to consider, but one of them intentional triggering, i don't know what the real term is really, but it's been a topic that comes up from time to time, when we watch a movie for entertainment value you probably expect to get some audio visual stimulation, along with a meaningful story that you hope to appreciate and want to tell others about... maybe, or maybe you walk away with a bit of a headache from the whole spectacle, or feel cheated out of your fifteen bucks, or feel a bit confused, or a bit over-emotional in some way... sometimes we are good movie critics, and sometimes we don't pick-up on the bad actors or the crappy producers or the screen-writer that tried too hard... sometimes we get what we expect from entertainment, and other times we get more than we bargained for... the same goes for politics, sometimes we end-up seeing through the empty promises and deceitful acting conducted by 'evil-o-paths', and sometimes we don't... well, look, i'm not a professional anything, so as always, take this post with a grain of salt, but there is a bunch of baby in the bathwater, and i'll be expanding on the subject more in the near future, some folks already know that i've been writing a bit on the subject already/recently, but i haven't understood enough about the subject still, and far too many people are still falling for phoney-baloney poor acting and folks that are trying to do much more harm than good... but many professional smart people use their smarts for no good, only the illusion of good, and that sort of thing really bugs the crap out of me, i could kick somebody's teeth in sort of anger... so like i said, i need to understand more, and will try to equip the reader... but audio-visual stimulation is more perfected and exploited than most folks would consider, and so is controlled communication, and so is understanding and exploiting/victimizing the human condition/nature and typical behavior... and that sort of thing really bugs the crap out of me, so i must learn and write, because it's what we do to help the next generation... anyways, happy new year, i hope it started well for you too...
... BTW, there is a mouse running around within the wall cavity of the living room... life would be easier for me if we were legally OK to shoot high-powered rifles in close proximity to other dwellings, that critter would be seeing a bad one about now... the landlady wouldn't appreciate it either i suppose, but we got a bunch of the critters in the house this fall and i'm actively hunting them now, just not with firearms... the critters are cute and all but they crap and pee all over the place, and carry other pestilences with them, sorry critters, you are much cuter outside than you are in the house.  --  ct

01-01-22 a bit more later than before:  you see, this is part of my problem, it's well past dark-thirty and i know that i ought to be in bed, but the mind is still active, but i should be trying to sleep... so the thought had occurred to me that CML's big paper from 2002 was so difficult because it felt like you were reading an encyclopedia of some sorts, ton's of new information about new subject matter in quite a hurry, and with new subject matter there comes new words/vocabulary to learn... i am not going to look at that paper again until i have read some of the smaller more topic-focused articles from Cosmos and Science ... all of his works seem to inform lot's of smart folks the kinds of things that very smart people will undertstand, and he give them some useful information
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